I thought I was going to see a picture of "Her Ladyship".
So did I !!! I feel tricked... -Aude.
why do blokes say this?.
i've lost count of the number of times an aquaintance or customer introduces his partner by saying: "oh yeah, this is the wife".. .
the wife?.
I thought I was going to see a picture of "Her Ladyship".
So did I !!! I feel tricked... -Aude.
because i have a sense of humor about the many failed prophecies of the jw's, i've always wanted some ex-jw merchandise with some class and humor to go with it.
i've considered marketing a few of my ideas.....coffee mugs, shirts, etc.
there are so many areas to go (no blood, no military service, college = devil's propaganda, etc.
I'd thoroughly enjoy seeing them but honestly don't think I'd buy one. It's still a bit raw for me.
I'll check back with in about 6-12 months. I may be bolder by then.
Funny concept though!
i knew so many jw's who were always gone in the service or at the meetings and week end long conventions, that their poor pets were always alone.. i really felt sorry for these pets.
i was no exception, and today regret leaving my pet alone all these days.. i guess that the jw org doesn't encourage jw's to have pets, because they want all the attention.. were your pets lonely in your jw days?.
I 'rescued' a big-ish dog. Then left her couped up in a condo (no yard) for 18 hours a day.
When she started behaving oddly, I took her to a vet and was told that she was probably bored and a bit depressed.
I felt very bad but felt trapped with work and meetings and pioneering. Sad. Very Sad.
So I got the dog two cats to play with!
That helped some. The cats are allowed to sleep at the foot of my bed. One keeps trying to curl up next to my pillow. Sometimes I let him...
i am so terrified!.
#2 daughter came home from college on 12/18 with a violent headache, nausea, neck pain and great fatigue.
we took her to the dr. on the 20 and again on the 21st as she had kept nothing down for 3 days.
Much hugs and good thoughts to you and your family!!
The waiting is the WORST part.
My dad had a brain tumor removed 21 years ago. He came thru just fine. And no recurrance.
Please keep us posted.
hi does anyone know what the procedure is for reinstatement?
i love this forum- you guys are all great.
This was funny:
...It also helps to look longingly at the Time-Reporting Station and let out the occasional sigh.
Good one! Thanks for sharing...!
it has just been announced on cnn that president bush has contributed $10,000 of his own money to the tsunami victims.. poor guy he obviously doesn't have much money.. .
He is very wealthy, aside from his big presidential salary.
Does anyone know what the annual salary of President of US is?
it has just been announced on cnn that president bush has contributed $10,000 of his own money to the tsunami victims.. poor guy he obviously doesn't have much money.. .
double post
hi mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't do the fancy stuff...
but Welcome!!!
when i was going to the kingdumb hall people were being actively disfellowshipped for smoking because it was bad for you and an insult to jehovah.. how come nobody disfellowshipped the 400 pound sister who brought her own chair or stood in the back because she couldn't fit in her chair?.
why didn't anyone disfellowship the bookstudy leader for looking pregnant when he obviously wasn't.. why is cigarette addiction bad but not food addiction.. just wondering?
I think I remember the talks and articles back in the early 70's.
Didn't the society link tobacco to drugs and spiritism??
That would explain why in their eyes it is worse than smoking.
Funny, a friend of mine caught my oncologist smoking one day. I don't really smoke but have (*GASP*) taken about 3 puffs in the past 12 years. Relaxed me quite a bit. Even just that little bit.
I figure he needed something to calm his nerves - real tough job that: oncologist - and drinking would just not be appropriate during business hours...!