You may have to believe all that but I don't.
The TRUTH set me free.
has anyone on here ever come across the tiniest shred of evidence supporting this date for the fall of jerusalem.
i understand rolf furuli is about to but something out on this subject (see, however even a table of contents has been a long time in coming from this site.
if no evidence exists what can he possibly be writing about?
You may have to believe all that but I don't.
The TRUTH set me free.
has anyone on here ever come across the tiniest shred of evidence supporting this date for the fall of jerusalem.
i understand rolf furuli is about to but something out on this subject (see, however even a table of contents has been a long time in coming from this site.
if no evidence exists what can he possibly be writing about?
Society says King Neb. accession year is 625, making his 1st year 624.
The Bible at 2 Kings 25:8 and Jeremiah 52: 12-13 says "in the 19th
year of King Neb., Jereusalem was desolated." 624-18=606 NOT 607.
Hiatory says 605 was King Neb. 1st year. 605-18=587.
So what is the new light?
the watchtower loves this point.
he not only felt that he was living in the last "days", but in the last hour.
he says at 1 john 2:18:.
The WTS has always taught that Britain and American make up the Anglo-American
dual World Power which make up the League of Nations. They say when the League of Nations
failed, it came back as the United Nations. But America was NEVER a member of the
League of Nations. (Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia page 23.) So another lie for them.
if this has been covered before i apologise in advance.
using only the bible and a bit of common sense.. ok, here goes:.
do the "seventy years" count from jerusalems destruction or not?
djennog said he provided Jeremiah 52:29 to show it was Neb. 18th regnal year
when Jerusalem was desolated. I provided Jeremiah 52:12
and 2 Kings 25:8 to show it was Neb. 19th year when Jerusalem was desolated.
Also Jeremiah 32:1 shows shows "the 10th year of Zedekiah was King Neb. 18th year.
You can interpret the scriptures like you want, but most of us like the Bibles interpretation.
And I see no reason to discuss this anymore with someone who is no better than the Religion he
covers for.
if this has been covered before i apologise in advance.
using only the bible and a bit of common sense.. ok, here goes:.
do the "seventy years" count from jerusalems destruction or not?
Watchtower Society has speculated many times on dates.
Awake 1998 5/8 says, "danger of listening to those who speculate
about dates."
This was 23 years after they speculated on 1975.
if this has been covered before i apologise in advance.
using only the bible and a bit of common sense.. ok, here goes:.
do the "seventy years" count from jerusalems destruction or not?
djeggnog, I agree there is no scripture in the Bible
where Jeremiah refers to Neb. 18th or 19th "regnal" years.
The word regnal is never used. When someone is made a
King in Babylon, it is called his accession year and the
following year is his 1st year.
609 Josiah was killed and Jehoiakim began to rule.
609-608 =1 year. 608-10=598.
Zedekiah began to rule598. 598-597=1 year. 597-10=587 and Jerusalem fell.
if this has been covered before i apologise in advance.
using only the bible and a bit of common sense.. ok, here goes:.
do the "seventy years" count from jerusalems destruction or not?
Last Assyrian King Ashuruballit (612- 609) (Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia )
When Assyria fell, Babylon was the next World Power. 609-539= 70years of Serving the King of Babylon
just like the Bible says at at Jeremiah 25: 11. Verse 12 shows Babylon would fall when the 70 years
were acomplished and it did.
if this has been covered before i apologise in advance.
using only the bible and a bit of common sense.. ok, here goes:.
do the "seventy years" count from jerusalems destruction or not?
djeggnog, still has never provided a scripture from the
Bible where it says, Jerusalem was desolated in King Neb.
18th year. And that's because he can't. The Bible at
Jeremiah 32:1 says "the 10th year of Zedekiah was
the 18th year of King Neb." Zedekiah ruled 11 years.
So 624 -17=607 One more year for Zedekiah
would be 606.
Neb. first year 605 (Funk & Wagnlls Encyclopedia)
605 -17=588 for his 18th year
605-18=587 for his 19th year.
2 Kings 25:8-9 the 19th year of King Neb. Jerusalem was
desolated. Also Jeremiah 52: 12 says "the 19th year of Neb.
of Neb. Jerusalem was desolated.
So 587-537 =50 years Jerusalem laid desolated.
if this has been covered before i apologise in advance.
using only the bible and a bit of common sense.. ok, here goes:.
do the "seventy years" count from jerusalems destruction or not?
Awake 1998 5/8 says, " danger of listening to those who speculate about Dates."
Watchtower Society has speculated many times.