AnnOMaly, Yes Neb's 1st year was 605 and 605-539= 66. and 43years 2years,4years and 17years=66years. Also 605- 66=539.
607 is easy to prove wrong.
if this has been covered before i apologise in advance.
using only the bible and a bit of common sense.. ok, here goes:.
do the "seventy years" count from jerusalems destruction or not?
AnnOMaly, Yes Neb's 1st year was 605 and 605-539= 66. and 43years 2years,4years and 17years=66years. Also 605- 66=539.
607 is easy to prove wrong.
if this has been covered before i apologise in advance.
using only the bible and a bit of common sense.. ok, here goes:.
do the "seventy years" count from jerusalems destruction or not?
So when was King Neb. 1st year to rule?
if this has been covered before i apologise in advance.
using only the bible and a bit of common sense.. ok, here goes:.
do the "seventy years" count from jerusalems destruction or not?
The Insight Book vol.1 page 458 2nd paragraph says,
you can count forward or backward from a pivotal point and
goes on to say 539 is a pivotal point. So use 539 and
count up with the years you used 17,35,4,2,43, and 21.
How do you get 646?
if this has been covered before i apologise in advance.
using only the bible and a bit of common sense.. ok, here goes:.
do the "seventy years" count from jerusalems destruction or not?
Thats the trouble with the Watchtower, they always "assume"
instead of proving what they say.
if this has been covered before i apologise in advance.
using only the bible and a bit of common sense.. ok, here goes:.
do the "seventy years" count from jerusalems destruction or not?
TD, use 539 and count forward with 17,35,4,2, 43, and 21.
How do you get 646?
if this has been covered before i apologise in advance.
using only the bible and a bit of common sense.. ok, here goes:.
do the "seventy years" count from jerusalems destruction or not?
djeggnog, you say Nabopolassar begin to rule as King of Babylon in 646
but the Vol. 1 of the Insight Book on page 144, the right side, last paragraph,
says his rule begin in 625. Vol. 2 of the Insight, page 332, 2nd paragraph,
they quote Jer.25:11-12, then in the 4th paragraph, they say God is wrong, Babylon fell
BEFORE the 70 years of the exile. It's all who you want to believe, God or man.
646-539=107 625-539=86. I don't believe Babylon had world power 107years or 86 years.
if this has been covered before i apologise in advance.
using only the bible and a bit of common sense.. ok, here goes:.
do the "seventy years" count from jerusalems destruction or not?
djeggnog said "Nabopolassar begin to rule as King of Babylon in 646, died in 625, which year
became his son's (Neb.) accession year, so the following year(624) would be his 1st year.
History says 6o6 was Neb. accession so that would make 605 his 1st year.
The Bible at 2Kings 25:8 "the 19th year of King Neb. was when Jerusalem was desolated."
624-18=606. 605-18=587.
if this has been covered before i apologise in advance.
using only the bible and a bit of common sense.. ok, here goes:.
do the "seventy years" count from jerusalems destruction or not?
The best way to prove to a JW they are wrong on 607 is
to use Zechariah chapter 7, verses 1-5. It plainly says in
the Fourth year of King Darius (518) some were wanting to
know if they should continue weeping in the 5th and 7th
and ask how many years they had been doing this and
the answer was 70 years. Their own Bible shows they were weeping
because King Neb. had burned the Temple and killed the man, King Neb.
made Governor. Now if you start with when they say Jerusalem
was desolated, 607as 1 year down to 518 =90 years. now use 587 as 1 year and down to 518 =70 years.
it was a beautiful, sunny day.
i was in the supermarket doing an early morning shop when i see an old friend of the family, a jw sister.. she asked me if i'd gone to the memorial and i told her no.
she said that the end is so close what with all the earthquakes and brother truthseeker, you need to come back to jehovah otherwise you will die and so will your children.
Terra Incognita, I like your suggestion. They (elders) called me last week and said
they were having a meeting and it would be in my best intrest if I was there.
I told them, I would not be there. They called yesterday and said the descison
was to DF me but they would like to see me come back. I told them I would
never go back because I knew too much.
couple of things i found kind of interesting.
on the front it has the wording "qualify to live in the paradise" or something to that effect.
just another weird thing that jws teach, having to "qualify" for the paradise, based on your works of course.. the back has the image of daniel with the world powers on it, the bottom has a circle with a "?
Who were the World Powers on the back? Just curious if it has "Britain and America"
has the 7th World power, which they say make up the "League of Nations."
And that is a lie, America was never a member of the "League of Nations."