The analogy of the Golden Calf is a good one. The modern day dubs do indeed worship the Organisation rather than the God. - With their lapel badges and attitude that nothing they say can be wrong.
They don't know if but they have made it an idol.
and the people say: ‘this is our god, who led us out of egypt!’ then the israelites have a big party and worship the golden calf.
when jehovah sees this, he is very angry.
so he says to moses: ‘hurry and go down.
The analogy of the Golden Calf is a good one. The modern day dubs do indeed worship the Organisation rather than the God. - With their lapel badges and attitude that nothing they say can be wrong.
They don't know if but they have made it an idol.
today's article prods active jws to participate in the effort to reactivate us backsliders.. unfortunately, it fails to prepare the participants to adequately address the real reasons so many have left and want nothing frtherethan to be left alone: the un and child abuse scandals, prophetic failures; dumbed-down, increasingly specious and simplistic verbiage in literature and talks, the cult of personality and unwarranted veneration of those 8 singularly unremarkable members of the gb, etc., etc..
My totally committed wife and I saw some of the study on zoom last Sunday, and barfed at the sheer hypocrisy of the elders spouting words about shepherding and care for the inactive.
She has had zero interest from them during lockdown and they have never shown the slightest interest in me. ( suits me fine) .
I wonder what they have done in Europe wher few people have pools on the property? I have never known a Witness with a home pool.
It would look very odd to do it at a public pool.
the punchline is: (at the end).
esther had very long, bright red hair like a disney character and she might have been almost attractive--if it weren't for two things.1.
she had no chin.i mean, just don't look at her in profile.
Revenge with foul fish aside...... I have known a few "Esther Browns" in my time... The matriarchal types. Old school Witnesses whose influence on tbe congregation is enormous.
These tough old birds sometimes have string of quieter single old ladies who always sat with her in sycophantic adoration.
I tell you, I learned, even as a young 'older man' that you mess with them at your peril !
2020-08-25 food distribution program.
those on the email list have already received this letter.
if you would like a copy, reply below and i'll meet you at your pm box with a link.petra!.
In the U K the Govt sent food boxes to those "vulnerable " people directly. The programme has stopped now.
It seems in US charities are delivering govt. Aid. O k then....
I like the comment in the letter" based on your shepherding you know who is in need"
Hee hee! What shepherding? You could starve to death around here before the elders would know, or care.
the britain branch has called a confidential meeting tonight with a controversial announcement.
the message is of such import that it was transmitted by word of mouth only, nothing in writing, ears only.
a decision made by the governing body of jehovah's witnesses and transmitted orally down the chain of command, a decision proving the leadership of this spirit lead body.. the gdpr laws in the uk have been interpreted by wt lawyers so that all record keeping relating to the public has been banned, telephone witnessing and letter writing also, forbidden.. now in a show of supreme bravado the publishers are to be informed that if they wish to, if they dare, they may write to people at their own risk.. bear in mind, nothing is in writing.
I just wonder how it work.... they have no house to house records of "not homes" to write to. They would have to write blind to house numbers, addressing "the occupier" ..unless perhaps they used the phone book ?
Is that a breach of Data Protection law?
i was just looking around, this one i've been involved in renovating with the rbc.
apparently it sold for $500k..
It looks a big Kingdom Hall, by UK standards anyway. I would guess that the kitchen was put in so as to cater for Pioneer Schools, and the like .. if they feed them these days. That looks to be a C/o’s flat in there too. I would guess it was an important Hall in the locality before the bigwigs decided to sell it.
The selling price is less than £400k in British money . That is not a great return for all that property by UK standards . I have seen local, smaller halls go for more.
the other day i went to this farm owned by this jw lady with my wife being a jw and my mother being a non witness.
later taking to my mother she noticed this vibe like this jw lady really hated her.
she just had these little slags like when we tried to pay for the fruit we picked , she looked directly at my wife and said " don't worry about it, i only charge wordly people ".. i also have this aunt who is a jw we are estranged from.
Some of them definitely do. Often it is the most blinkered ones who swallow everything the FDS says and add a bit to it...
I don’t think I ever fell into that trap, even in my brief periods of being on a “spiritual high”. In those times I confess to feeling sorry for some “worldly people “.. I would ask myself “Why can’t they see it”? What I called truth seemed so clear to me.....
anyone notice at begining of rejoice convention that chairmen says "greetings or good day bro and sisters leaving out any who are not brothers and sisters the pharisee has struck again so you are greeted only if your considered a bro or sister.
because he that says a greeting is sharer in wicked deeds any body catch that?.
They have done a lot to make it seem like a a real assembly. . The "Good morning brothers " , is a standard opener, much parodied and imitated by us when we were kids.
Come on, they are never going to welcome the d/fd ... Those people are not considered worthy of the light of day, let alone friendly welcome, remember " He that says a greeting tk him is a sharer in his wicked works" !
the subject is searching for lost sheep.
how do the congregation view the inactive ones who no longer associate?
not with disdain, we are told but as lost sheep “still our brothers “ it is said that god loves them and they too must do what they can to help them.. why have we strayed ?
The subject is searching for lost sheep. How do the congregation view the inactive ones who no longer associate? Not with disdain, we are told but as lost sheep “still our brothers “ It is said that God loves them and they too must do what they can to help them.
Why have we strayed ? It is suggested we had personal problems, had to work long hours or simply became depressed ( it is alway us, isn’t it , never the result of their faulty teachings and the application of a working mind to what they say.)
it seems also that we are very unhappy in our state. Examples are given of those who slipped out but dearly wanted to come back . If that is true of some, they should never have left.
This picture completes the article, but there is more next week. The picture is meant to show an ex sister on a bus looking wistfully at a Witness couple in service in the street with a trolley . She apparently envies them and wishes she were with them.
What words would you put in her mouth?