Thanks Pixel. That ties in nicely with the thread about their past opposition to vaccines.
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
Announcement December 3, 2020 FOR CONGREGATIONS
by pixel inannouncement.
december 3, 2020. for congregations.
1. covid-19 vaccine information: several covid-19 vaccines may soon be approved and.
Past Watchtower Society Comments On Vaccines
by BluesBrother intoday there is a lot of hope placed in a vaccines to immunise against covid 19 , and relief that they are soon to be available.
that will be shared by the eight million or so jws in this world.
they should be thankful that the wts has moved away from its teaching ,that lasted for decades , proclaiming that vaccination was wrong, and a tool of satan.
Today there is a lot of hope placed in a vaccines to immunise against Covid 19 , and relief that they are soon to be available. That will be shared by the eight million or so JWs in this world.
They should be thankful that the WTS has moved away from its teaching ,that lasted for decades , proclaiming that vaccination was wrong, and a tool of Satan. ....e.g.
Golden Age 1921 October 12 p.17
"Vaccination never prevented anything and never will, and is the most barbarous practice...We are in the last days; and the devil is slowly losing his hold, making a strenuous effort meanwhile to do all the damage he can, and to his credit can such evils be placed...Use your rights as American citizens to forever abolish the devilish practice of vaccinations."
Golden Age 1931 February 4 p.293
"Vaccination is a direct violation of the everlasting covenant that God made with Noah after the flood."And an illustration in Golden Age May 1939
I am advised that it was not until the 1950s that the policy was changed and “new light “ allowed them to make their own personal decision. I have not seen any negative comments in my experience.
So, their are millions of Witnesses who should be glad that the belief changed. After all it is not just the Covid vaccine. All the childhood jabs we had for protection against such things as diphtheria, polio, MMR etc. Foreign travel would not be available to them without the required inoculations against tropical diseases..
You know, I would bet the vast majority of them are blissfully unaware of this strange doctrine in their past......
[Edit to credit for the quotes]
Jehovah`s witnesses not the only religion GOD is using now ?
by smiddy3 inwhen confronted with angus stewart’s blunt question “do you see yourselves as jehovah god’s spokespeople on earth?” the answer that came from jackson’s lips was astounding.. “that i think would seem to be quite presumptuous to say that we are the only spokesperson that god is using.
the scriptures clearly show that someone can act in harmony with god’s spirit in giving comfort and help in the congregations, but if i could just clarify a little, going back to matthew 24, clearly, jesus said that in the last days ‐ and jehovah’s witnesses believe these are the last days ‐ there would be a slave, a group of persons who would have responsibility to care for the spiritual food.
so inthat respect, we view ourselves as trying to fulfill that role.”.
He said it was possible for someone in a congregation of J W to receive Holy Spirit and teach Jehovah's will. What would happen if an elder raised his hand and said a teaching that differed from the printed page of material. ? He then says... " I feel I have Jehovah's spirit with me on this"
You know it would be. " Please meet with us in the back room after the meeting, brother"
Jehovah`s witnesses not the only religion GOD is using now ?
by smiddy3 inwhen confronted with angus stewart’s blunt question “do you see yourselves as jehovah god’s spokespeople on earth?” the answer that came from jackson’s lips was astounding.. “that i think would seem to be quite presumptuous to say that we are the only spokesperson that god is using.
the scriptures clearly show that someone can act in harmony with god’s spirit in giving comfort and help in the congregations, but if i could just clarify a little, going back to matthew 24, clearly, jesus said that in the last days ‐ and jehovah’s witnesses believe these are the last days ‐ there would be a slave, a group of persons who would have responsibility to care for the spiritual food.
so inthat respect, we view ourselves as trying to fulfill that role.”.
What a weasel !
All this time I thought he was saying it was presumptuous to say that the Watchtower was the only source of God's Spirit. Seeing it now he said that other members of the congregations ( of J W) might also get his spirit, in counselling others.
That is not what the questioner meant ,as well he knew.
He slipped out of that one, didn't he?
Thanks Smiddy for bringing this up.
How much do Elders actually get along with each other?
by Davros ini was reading in the shepherding book that elders should “ cultivate and maintain friendships with one another.”, and thought to myself “bulls$it!” i remember that most of the elders in my old congregation were nothing but nasty asses.
i know it may vary from congregation to congregation, but do elders generally get along with each other behind closed doors in elders meetings?
or, are they often in conflict with each other?
There were indeed strained relationships within the various bodies that I served with, sometimes this grew from family resentments or just personality clashes. The worst thing was that it was always made to seem like it was doing the Lords work, so to disagree was to argue with “God’s arrangement “
in the main though it jogged along O K. We were never close socially, elders stayed with their families. I didn’t get on particularly with any of them. It was a lot like going to work , you get on as best you can with the people you find yourself with.
Edit: I should have mentioned the situation where two congregations share one hall. Inevitably the two bodies have little time for the other, over some matter regarding the Hall
by Atlantis inyou are what she wanted to be!please, let us remove any blame to anyone right up front.
what happened to petra was not the fault of mark o'donnell, listener, corney, mike and kim, or anyone else.. constant rejection and shunning even at an early age, the depression was storing up inside of her.
she was shunned inside the hall and outside the hall.
Atlantis, old friend.
I am so sorry to read of Petra's troubles... Depression is a swine and many of us ,including myself have been struck by it at times. I can empathize, although I would not be so trite as to say that I understand.
Please reassure her that she is respected and loved on here for the stirling work that she does in assisting you to provide these valuable documents to us .(Incidentally, I read any comment about the documents as being a criticism of the publisher - the WTS - not yourselves by any means. )
Anyway , I hope she is better soon and back to her old self sending stuff to us.
Please give her a virtual hug from this old fool in England.
A Salute to Petra/Atlantis
by Slidin Fast inwhilst i have never quite understood whether petra and atlantis are one or multiple entities i recognise the value of their work and web of contacts.
i think it is fair to say that no-one has consistently contributed more solid gold intelligence to this site.
no one has reliably passed on more bomb shells and solid news as well as day to day minutiae.
I'd give five gold stars to Atlantis and Petra for the wonderful job they do is really appreciated by a hell of a lot of people.
1991 Watchtower study article just prior to WTS joining UN
by Roger Kirkpatrick inplease see the study article, “their refuge–a lie!” in the june 1, 1991 watchtower, noting paragraphs 1, 10 and 11. paragraph 1 calls christendom “that apostate religious organization.” why apostate?.
paragraph 10 asserts that “she insinuates herself into the favor of the political leaders of the nations–this despite the bible’s warning that friendship with the world is enmity with god.” to support that assertion, paragraph 11 quotes an unnamed “recent book” which reports that “no fewer than 24 catholic organizations are represented at the un.” how were such organizations represented at the un?.
the unnamed book quoted in paragraph 11 is new genesis by robert muller.
In 2001 I was a newish member of this board and it was some on here and elsewhere in the exJW community that helped expose this. I was shocked to say the least.
To think that I as a Group Study Conductor had taught the faithful all that stuff in the Revelation book about the "Scarlet coloured beast" whilst at the same time the Gov.Body were cozying up to the U N as an NGO of it! ...... . I was disgusted.
Thank you for bringing this important topic back to the top for the benefit of newer ones.
Circuit overseers wives.
by stan livedeath i remember the title..circuit servants wives.
but then i left 40+ years ago.. any recollections of those females that led such an unnatural existence?.
those that i recall seemed such aloof creatures..
"I seem to remember that they all had multiple eating disorders"
That went for the C/Os too . So many had to be on special diets, must have been hell to put them up.
When I was young the wives were tough old birds who were absolutely fearless and tactless in the ministry. They put up with a lot and had no time for those who gave less than they did. One I remember, in the '90s I guess earned the nickname 'The Terminator ' because she was so blunt that if you took her on your study.....they would end it after!
Listen Obey and Be Blessed
by Anna Marina inthought i'd share if no one has done so already..
Well! Did you know that this album was No.1 in the classical hit parade (UK) last week..sadly down to No.3 now....
Who'd a thought it.... A kingdom song being top of the best sellers in the wicked old world. ( I bet it was not the most popular track)