SBF gave a good comment as usual. At the moment it is hard to judge because of the KH lockdown and pause in H to H Ministry.
The thing will be when the real meetings resume and ministry is expected. That will tell the state of things.
is watchtower faking there member numbers?
i live in europe.
for the last 15 year's probably 25 person i knew or more were df, pimo, left by own will, inactive.
SBF gave a good comment as usual. At the moment it is hard to judge because of the KH lockdown and pause in H to H Ministry.
The thing will be when the real meetings resume and ministry is expected. That will tell the state of things.
so, in the uk there was recently a bill which was nodded through parliament - the animal sentience bill - which was backed by vegan activists.. dogs, cats.
cows, even lobsters now have been recognised to have feelings.. first of all, let me say that if you want to go vegan that's fine with me.
we're all allowed our individual dietary choices.. but for how much longer?
I am not a vegan or an extreme animal rights activist , but this bill is. right. Animals and " even lobsters " DO have feelings. Science is discovering more and more about the complexity of their lives.
We need to respect the natural world and the creatures with which we share this planet. If we take their life we must do so humanely.
i answered a question on quora about jw flip flops .
i mentioned, amongst other things , the 1975 debacle.
how witnesses were told that armageddon was coming in the fall of that year.
J W’s stick to the letter of the words used ,to claim “We never said 1975”. But that is just semantics
We all knew that ‘75 was the end of the 6000 years. The flock believed that it would bring the system’s end. The WT never said exactly that it would be so, just said everything but . ....
What were the flock supposed to think ? We were sure that if it did not occur by ‘75 , it would be soon after . Any cautionary words about not pinning hopes on the date were understood to mean it could be a few months after .... NOT 46 years and counting!
i am not sure but i know where non jws have been brought in for a witness to a judicial meeting.
what is the official policy on this?
Yes ! Just checked “ shepherd the Flock “ 2021 again at your reference and that is exactly what it says. Thank you DrearyWeather for clearing that up.
i am not sure but i know where non jws have been brought in for a witness to a judicial meeting.
what is the official policy on this?
My memory (not infallible)tells me much tbe same, Anonymous. I thoght it was something like , it may used but with caution.
I had a look at a downloaded "Shepherd The Flock" book but could not find a mention of it now..
did you read the daily texts when you were a dub?
did anything from the daily texts wake you up about the truth about the truth?.
Like Pete (above) I could never keep up the habit.
When taking a discussion on the text with the cong. It was always a struggle to talk about the scripture. The bros. Would rather take points from the WT comment. I am sure they never knew the difference.
title: אחות מתזמן (sister scheduler) .
אחות מתזמן would be based on 1 kings 11:3.. 'he had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines' .
אחות מתזמן job is to arrange solomon quality time with his legal babes.
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou ?
Sister Act ?
Escape From New York ?
I have learned a lot from this board.
if i was a jw, and covid put and end to the door to door work for two years, and kingdom halls closed, it would get me to re-visit and think about the stupidity of the overlapping generation, and how they extended the deadline for armageddon to 2072.
(1992 franz death +80 more years).
if i was 20 years of age, plus another 80 = 100 years of age for the system to end.
Door to door is surely planned to start again once Covid is over. It is too important to their movement to not do so. Believe it or not , there are some who really want to get back to it
Trolley work is very visible but only a few per day get to do it, some like my family used to find it was sewn up by the in-crowd and Pioneers. The bulk of the “work” was door to door.
This is definitely a grey area. A lot will depend on the circumstances, how the remaining Witness presents it to his BOE and their attitude toward him.
2 examples. A) The Witness works in a large factory and the d/f one is his foreman. They do not socialise and rarely speak about none work matters. That would probably be o k .
B) witness works for another one , window cleaning together all day. Either one is d/f. They spend all day on the jobs or in the van, take breaks and lunch together. He would probably have to get other employment.