"If your a child molester, you will love the JW religion."
JoinedPosts by Alwayshere
JWD/ Apostate Bumper Stickers.
by RichieRich inthis idea came to while i was in the chat... i got a couple... you guys chip in with whatever ya got.. "i'd rather be posting on jwd" and.
"my other car is an office chair".
i know those are weak- but somebody's got some good ones...
by Outaservice inyou may not remember, but i know you very well.
i met you a long time ago when you came to my house with your smiling faces, your neat clothes, and your soft voices, and a bible tucked neatly under your arm.
you told me beautiful stories of a "paradise earth," and a "righteous new system" which would be established shortly.
I had a Bible tucked under my arm too for 32 years
Jeff, know how you feel! I was there 33 years and like most, my family thinks I am evil. We can only hope as time goes on, maybe some of our loved ones will get enough of their bs.So sad that organization can do this and get away with it.
Please Keep whyamihere & her little son in your thoughts today
by HadEnuf inhello everybody...my daughter (in-law), whyamihere/brooke, has been at the hospital all day with her little boy, 1 yr. 4 months old...who has had such a bad case of the flu that they had to hook him up to an iv for fluid.
he was sick all last week and then was getting better...then took a turn for the worse yesterday.
can't keep anything down.
Dear Friends, You can see you are in all our thoughts. Sincerely hope everything goes well.
14 year old rejected by father for not becoming jw
by orbison11 inok quick recap of events leading to this.
my dtr married young to prominent family in wtbs...had dtr...dtr now 14 years old....my dtr left hubby and wtbs about 10 yrs ago....she is doing very well in life...... she told me today her 14 years old dtr has not heard from her father (x-hubby) for over a month....why i ask???
?because she does not want to become a jw...............he now basically has very little , if anything, to do with her due to this.
I'm not DF'd or DA'd [yet.... it's coming
Freedomfrog, I am in the same fix as you.Those who I thought were my friends will not even call to see why I quit going to the meetings but of course they are hearing things about me and will not listen to my side. One of them did offer to but said she wouldn't promise not to tell an Elder what I said so Just told her to forget it because I can't afford to be DF'd. My Daughter will speak to me if I call her or go over her house so I am keeping that as long as I can. I have three grandkids I can still see but I know eventually I am going to lose with that cult. Just hoping something will click and many more will get out. I no what you mean about cold feelings being there. My Daughter said "Please don't make me choose between you and Jehovah." I told her I was not the one making her choose that it was the organization she is in. Nothing you can say just doesn't seem to matter as long as they believe that is God's organization. I feel so bad because I raised her in that mess but guess we all have to live with our mistakes.
Earthquakes - a sign of the End?
by Pole inlet?s assume earthquakes were to be part of ?the sign of the end?
given by jesus.
if we follow this logic, then what does it mean in real terms?
the author of Mark 13 never even pretended to fortell events 2000 years later
Agree with that statement. Matthew 24 and Mark 13 was fullfilled during lifetime of the early Christains.
How can you find the true religion? Buyer Beware
by stevenyc inthis section is taken from the watchtower site titled: what does god require of us.
this is section 13, how can you find the true religion http://www.watchtower.org/library/rq/index.htm?article=article_13.htm.
i have a few comments on this i?d like to share, and would appreciate your views.. 1. jesus started one true christian religion.
Honey, people doctor that Bible to say anything they want it to
So true and it is for sure JW's religion is not the truth because that organization has no respect for the Bible. All religion's are about money and nothing else. At Luke 10:25-28 Jesus tells us what we need to do to get life and you don't have to belong to any organization to do this.
What does Russell, Masons and Satan have in common?
by mnb77 infreemasons (aka: masons) are under the control of satan and russell was there with them...
now we come to russell's part.
russell was a freemason.
One word: Everything!
Neo-Babylonian Chronology and the Egibi Business House
by VM44 ini am somewhat shocked right now, although i know i probably should not be, i will explain in this post later.. .
all this information is contained in carl olof jonsson's excellent book, the gentile times reconsidered, 4th edition, pages 122-125.. .
it turns out that throughout the neo-babylonian time frame, a business firm named the sons of egibi conducted business, and left some three or four thousand record tables contained in earthen jars covered with bitumen.. .
Daniel 2: 1 refers to the second year of his Kingship NOT his reign so it does date from 624 but rather from 607 whence he became World Ruler by destroying Jerusalem
Scholar, reign means"The possession or exercise of supremepower" It is the time of a King's rule.And Jeremiah 25:1 says"The forth year of Jehoiakim is the first year of King Neb." 624 is not the first year of Neb. rule and 607 is not when Jerusalem was desolated. But say [but its not] 607 is when he became world ruler, the second year would still NOT BE 617 BUT 606 . Now you have to tell another lie to cover up that one.I know you don't want the truth but hopefully if anyone on the post is not aquainted with how the WTS dances around all their lies,what I have said and many others who know the truth, maybe it will help them not to listen to any JW. That organganization is run by Apostates and you are no better.
Daniel's Prophecy, 605 BCE or 624 BCE?
by Little Bo Peep inhello all, i've been reading your site for a couple of years now, and have found, for the most part, it to be very helpful.
i must say, at first i was very "scared" at what i might find, but contrary to what i grew up learning, there is a "wealth" of information outside of the watchtower organization.
i haven't attended meetings for about two years now, and like many i've read about, have spent many hours researching, telling myself "i'm not wrong for searching", and doing more research.
If the seventy years is factored in there there is a twenty year gap between secular chronology and biblocal chronology
Scholar, read your Bible! The seventy years were a time of servitude, not desolation. Jeremiah 25:11"And all this land must become a DEVASTATED place.an object of astonishment, and these nations will have to SERVE the king of Babylon seventy years." Jeremiah did not say Jerusalem will lay desolate for seventy years. These seventy years were a time of SERVITUDE, not DESOLATION. Another Bible verse in regard to the seventy years is 2 Chron. 36:20-21" Furthermore, he carried off those remaining from the sword captive to Babylon, and they came to be SERVENTS to him and his sons UNTIL the royalty of Persia begin to rule.." This scripture clearly links the fullfillment of the seventy years with the beginning of of the reign of the royalty of Persia, which begin in 539. The WTS is off 20 years on all their dates.There is no conflict between the Bible and secular chronology. The conflict lies between the WTS and both established chronology and God's word. The WTS's command that all Jehovah's Witnesses be unified in their acceptance of this doctrine in spite of the weight of evidence against it, constitutes a unity that is based on falsehood, and fear of retribution if one dares question any doctrine or policy they submit. I don't expect you to agree with the Bible because you have to believe what the WTS says or else. There are a lot like you who like the lies WTS prints.Now read Revelation 22:15"All liars and those liking a lie will be destroyed."
Daniel's Prophecy, 605 BCE or 624 BCE?
by Little Bo Peep inhello all, i've been reading your site for a couple of years now, and have found, for the most part, it to be very helpful.
i must say, at first i was very "scared" at what i might find, but contrary to what i grew up learning, there is a "wealth" of information outside of the watchtower organization.
i haven't attended meetings for about two years now, and like many i've read about, have spent many hours researching, telling myself "i'm not wrong for searching", and doing more research.
WT scholars have a different methodology using 539 as a pivotal date derived from a absolute date
Ok Scholar, You admit 539 is an absolute date. And Vol.1,page 458 in the Insight book under Chronologysays"You can figure backward or forward on a pivotal date to arrive at an event." Start at 539 for the fall of Babylon,a date the WTS accepts, its easy to see Jerusalem was desolated in 587. Nabonidus, the last King of Babylon ruled 17 years so add 17 to 539 = 556, Neriglissar, ruled 4 years so add 4 to 556 =560, Evil-Merodach ruled 2 years so add 2 to 560 = 562 and Neb. ruled 43 years so add 43 to 562 = 605. The Bible at 2 Kings 25:8 says Neb. desolated Jerusalem in his 19th year. Start with 605 as 1 year and on down to 19 will be 587.If you add any more years to any of the Kings you couldn't get 539 and you can't get 539 using WTS's year 624 for Neb. Substract these 66 years for the Kings rule from 624 = 558. Substract them from 605 =539. So easy to see the WTS is a cult! Their 2001 CD has quotations from WTS articles and books that agree with history on these dates for the Kings.By the way you can't even get 607 using 624 either. Start with 624 for the first year and down to the 19th is 606. It looks like you are the one with the big problem.