Your full of it, Brownboy
JoinedPosts by Alwayshere
Open Discussion - The End Times according to bible prophecy
by Brownboy inbible truths revealed:.
the end times.
those that seek an understanding of the scripture will be assisted according to that which is written in the bible.
Help! Bible Questions -- A Few More
by ESTEE ini'm writng more today ... and here are a few more questions ... .
11. where does it say in the bible there is no clergy/laity distinction and no paid ministry class - that they and everyone in the group is equal?.
12. where do elders get the idea that they have been given their special position of authority from god?.
ESTEE, You have plenty of answers already to your questions but looked up some scriptures so will go ahead and show what I found. Question11: Jesus said at Matthew 23:8 "All are brothers." He also said at Matthew 10:8 "You received free-give free" I think Jesus was talking about the "free gift" of healing others because of what Acts 8:14-18 says. Question 12: The answer I give here is "from the WT Society. Question 13:The Bible does not discourage questioning the groups teaching. In fact Acts 17:11 encourages you to" examine the scriptures daily to see if the things you are being taught is the truth.WT Society does not want you to do this and if you do, you are in trouble. Question 14: 2Thessalonians: 3: 14-15 Paul said "Have no company with him that does not obey our word, yet do not count him as an enemy but admonish him as a brother. and Jesus said at Luke 6:27 "Love your enimies." The Bible does not promote shunning but the WT Society teaches you to hate your family and view them as dead if they disagree. Question 15: Luke 9:62.
JW definition of disassociating yourself?
by wordlywife incan someone help me to understand what it would mean to a loyal witnes to diassociate yourself, and to the org?
having seen what happened during my husband's df, and his subsequentreinstatement, what would it mean to da yourself?
would you be treated the same as being df?
JGNAT, You are right as to the "fade out"but I just can't DA and not see my grandkids or ever say hi to them. It's a shame that Organization can get away with their rules.I get to spend all day with my grandkids and when they get grown they will be close to me. So I think it is worth fading out. I don't care if I am not invited to their gatherings or if other JWs speak to me.There is always the chance that someday my Daughter will think of what I have already told her or maybe the Organization will predict another end to the world and it may open her eyes.I guess we all have different views as to what we should do but at least we are out.
JW definition of disassociating yourself?
by wordlywife incan someone help me to understand what it would mean to a loyal witnes to diassociate yourself, and to the org?
having seen what happened during my husband's df, and his subsequentreinstatement, what would it mean to da yourself?
would you be treated the same as being df?
If you DA yourself you are treated the same as a DF person. To fade out is best. Your family will still speak this way.
Who cares if the JWs are right?
by new light inthis is by no means an original idea, but even if the jws have been right all along, i don't care.
if pleasing god means not knowing what to think or feel without checking with headquarters first, then i don't need him.
who would want to be caught up in an eternal nightmare where the entire population was a braindead mass of clean-cut yes men?
Good for you Walter, I feel the same way.
Jehovahs protection during disasters - need WT article
by Bonnie_Clyde inafter reading the posts about the witnesses who attended the kingdom hall on the east side of the island in sri lanka and were not affected by the tsunami, and the story about the two brothers who were in service up in the mountains instead of sunbathing and they were spared, made me think of a couple of articles i read in the wt several years ago.
one was about a tornado in elkhart, indiana.
it may have been the palm sunday tornado of 1964. the witnesses who attended the meeting were safe, but some who did not attend were killed.
No one is protected during disasters. The Bible says "Unforeseen occurrences befall all" [Ecclesiastes 9:11 The Bible also says "God is not partial." [Acts 10:34] Some are just in the wrong place at the wrong time.The Watchtower Society is a cult. Hope none of you are in it. I waisted most of my life in it and trying to get my kids out without being DF.They barely speak now because I quit going but thats better than nothing.Hoping someday something I have said or the Society will make another prediction about the end of the world one and that wakes them up.
Who cares if the JWs are right?
by new light inthis is by no means an original idea, but even if the jws have been right all along, i don't care.
if pleasing god means not knowing what to think or feel without checking with headquarters first, then i don't need him.
who would want to be caught up in an eternal nightmare where the entire population was a braindead mass of clean-cut yes men?
I certainly agree with you Jez on "Why let Satan out to start over again." I had never thought of it that way.I know the Bible says he will be let loose for a little while and I do still believe in the Bible so I am going to do some studing on that even tho I don't think I"ll figure it out but I can't believe a loving God would kill someone for that. All of us who have been in that religion know it is a cult.
Open Discussion - The End Times according to bible prophecy
by Brownboy inbible truths revealed:.
the end times.
those that seek an understanding of the scripture will be assisted according to that which is written in the bible.
Brownboy, I don't know what crazy religion you belong to but I know it is not the Watchtower Society because of the things you are saying. I was in that cult for 33 years before I woke up.You do sound as stupid as the Society tho. I can't believe you are silly enough to think anyone believes anything you are saying. Most of us put our faith in what the Bible says not what some man says.The damage the Society has done to families is awful but God says"Revenge is mine, I will repay." Thats the day I'm waiting for. And probably others are too.
Open Discussion - The End Times according to bible prophecy
by Brownboy inbible truths revealed:.
the end times.
those that seek an understanding of the scripture will be assisted according to that which is written in the bible.
Brownboy, You are so right so many in that Organization are still being misled. To tell you the truth, you don't even sound like a JW but you are about as ignorant.
Open Discussion - The End Times according to bible prophecy
by Brownboy inbible truths revealed:.
the end times.
those that seek an understanding of the scripture will be assisted according to that which is written in the bible.
Brownboy, all those scriptures have been fullfilled upon the first century christains.Even the Watchtower of Jan.15,1970 page 43 states" All of Matthew 24 was fullfilled upon Jerusalem in 70CE" And Jesus never said the Prophecy had a greater fullfillment.That is what the Watchtower said.Where did they read it at in the Bible if it has a greater fullfillment?They never read it anywhere.They are saying what the Bible does not say and you know what the Bible says about adding to God's Word. If you don't know what it says, read Rev.22:18-Deut.4:2 and Prov.30:6.Any sincere person can see they are a cult! Goodnight Brownboy.