It's not hard to understand, It plainly says "If a prophet speaks in my name and what he says does not come true,I did not send him." The Society has said "The creator prmises" and that is speaking in God's name They also have prophesied in Jesus' name.[May1,1982 Watchtower says"Jesus assures us the 1914 generation will not pass away."] At Matthew 7:22 Jesus said"Many will say to me in that day,Lord,Lord have we not prophesied in your name, yet I will confess to them:I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness." As to how these scriptures apply, they apply to the Watchtower Society. They have given so many dates as to the end of the world and none have came true.You have to continue to believe what ever they print weather it is true or not. They are a cult and is being run by Apostates.
JoinedPosts by Alwayshere
Open Discussion - The End Times according to bible prophecy
by Brownboy inbible truths revealed:.
the end times.
those that seek an understanding of the scripture will be assisted according to that which is written in the bible.
Open Discussion - The End Times according to bible prophecy
by Brownboy inbible truths revealed:.
the end times.
those that seek an understanding of the scripture will be assisted according to that which is written in the bible.
According to God's Word at Deuteronomy18:20-22 false prophet has only 1 meaning. If you have a problem with that, argue with God.
Open Discussion - The End Times according to bible prophecy
by Brownboy inbible truths revealed:.
the end times.
those that seek an understanding of the scripture will be assisted according to that which is written in the bible.
Brownboy, How do you feel about belonging to an Organization that falsely prophesied in God's name?They said "The Creator promises a peacefull and secure new world BEFORE the generation that saw events of 1914 passes away." Deuteronomy18:20-22 and the Society's Watchtower of Feb.1,1956 page 88-89 both say" false prophets who prophesied lies in God's name are put to death." That same Watchtower says "Liars like them will meet an end at Armageddon." The lie they prophesied is on the inside cover of the Awake mag.from 1988 -1995. Waiting for your reply.
I need three good questions!
by Dansk in.
if it were possible to get a jw to actually listen to us, which three good questions do you reckon might get him/her to sit down and think?
Undercover, I actually got to ask two Elders to show me from the Bible, how they got 607. One of them reached in his briefcase and pulled out the "Reasoning Book" and said "well it says here" and thats as far as he got because I told him I knew what the Reasoning book says but show me from the Bible.He just said "When you joined this organization you agreed to obey the Society's teaching and rambled on and got on another subject about the "Last days".They left and my Daughter comes over the next day and says"I knew yuo woulndn't listen". I told her to ask them to prove from the Bible 607 and they couldn't do it. Then she says"They said you didnn't give them a chance".I tried to tell her they lied but she believed them over me.Her own mother who has never lied to her.
APOSTATES SLOGAN------------------
by vitty in.
-----------someone was going to an assembly to picket, and asked you to write an slogan which would really make a witness think or question what would you write?
Have a Good Friday
by Brownboy ina good lesson for all:.
learn to put away all badness of this old world, and make the necessary changes to prepare for the kingdom of god.
pay back caesar's things to caesar, but god's things to god, especially god, because he owns all things, and will ask for an accounting from everyone.
Brownboy, Learn to do your own thinking and not what you are told to believe.The Society says Josiah ruled from 659 down to 629 Then they say Jehoiakim started ruling . They also say the Battle of Carchemish was in 625. now read 2Chronicles35:20. It says Ne'cho,King of Egypt came up to fight at Carchemish and Josiah went out to meet him.How could Josiah go out to meet him in 625 if he died 4 years eariler? None of these dates are correct but the Society can't change the date 629 for Jehoiakim because that is how they get 607 for the desolation of Jerusalem.Which is another incorrect date. Check History out and do research on Carchemish,Jehoiakim and Josiah.Society discourages research that is done in anything but their publications and it's plain to see why.Your not allowed to do your own thinking. They think and you do.
by jt stumbler inok. i'm almost finished with c.c.
really good published evidence against the gb.
i don't think i will become an atheist as many have but where do i go now.
Maybesbabies, You and I believe alike when it comes to what Jesus said. At Matthew 19:16-17 when a man ask Jesus what he needs to do to get life,Jesus said "If you want to enter life, observe the commandments continually". We know what the commandments are and the two greatest Jesus said were to love God and your neighbor as yourself. So when we see someone in need and we have the means to help them we are obligated to do so.1Corinthians13:13 says "there remain faith,hope and love,these three,but the greatest of these is love".It's not always easy to do this, [for me] because I still have a lot of hate for the Watchtower organization but I don't hate the people trapped in it. Well this is how I feel for now.
Say Something Jehovah's Witnessy........
by minimus ini know there's no such word as "witnessy" but this can be a fun thread.
"Always learning but never coming to an accurate knowledge of the truth." They used that enough and it fits them perfect.
Im and active JW struggling with doubts plz read my post in the priv area
by PaNiCAtTaCk inhello plz see my post in the private area.
Newlight do you know where the active JW priv area is? And also if the active JW can use this post it would help,if she is sincere.
Merry Christmas from us
by Mulan in.
i sent a ton of cards this year, and still ran out.
so, for those whose addresses i didn't have, here is our card..
I don't even know you but you look so happy and I wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.