That letter is spot on . It tells the truthful and accurate state of Watchtower teaching but in a way that they would never do. It is what it is.
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
by Mace.Bean inhonest letter accurately stating current jw beliefs and practices.
far different from the childish handprinted letters most jws are mailing out.
how long after a fade does the local hall keep your records?
by mickbobcat inso i have not been to a kh for 26 years.
if i wanted to dissociate what would be the procedure and is there any gain in doing it so long after i left?.
When I was a Secretary ( UK) The instructions were to keep old cards for 8 years.
After 26 years , unless you are personally known at the Hall, there would be nothing to d/a from.
The Watchtower—Study Edition | January 2022
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | january 2022. during the great tribulation, gog of magog’s forces may try to assault us in our homes.
but we can take comfort in knowing that jesus and his angels are aware of what is happening and will defend us (see paragraph 13).
13. when gog of magog attacks, why will we appear to be vulnerable, but what reason for confidence will we have?
My dubs family would say,
"This is an extreme situation , Satan has whipped up the forces to a state of mad anger. What will the angels, and 144000 , do? Zap them with a thunderbolt! That will teach them !.... Where's your faith ?"
While the cult of JW asks kids for Ice Cream money......
by mickbobcat inother churches give kids ice cream.
I can see the irony of the situation.
I am sure this church use it as bait to talk to the kids and their mothers , but I guess it works....
Do any of you ex JW`s ever feel ashamed or embarrassed to admit you were once a JW? To your now friends / associates ?
by smiddy3 ini ask this now because i have been living in this town for the past 14 years and the circle of friends i have now i have never let on i am an ex jw.. i`m talking about 30-50 people at least.. not that the subject has ever really come up , but i think they would be shocked / amazed that i was a ( i hate this word ) a "devout" jw for 32 years going around knocking on peoples doors trying to convert them to the religion .. yet every now and again i get tempted to.. how say you ?.
Haven’t met many social contacts since I left work. My work mates had known meas a Witness. I found it much easier to talk about things as an ex dub than ever I did as a Witness.
When you are “in” and you feel the need to speak up, there is always a barrier to be overcome, a moment of hesitation.......As an ex, it just flowed freely . I enjoyed anti - Witnessing.
JW Church is "Uncooperative" in Investigation
by Attewc incame across this local article in a small town nearby.
video names the church as jw's:.
They will not dissuade a parent from reporting but that is as far as it goes.
Unfortunately they do have a reputation for not cooperating in police investigations. I have read criticism before by the police in U K.
I am sure that whatever the local elders may feel about it , they are forbidden by Legal Dept. At Bethel. When I was a Secretary I remember reading a similar instruction and I resolved then that if ever I was involved in something and the Police wanted to interview me, I would speak up and tell them what I knew.
Why shield a criminal from justice ?
Hines v. Watchtower
by DNCall inthis could be a big one.
sexual abuse case naming the gb as co-defendants.
watchtower's response is due on january 21, 2022. here is the docket:
All I can say is , Wow! ....If only part of this were true ( And I am in no position to decry it)
then it would be scandalous. I hope they don’t settle... this should go to a verdict.
[ Edit... It is well worth clicking the link in Earnest’s post for a background and apparently informed comments]
False members numbers
by asp59 inis watchtower faking there member numbers?
i live in europe.
for the last 15 year's probably 25 person i knew or more were df, pimo, left by own will, inactive.
SBF gave a good comment as usual. At the moment it is hard to judge because of the KH lockdown and pause in H to H Ministry.
The thing will be when the real meetings resume and ministry is expected. That will tell the state of things.
The Animal Sentience Bill - what next?
by LoveUniHateExams inso, in the uk there was recently a bill which was nodded through parliament - the animal sentience bill - which was backed by vegan activists.. dogs, cats.
cows, even lobsters now have been recognised to have feelings.. first of all, let me say that if you want to go vegan that's fine with me.
we're all allowed our individual dietary choices.. but for how much longer?
I am not a vegan or an extreme animal rights activist , but this bill is. right. Animals and " even lobsters " DO have feelings. Science is discovering more and more about the complexity of their lives.
We need to respect the natural world and the creatures with which we share this planet. If we take their life we must do so humanely.
Help with 1975 please
by jhine ini answered a question on quora about jw flip flops .
i mentioned, amongst other things , the 1975 debacle.
how witnesses were told that armageddon was coming in the fall of that year.
J W’s stick to the letter of the words used ,to claim “We never said 1975”. But that is just semantics
We all knew that ‘75 was the end of the 6000 years. The flock believed that it would bring the system’s end. The WT never said exactly that it would be so, just said everything but . ....
What were the flock supposed to think ? We were sure that if it did not occur by ‘75 , it would be soon after . Any cautionary words about not pinning hopes on the date were understood to mean it could be a few months after .... NOT 46 years and counting!