Thank you Blondie for confirming that fact about PG and Ray Frank . I thought that was the case but was not sure.
PG certainly came over as a warm , straight up person. .....
in my opinion, having been a jehovah's witness for twenty years as well as being an ex-jw for forty-three years,is that the following talk as given by peter gregerson, emphatically removes any shadow of a doubt aboutwhether the claim for the faithful slave has any merit whatsoever.
note: (references to the publication the finished mystery are given.
you can read the entire book here:
Thank you Blondie for confirming that fact about PG and Ray Frank . I thought that was the case but was not sure.
PG certainly came over as a warm , straight up person. .....
more than 60 percent of our full-time translation teams work, not at branch offices, but at remote translation offices (rto).
why is this arrangement beneficial?
what equipment do translators need in order to work effectively at an rto?
Opening line ....
”For all practical purposes, Welsh is a dead language.”
That may have been the case at one time but recent years have seen a resurgence of the language as the Welsh are determined to hang on to their culture. When you drive in Wales all the road and direction signs are primarily written in Welsh , very confusing to a bloke like me!how do jws resolve these conflicting facts.. 1. no matter how you spin it, bible chronology calculates to circa 4000 bc for adam's creation.
i followed the trail many years ago and that's what it adds up to.. 2. the most cursory investigation of any branch of relevant science puts man's habitation on the earth as hugely earlier than that.
it's now so well-proved that anyone disputing it is guilty of wilful ignorance.
Thomas asked if it mattered?
I believe it matters because the credibility of God’ Word is at stake.
To me it is not the scripture that states the date of Adam but man’s calculations say it.
How do we know that all the relevant information is contained in The Bible? It was not written for that purpose.
I am no longer a literal Genesis creationist . It may not be written to be a scientific record. I admit I don’t know about such things . I just think it wrong to make mathematical calculations based on many scriptures and proclaim it to be a Bible teaching
its a personal pet peeve to me but i hate it when ex jws use the catch phrase friends.
this was used at every convention and many meetings i went to.
the friends, mother and others.
In the U.K. we don’t say “friends “, we refer. to the brothers...... as if we were all one family.
These days , if I am talking to a dub I will use their own expressions for clarity and simplicity. Even on here it is sometimes suitable to refer to them in that way . It depends on the context .
Ah....get over it....
wt claims that satan was thrown out of heaven in october 1914 precipitating ww!
and the end times.
a small problem with that is ww1 started on july 28th 1914 whilst satan was still in heaven picking his nose.. how did we not see this and waste years of precious life?
I have wondered if the Wt had ever actually said that WW1 was caused by Satan’s being ousted from heaven or whether Witnesses had simply read that into the ambiguous writing of the WT?
Looking today I find :-
WT 79 2/15 p13
” Barry Renfrew of the “Associated Press” adds: “War has never been easy to explain and World War I is perhaps the hardest of all. Beneath the dry accounts of rivalries and alliances which historians use to explain the war, there lies a sense of something far greater, a sense of restlessness troubling the world.” Renfrew then notes that an assassination “inspired a world which had hardly heard of the murdered prince to go to war over his death without knowing why.”
But Christians do know why. Through their Bible-based insight, they know that World War I was timed with the birth of God’s kingdom in the heavens, which was to result in “woe for the earth.” Why? “Because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time.”—Rev. 12:9-12; compare Matthew 24:3, 7, 8.”
w85 7/1 p. 21 par.
16 - an increasing “great crowd...out of all nations” are flocking to the org jehovah’s worship.
the brooklyn pharisees assured the sheeple for decades that isaiah 2:2, micah 4:1-3, & haggai 2:7 were prophetically.
If I were a believing Witness I would answer that in 1985 they had around 2.8 million publishers . Today it is well over 8 million.... Enough said.
Even during the cessation of the field ministry they still managed a small increase.
Of course I am not a believing Witness any more so I will qualify that by saying that figures don’t show everything.... but there are still a large number of believers prepared to preach and report each month. Much as we would like it to, the old WTS ain’t going away any time soon
the mangroves’ new light.
(a short story).
“oh, christ—just what i needed this morning—those jehovah people in the neighborhood!”.
“extortion, I suppose. But, Jehovah is very jealous of his Name and reputation. This is the only workable strategy for getting Him to do what is necessary“
This bit reminded me of the thinking we had before 1975.. we used to say that “ we cannot imagine Jehovah allowing the Society to be totally wrong on this, when it has been so publicised. It would reflect on his name , he would not allow that to happen “
How Wrong we were.......
i can see it that watchtower will become an online/tv based group with just con-vention hall$.. field service would be letter writing and phone preaching, door to door is done.. watchtower will have pay to view programs and still ask for donations after all that.. zoom meetings are here to stay.
kingdumb halls will be sold off except for con-vention venues, or need for new ones$.. df'ing will continue.
the craziness will continue.
My attempts to predict the future of the WTS are as unlikely to come true as their attempts to predict the future of the World.
They never cease to surprise me.
even after 17 years i still haven't forgot "the village".
maybe it was because i had just left the wt.
did anyone else feel like you especially identified with this movie as a witness/ex-witness?
I recall seeing this on tv with my believing wife. The similarities to our situation in the Wt went straight over her head, but to me it was obvious.
Yes , a good film to watch especially if you are waking up to the Wt .
hi everyone i would like to say hello to everyone,.
i just started attending kingdom hall about a month ago now and am doing bible study with a brother..
I will pick up your question, Why are we here if we no longer follow the JW religion?
Largely because we want to share our experiences with newcomers like you and maybe help you stop yourself from making the same mistakes that we did.
With me, I did not suffer at home as some have but I did experience the crushing disappointment of realising that the beliefs that I had molded my life around - were just not true!
Having been taught to expect a brand New World imminently, back in my childhood, I am now in my eighth decade and still it is awaited. Such expectations go back to the nineteenth century, without fulfilment.
I could no longer stomach a teaching that all non JWs , old or young, good bad or indifferent by normal standards will horribly slaughtered at Armageddon, by our “ God of love”
If you can accept and find joy in such things , then feel free to continue your study but please consider all the other information that is available about this organisation, before committing yourself.