JoinedPosts by BigMike
Do You Think President Obama Is Muslim?
by minimus ini really think that he is.
not that it's a bad thing...
Not a Muslim. Simply an empty suit completely bereft of any of his own ideas. -
Another Terrific Achievement
by Iown Mylife inrecently i've posted how our granddaughter has been doing so well and enjoying school, being in jazz band and having fun with her friends.
at age 14 she was able to leave the jw cult.
about her new freedom she said, now i don't have to halfass my homework anymore!!.
Great News! -
I passed NCLEX! Officially an RN now. -
How do Americans feel about Canadians and Britons interjecting their opinions onto hot localized political topics: gun laws, abortion, ect?
by adjusted knowledge inin addition to the above question, why do citizens of the two above mentioned countries, or other countries, feel the necessity to tell americans how they should interpret the american constitution for localized issues?.
i fairly much have an idea what the general population in the usa feels in regards to the first question.
this could be one of the possible reasons cnn piers morgan poor ratings and eventual firing.
I feel that this all can be summed up with the popular dictum "Haters gonna hate"
If Britain or Canada don't like our gun laws they can just invade us with their little armies.
Thanks everyone and yeah it's sooner. I never could get my old profile to load so made a new one.
I still have to take NCLEX this Saturday. Everyone send good energy to Abilene, Texas on Saturday afternoon please