Give LoyalLeon the whole bottle bartender! I'll have what he is drinking! Make it a double!
I am buying a round for all the members!
Tweety Bird!
2024-06-june-s-147-english- announcements and reminders.. let me know if you need it in a different language and i'll.
i'll take a supreme pizza with all the extras!.
Give LoyalLeon the whole bottle bartender! I'll have what he is drinking! Make it a double!
I am buying a round for all the members!
2024-06-june-s-147-english- announcements and reminders.. let me know if you need it in a different language and i'll.
i'll take a supreme pizza with all the extras!.
2024-06-June-S-147-English- Announcements And Reminders.
2024-declare-the-good-news-convention-transcript.. 387 pages long, bookmarked and searchable.. . .
does anyone have access to available pre-recordings from the 2024 regional convention?.
Slidin Fast:
Sticky Bun with hot coffee? Oh boy! Now we are talking!
Some of those speakers in those videos sound like they are bored to death with all the crap they are delivering. But the hot coffee with help us to forget all of that.
Three cheers for Slidin Fast!
does anyone have access to available pre-recordings from the 2024 regional convention?.
I don't have the slightest idea what they are using the Lapel Badges for.
We don't have it in Russian yet.
does anyone have access to available pre-recordings from the 2024 regional convention?.
This might be the one you are looking for. If anyone has a Lapel Badge Card for that convention, please give us a download link because a member here is looking for a copy of one.
2024 Declare The Good News Convention.
2024-05-may-jw-broadcasting transcript.. some of the folks here ask me to keep posting these, because they might be able to get a quote or two to help a loved one out of that hell-hole of a prison.. . .
I ran the English one through a translator and all of them came back looking perfect. You would have to double check for any errors, but for the most par I was quite impressed.
The Transcript is now in:
Let me know if you need it in a different language and I'll see if we can get it for you.
Cookie thief!
2024-05-may-jw-broadcasting transcript.. some of the folks here ask me to keep posting these, because they might be able to get a quote or two to help a loved one out of that hell-hole of a prison.. . .
I could probably run the English copy through a translator, but you never know what you are going to get when you use one of those translators. Sometimes the copy you get comes out perfect, and other times your copy will look like a tossed salad.
Always welcome!
recently a gilead graduate from a latin american country told me that the gilead school now trains branch committee members rather than missionaries because there are centrifugal forces there... this made me remember a paragraph from a watchtower from years ago which i hang below.
in confirmation of this, i have learned, in the few contacts that i have, that in athens there is a problem in the committee and they sent the coordinator of another branch.
very recently, 2 members of the ecuador branch committee left and one left the organization and is an "apostate"..even though he graduated from gilead 8 months ago.. something is happening.... here's the paragraph that turned a red light on when i read it.... watchtower 11/2016 page 11. do we follow the instructions?11.
2024-05-may-jw-broadcasting transcript.. some of the folks here ask me to keep posting these, because they might be able to get a quote or two to help a loved one out of that hell-hole of a prison.. . .
Always welcome!
Here is that Mystery Doctrine file if anybody wants it. It's 144 pages long.