Scholar, I knew you wouldn't go to page one because when you JWs are in corner you run.
JoinedPosts by Alwayshere
Daniel's Prophecy, 605 BCE or 624 BCE?
by Little Bo Peep inhello all, i've been reading your site for a couple of years now, and have found, for the most part, it to be very helpful.
i must say, at first i was very "scared" at what i might find, but contrary to what i grew up learning, there is a "wealth" of information outside of the watchtower organization.
i haven't attended meetings for about two years now, and like many i've read about, have spent many hours researching, telling myself "i'm not wrong for searching", and doing more research.
by gdt ina challenge for any who wish to use their youngs or strongs analytical concordances, and just listen to the bible as to the creator's personage.. names @ titles of: the father the son the holy spirit.
descriptive name given yhwh jesus no name, pneuma/ruahh/ wind.
king of kings yes yes no.
you DO NOT have to belong to or believe any specific movement to be saved
I feel the same way Will Power, There is not a religious organization on earth that has the truth. It's all about money. Jesus tells us the two greatest commandments at Matthew 22 :37-39. Love God and treat others like we want to be treated.We can do this without belonging to an organization.
Daniel's Prophecy, 605 BCE or 624 BCE?
by Little Bo Peep inhello all, i've been reading your site for a couple of years now, and have found, for the most part, it to be very helpful.
i must say, at first i was very "scared" at what i might find, but contrary to what i grew up learning, there is a "wealth" of information outside of the watchtower organization.
i haven't attended meetings for about two years now, and like many i've read about, have spent many hours researching, telling myself "i'm not wrong for searching", and doing more research.
Leolaia, Scholar is full of chit like the organization.
Does the wt literature support lying?
by Check_Your_Premises in.
just a quick question.
i have heard it alluded to before that jw's think it is ok to omit, or to feign ignorance, or even lie when "theocratic warfare" is at stake.. if so, can you give citations of examples where they condone giving less than "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth".
It must because thats all thats in it!
Simple ignorance
by hillbillygal inok, i have browsed through the jw sites & guess i am missing it, what is the big controversy about jw?
i simply do not know, i have heard it called a "cult" and understood that they did not believe that christ is our savior.
i know they are an organized religion, not a "cult" i just haven't ever learned enough to know.
Hillbillygal, They are a cult and you don't want to get involved! All you have to do is read older issues of their publications and you will see they say one thing is wrong and later get a"new light" and say it's ok. An example is voting, which they say you are not supposed to do but in a Watchtower 2001 under questions from readers, they say if you see someone voting, it ia ok but then after that they say it is wrong to vote. Don't know for sure what watchtower it was but think it's Feb. 1 or 15. They have prophesied in God's name which they themself say: "In Jeremiah's day false prophets prophesied in Jehovah's name, fortelling in his name what he had not foretold. Religious liars like them can not escape but will meet an end at Armageddon."That is in Watchtower 1956 Feb.1. Look now in any awake, on the inside cover of Awake Mag. from March 1988- Oct. 1995 [7 years] they say "The creator PROMISES the new world will be here BEFORE the generation of 1914 passes away." If God had promised that, it would have came true. They done what they said the false prophets in Jeremiah's day did. Revelation 2 2 :15 says "all liars and those liking a lie will be destroyed."The 1914 isn't the only time they said the world would end but 1918, 1925, 1975 and if you keep reading on this post you will find a lot more on that organization. There are sincere people in there[including my kids] but when you disagree they label you an Apostate so no one, including your family will not speak to you.They tell them God will kill everyone NOT in that organization.
Daniel's Prophecy, 605 BCE or 624 BCE?
by Little Bo Peep inhello all, i've been reading your site for a couple of years now, and have found, for the most part, it to be very helpful.
i must say, at first i was very "scared" at what i might find, but contrary to what i grew up learning, there is a "wealth" of information outside of the watchtower organization.
i haven't attended meetings for about two years now, and like many i've read about, have spent many hours researching, telling myself "i'm not wrong for searching", and doing more research.
Scholar, Go to page one of this topic and see if that is simple enough for you. I think what I wrote is very simple for those who want the truth.
Daniel's Prophecy, 605 BCE or 624 BCE?
by Little Bo Peep inhello all, i've been reading your site for a couple of years now, and have found, for the most part, it to be very helpful.
i must say, at first i was very "scared" at what i might find, but contrary to what i grew up learning, there is a "wealth" of information outside of the watchtower organization.
i haven't attended meetings for about two years now, and like many i've read about, have spent many hours researching, telling myself "i'm not wrong for searching", and doing more research.
the Bible along with secular evidence gives us a pivotal date
Scholar, A pivotal date is 539, something Society agrees with history on. Society also agrees with history on the length of years that the last four Kings of Babylon ruled.Nebuchadnezzar-43, Evil-Merodach-2years, Neriglissar-4 and Nabonidus-17.Count backwards from 539 to17 years=556, add 4=560 add 2= 562 add 43= 605. starting with 605 as 1 year and go down=587 which is the 19th year for Neb. If you add or take away any of these years you can't get 539. The Watchtower Library2001 CD and the 1965 Watchtower January 1 page 29 show this. But they will dance around this just like they do everything else but the fact is, it is in their own literature that they agreed. BINGO
Neo-Babylonian Chronology and the Egibi Business House
by VM44 ini am somewhat shocked right now, although i know i probably should not be, i will explain in this post later.. .
all this information is contained in carl olof jonsson's excellent book, the gentile times reconsidered, 4th edition, pages 122-125.. .
it turns out that throughout the neo-babylonian time frame, a business firm named the sons of egibi conducted business, and left some three or four thousand record tables contained in earthen jars covered with bitumen.. .
Scholar, if Neb. begin to rule in 624, how could Daniel have been taken captive in 617 as the Society says? Daniel chapter 2 has Daniel telling Neb. dream in Neb second year,which if you think 624 is his first year than 623 would be his second.You are as screwed up as the organization is. You are working for Apostates and I am sure you know it.
Daniel's Prophecy, 605 BCE or 624 BCE?
by Little Bo Peep inhello all, i've been reading your site for a couple of years now, and have found, for the most part, it to be very helpful.
i must say, at first i was very "scared" at what i might find, but contrary to what i grew up learning, there is a "wealth" of information outside of the watchtower organization.
i haven't attended meetings for about two years now, and like many i've read about, have spent many hours researching, telling myself "i'm not wrong for searching", and doing more research.
Little Bo Peep, Vol.1 insight book also says[under Daniel] Daniel was taken captive in 617 with Jehoiachin and the Bible says Jehoiachin was taken in Nebuchadnezzar's eighth year as King.[2 Kings24:12] The Bible says plainly at Daniel 2:1 Daniel was taken before then because he is interpretating The King's dream in his [Neb.] second year.They just throw those years around because they know no one dares to question them because they will be labeled an Apostate if they do. It's a sorry organization that is run by Apostates. When they start studying the Daniel book again they contridict Daniel again. Forgot what page but it is when Daniel is telling Neb. the "Tree"[daniel chapter 4]is Neb. himself and his[Neb.]rulership is to the extremity of the earth. After quoting that scripture the Society says "Rulership to the extremity of the earth is Jehovah's." Daniel says seven times would pass over Neb. kingdom. But several pages over the Society uses these 7 times for God's kingdom. But no where did Daniel meantion the tree represented God's Kingdom. He said it represented Neb. and nothing else.Also close to the front they say Neb. ruled 43 years and Babylonian world power continued for 43 more years.Thats 86 years of world power.Vol.1 Isaiah book page 178 says Babylon had WP from 632-539 and that is 93 years. same book page 253 says 70 years for WP.I could go on and on for their stupid dates but this is enough for anyone to see they are wrong and they are also a cult.
An Elder Told Me.... Many To Be Disfellowshipped Soon...
by Doubtfully Yours inan elder told me the book is jehovah's latest provision to cleanse his organization.. he said soon all people that have drifted, inactives, and others baptized and not complying with the biblical mandates for a jw, will be visited and given an option to shape up or ship out.. he said that if the person refuses the help offered by the congregation they'll be notified of the date of disfellowshipping and given time to appeal the decision.. he was so happy stating that this way jehovah's organization was preparing for the final clean-up before armageddon.
he sounded so convincing that it almost made perfect sense what he was saying.
i got goose bumps listening to his reasoning.. dy
Doubtfully Yours, Just another sign to show they don't have the truth.The Bible says God's people would offer themself willingly because they love him. That organization is forcing people to serve God out of fear.[Psalms 110:3] When they do DF those not making meetings maybe that will wake a few more up.Hope so anyway.