very creepy. will scientists use moths for experiements now too? (as in using monkeys, 'cause they so closely resemble humans)
JoinedPosts by chrissee
What do you make of this picture?
by heart2heart inmum took this picture in the summer (she loves to photograph flowers, mushrooms and insects) and this one really shocked us - look at the head of the moth!
to us it looks like a little human head!
very strange.
Would Your "Spirit-Directed Conscience"Have Made You Walk Out Of A Movie?
by Englishman inthis was a fairly frequent occurence amongst the brothers and sisters in my young dubby days.
i was heaved out of the cinema on more than one occasion, generally by my mother who reckoned some things were just too much for my innocent young eyes and ears.
i only half saw:.
I remember going with a group of teen witnesses to see "Legend" it had a young Tom Cruise in it. Five minutes into the movie others decided to walk out because of the demon in the movie. I wanted to stay, to see Tom, but went along with the group. We ended up getting the manager at the theater to change our tickets to the other movie. Can't remember what the other movie was, I think a G-rated one for little kids.
Other than that I remember my dad wanting to see 'Ghostbusters' and rented it and watched it alone (this was before he studied) and my mom just about freaked out and tried to talk him out of it. He let us kids watch it too and I thought it was hilarious!
Back in October my mom told me she went to see that new movie with Richard Gere & Jennifer Lopez, I think it was "Shall we Dance?" She said it was soooo good. I almost said to her, 'isn't that about a guy who was having trouble in his marriage and wanted to 'hook up' with the dance instructer.' Almost like he wanted to begin an affair with her, while still married. I guess that movie was okay for her because she likes Richard Gere!!
Do you have to respond?
by JustTickledPink ini continually battle with my emotional feelings as the daughter of a devout jw and my beliefs as a reasonable educated individual.. problems arise when my mother makes some sort of contact with me via email and always has to put in some dig such as "since you have turned your back on jehovah's people" and then i get furious because if god does have people on earth i am sure the red cross volunteers would be on the list, not the jws i know.
the statements she makes always irritate me and i sometimes choose to defend my beliefs, my morality, my truth vs her truth.
i spend time writing not only factful but sometimes emotional charged testimony about what it means to be godly.. once i make my point it opens up a can of worms and i get bombarded with emails or magazines from her trying to make her point.
why georgia,
I ask my girls what they talk about. So far I don't think she talks much about the 'truth' to them. When in Florida I told my girls they could go to the hall if they wanted. (I think that was just to save face with my folks.) My girls who are 10 & 11 chose to stay with me. Of course, we were doing other things, I mean, it was our vacation!
I just try to 'not rock the boat'. I let her do most of the talking on religion and I find myself chaning the subject.
Do you have to respond?
by JustTickledPink ini continually battle with my emotional feelings as the daughter of a devout jw and my beliefs as a reasonable educated individual.. problems arise when my mother makes some sort of contact with me via email and always has to put in some dig such as "since you have turned your back on jehovah's people" and then i get furious because if god does have people on earth i am sure the red cross volunteers would be on the list, not the jws i know.
the statements she makes always irritate me and i sometimes choose to defend my beliefs, my morality, my truth vs her truth.
i spend time writing not only factful but sometimes emotional charged testimony about what it means to be godly.. once i make my point it opens up a can of worms and i get bombarded with emails or magazines from her trying to make her point.
I continually battle with my emotional feelings as the daughter of a devout JW and my beliefs as a reasonable educated individual
I feel that way too. On my trip to Florida to visit my folks I was tied up in knots on what would happen. I arrived on a Sunday and said nothing of not going to the meetings until nearly Wednesday. (they didn't go to tuesdays study, my dad had a dr's appt.) I told my mom first and got the typical response "I guess you'll take those beautiful girls of yours to Armaggeddon" I said, "that's one of the reasons" She said, "oh you don't believe in it?" But what I really meant was the instant guilt trip I received, a hateful response instead of anything loving. I guess she thought she was trying to bug my conscience. My dad came to me that same evening and said, "your mom tells me you aren't going to the meetings with us? Why?" I said "I can't go into details, because mom said you wouldn't talk to me or the girls anymore." Which she said several months earlier when I talked to her about DA-ing myself.
There have been many times over the years when I walk away from the argument because it's pointless and senseless and I really shouldn't expend precious energy hitting my head against a brick wall. Then I don't hear from her for months on end, then one day I out of blue she reaches out again.
I find myself doing the same just so we don't have to argue, to the point of tears in most cases. Then she doesn't talk to me for a few months. But she still calls & talks with my girls.
I just try to take it one day at a time. My dad's an elder & my mom was a pioneer for many years although she doesn't pioneer much anymore due to poor health.
C'mon were going to be late!!
by Released in......for field service........ .
ahhhhh......the memories.
nothing like facing regecton early on a satirday morn
i remember a brother in field service having to go to the door alone, since the group wasn't even. he grabbed the air, as if holding someones hand and said, "i'll take one of Jehovah's angels with me to the door." and he walked off. I thought, what a weirdo!
my mother pioneered for many years and when my dad retired he did some pioneering too. I used to get the lecture that so-and-so works and is single just like you, and she pioneers. And of course when I married I got the same lecture.
im curious where is everyone from?
by brokenfairy in.
i am originally from the fort worth/grand prairie area....just curious as to where others have come from?
Originally from Central New Jersey, now live in the Poconos of Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania Elder arrested. Has anyone else heard about this?
by DevonMcBride ina friend of mine just told me he heard on the allentown radio station that an erickson, who had been an elder at one time in quakertown kh, was arrested for pediophile.
have you heard anything about this?
my friend knew him when they attended the hall
i live about an hour from allentown and have not heard any mention of this on local news or radio.
My daughter has a brain tumor :(
by outnfree ini am so terrified!.
#2 daughter came home from college on 12/18 with a violent headache, nausea, neck pain and great fatigue.
we took her to the dr. on the 20 and again on the 21st as she had kept nothing down for 3 days.
((((brenda & lena))))
thoughts & prayers to you all...
"does our travelers insurance cover this??"
Dell Computers
by unbeliever in.
i am leaning toward buying a dell notebook.
who uses dell, and if so are you happy with them?.
my husband is a computer geek and loves to disassemble & reassemble computers. He bought me a Dell about 2 years ago and I love it ( I don't allow him to take apart this one) but he did pick the components he wanted in it for me. Also he bought a Dell laptop about 8 months ago and he loves being able to surf the internet in the comfort of his favorite chair. I definitely recommend the Dell systems.