Off topic , but just sending best wishes to Peaceful Pete... I hope your surgery goes( maybe went) well.
Hope to see you posting again soon
how do i view the world after leaving the jws?.
1. most politicians are disgusting filth.
political parties are disgusting filth.
Off topic , but just sending best wishes to Peaceful Pete... I hope your surgery goes( maybe went) well.
Hope to see you posting again soon
the watchtower—study edition | may 2022. study article 19. revelation—what it means for you today.
15 satan instigated an attack on the anointed brothers who were taking the lead in the kingdom-preaching work.
prominent ones among them were the figurative “two witnesses” spoken of as being killed.
I was thinking just how differently I read this stuff today than I did as a young man. Those of us brought up within it know that on Tuesday nights we were fed a diet of the Babylon Book, The Finished Mystery Book , The Revelation Book . What is wizzed over in those articles we spent years studying, and repeating over and over.
That view of world events was as real to us as anything could be. When you have no other source of information it all seemed to fit perfectly. I was 100% sure of it.
Times have changed, their predictions failed and I grew older and wiser . I guess I am saying that it shows how important it is not to limit yourself to one source of information. Seek a broad view of life and trust yourself to question what you are taught.
i saw the post on reddit and the thread got many responses..can anybody believe the religion is still saying this??
it has to be as plain as day that so many jws are poor and struggling today because they never got a career or decent job years ago.. sadly, there are still witnesses who believe money will fall from heaven if they are in the full-time ministry.
they expect some miracle to occur..but, we all know the truth: people in the congregation will be hit up for yet more money for another bunch of irresponsible people pursuing poverty.
I was struck by the absolute certainty that they wrote about miraculous gifts to sustain you if you trust..
“10 When we listen to the fine shepherd and stop being unduly anxious about material needs, we can be sure that Jehovah will provide for us. (ReadPsalm 37:5; 1 Pet. 5:7) Consider the situations mentioned in paragraph 5. Until now, Jehovah may have used a family head or an employer to help us care for our daily needs. If the family head is no longer able to do so or if we lose our job, Jehovah will take care of us in some other way. He will provide. Let us now consider something else that the fine shepherd urges us to stopdoing”
The danger is that some of them will actually believe it ....
from an interview with ebony magazine:.
in 1987, he left the jehovah's witnesses.
there was strong opposition to his "thriller" video on the part of some witnesses.
She speaks as though he is still alive at the time of the interview so I guess it is pretty old. If a mother were to speak truthfully now, she could not say that . The screw gets tighter all the time. has posted a letter titled, ''announcements and reminders january 2022.''.
the governing body are always changing bible procedures.
I seem to remember an old Watchtower article on eldership focussing on a verse that said to “ select wise, discreet and experienced men”..... How can you be , in your early twenties.?
That announcement referred to “ exceptional ministerial servants “. How do they judge exception? By pioneer hours ? We know that means nothing...
known his wife her whole life.
they have served both in mississippi and minnesota..
Yes , it is an offence for which you can be d/f’d…
Of course the whole judicial system of the JW is different from the world in that nothing carries an automatic penalty. It is there to root out the unrepentant. However this guy would have an awful lot of explaining to do ………
So what’s the idea? To have a “bot” log in automatically to zoom meetings to pretend you are there?
It is easy enough to log in but turn off your camera, not allow them to un mute you and turn off the sound. With that done you can sit there and read the Sunday paper if you wish ….
jw broadcasting.
news and announcements.
2021 governing body update #10. .
They have made these comments before , even charged elders with contacting the inactive.
I am still waiting, nobody ever called me. The local congregation know me well enough, I used to attend often and chat and exchange banter with the elders . They have never shown any interest in getting me back so I won’t hold my breath now.
some jw's used geehovah like a worn out sunday dish rag.
and so as those with a trade or talent.
in my hall my family owned an auto repair shop.
It has often struck me that JWs use the divine name in an overly loose fashion. They presume to be on first name terms with The Almighty.
In Britain we have a Queen. I know that her name is Elizabeth. If I were to meet her would I grasp her hand and say “hello Elizabeth “ .... No way, you would have to be respectful and use he proper title.
If that be true of a mortal woman how much more the God of the Universe? We have gone from Jews who were afraid to utter the “ineffable name “ to dubs who use it like he was their mate whom they meet in the pub!
this was before my time, but there was this post that had 308 comments testifying that the best thing of being a jehovah witness back in the day was the convention's meals.
is this true?.
one quote out of 308;.
Hmmm... as for assembly food, in the U.K. we used to always grumble about it. When I was young we used to queue to stand in a tent to have food plopped into compartmental Trays . A careless server meant that you had some gravy in your desert .. and for the tables were made for an adult to stand next to and eat , so if you were a kid your meal was level with your nose !
Over the years the service improved but the food didn’t. We still grumbled but then they took it away and we had nothing bar what we could take. Then we kept saying how we wanted the hot food back !