I certainly remember the Bible translations comparison notes that we had when we first offered the complete NWT in the Ministry. It was to show the “superiority “ of our Bible.
That might be around 60 years ago, time flies !
i was searching a sellers listings for my hobby stuff--model railways--and the seller has listed this amongst it.. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/395090358779?hash=item5bfd3871fb:g:qmyaaoswidnliyfk.
I certainly remember the Bible translations comparison notes that we had when we first offered the complete NWT in the Ministry. It was to show the “superiority “ of our Bible.
That might be around 60 years ago, time flies !
“It’s fun having the absolute freedom to research everything I’ve wanted to look into for many years.”
That I can understand. I felt the same when I left.. I suddenly realised I had to make up my own mind about many things that I had relied on the Society to tell me ... it is an interesting journey.
NB . I don’t see signs and symbols in things that are not there, though
it's not only the jws who do door to door witnessing.
the independent baptists for the most part have "soul winning", mainly door to door witnessing and leaving tracts, as a tennet of their faith.
this discussion is interesting:.
I certainly suffered anxiety going door to door. …It was ok if you were with a good partner and you got along well. The conversation with him/her kept your mind off it . Calling alone was difficult.. I think I felt too much for the people, knowing that I was interrupting their morning. The worst was when you had waited a while and heard the thump of a zimmer frame making its way painfully to the door and you knew that some old person had struggled to get there. I felt awful…
i just did a google search to see if i could find out if my old kingdom hall was still there, in the town i grew up in.
google has generated questions.
the first question asked how much jehovah's witness elders get paid.
Utter twaddle ! Elders work hard behind the scenes preparing talks and meeting parts. They travel to Elders meetings and to deliver the talks at their own expense , Secretaries do paperwork, probably computer work these days.... all without payment.
If I had been on that sort of money it would have been harder to leave.
so for those amongst us who celebrate the season .
merry christmas everyone.
.. jan from tam .
Sea Breeze , whilst I know that we come from a different culture, to us in Britain the whole idea of presenting a teenager with such a thing is…. Well, scary. I hope all goes well.
so for those amongst us who celebrate the season .
merry christmas everyone.
.. jan from tam .
A poem from Benjamin Zephaniah ….. I am posting it kind of tongue in cheek. Whatever you do , have a good one ..
fyi, i posted this prediction on my facebook page last night and it has received 224 likes and there have been 83 comments made.
many of the comments are hilarious.. .
a beard prediction for 2024:.
Joking apart, I was a little surprised that they did not specify “ neat and well groomed beards” . As it is the GB have given a green light to wannabe ZZ Top lookalikes….
lett has announced in the latest video update that jehovah has dignified the brothers by now letting them to choose for themselves whether they want to have a beard or not -.
this applies worldwide and to all brothers in any position..
Steven Lett is such a terrible speaker that I had to stop and see this from the official website to check that it was not a parody... He seems to be getting worse .....
After all these years They finally see the need to clarify the issue! Beards have been commonplace for decades and I thought the issue had died the death. It is not uncommon around here ( U K) to see an appointed man with a beard.
Oh well.......
here is the org's problem with zoom, attending this way does not fit with their "scriptural definition" of a christian gathering.
at least not anymore, one thing my pimi wife is fine with is attending on zoom occasionally, even 2-3 times a month or so.. if some of you recall, during covid there were break out rooms setup for people to stay on and associate.
many would also stay in the main meeting and talk over each other trying to say hello, etc.
They be logged into the zoom meeting, but are they even watching? We don’t always.
just been watching a youtube video by jw escape, lovely lady.
the subject was this weeks watchtower - “are you ready to obey?”.
what a blatant psyop this is.
Yes they want the flock to be blind obedient sheep who just do what they are told , without thinking . That is not new but it is more blatant these days.This is the congregation watching the monthly broadcast