Yes, but that is just the sort of ammunition I used to use to defend myself when I was not doing everything "the society's way"
Its a valuable quote.
youtuber "king of fader's" caught this unbelievable piece of cant from watchtower in thursday's life and ministry 'daily text'.. (based on 2 corinthians 1:24 " not that we lord it over your faith").
"jehovah has not given us authority to make personal decisions for others.
someone who makes needless rules is not protecting his brothers safety - he is trying to become the master of his brothers faith.
Yes, but that is just the sort of ammunition I used to use to defend myself when I was not doing everything "the society's way"
Its a valuable quote.
webmaster for removing jw's that come on here to preach their crap.
i don't want to hear their fake stuff.
i come here to recover from their damage and to help others.
Well,, why not?
This is supposed to be an open forum to discuss all things JW in an " open, frendly and tolerant manner" . So why seek to ban those whose views differ from your own?
Far better to engage with them and seek to show them the reasons why you disagree ..... or if it offends you to do that, simply ignore them as I do the American political threads.
i have been in several congregations over the years.
the hypocrisy was staggering.
so many of these idiots were fake jws.some were strict followers and were as annoying as could be.
Is it hypocrisy to be more liberal in your views and conduct than the strict, anal ones who take everything to limit?
When I married I was surprised at the films my wife liked to watch... she was no fan of the heavy rock music I loved.. We found a balance and learned from each other. Others we knew in the congregation would not have approved, we allowed them their “ weak consciences “
Some of the most “mature” dubs we knew used to reveal tastes that surprised us. We did not think Christianity revolved around such things.
has anyone on here downloaded the app " jw scheduler"?.
in perusing this site i see info re if publishers are going back to the halls after the covid is "in control".
some comments are that numbers are dropping - not here... more connected than were actually going to the halls.
I don’t know if it is widely used but it is not something the rank and file would use . This seems to digitise the paper work that I-and many others had to do. It may raise data protection issues but that may be covered by the forms they all sign..
This... from the site:
”JW Scheduler was created to help simplify and unify the scheduling and organising by appointed brothers in the congregation. Whether you are serving as an elder or ministerial servant, the Coordinator of of Body of Elders, Secretary, or have any other responsibility, we hope that JW Scheduler makes your work easier and quicker. That way we can all spend more time with our families, preaching, teaching and shepherding!
JW Scheduler was created and is maintained by a small team of brothers and sisters based in Australia. Our team are all currently in full-time service, and all brothers are elders. Between us we have spent over 30 years in the full-time service, including more than 10 years in special full-time service. Our team members have also served at branch offices, remote translation offices and in lands where the need is greater.”
to the person who requested the files and documents on the watchtower doing business with the klu klux klan, i will need to send you that in a file folder.
it would be easier if i could send everything to your email.. bottom line was, the canadian branch of the watchtower had a radio station in canada named "chuc" in the 1920's.. i am giving jeff and alan credit on this.
they did a wonderful video about it.
Wow ! .... I thought I had heard it all in terms of scandals and allegations regarding this society but this is new to me.
Now, trying to make some sense of it, I know that we should not apply 21st century knowledge and attitudes to the past . However by the 1920s the KKK were already notorious for lynchings, cross burnings and violence. To give them air time on one’s own radio station is just indefensible.
Re , the above post about the article Birth of The Nation, when I became aware of the KKK film The similarity of titles struck me as more than a coincidence. I often thought of posting it on here but never got my thoughts together....
Thanks Atlantis for directing us to this gem
so rolex sam said this.
is this something the whole cult buys into?
any links to rolex sam saying this?
The O/p should find the link , ideally a recording of it and then we can discuss the context of it and the time when it was said , if it ever was.
so, there's this social game called second life.. there one creates an avatar and can lead a parallel life.
there's a bit of everything, from general environments to adult.
it can be a hub for creative people, it can be a magnet for creeps.
Definitely unofficial and frowned upon by those at the top.. I see it came from DreamWorld. That’s kind of appropriate.
every memorial, much emphasis is placed on making sure that only the (self-proclaimed) anointed partake in the emblems.
this year, however, the speaker at my wife's congregation presented it as an even more serious matter.
he likened it to individuals in ancient israel who sought position of the priesthood despite never been appointed by jehovah.
I heard the Memorial talk here in the U K . The Society tells them strictly to stick to the outline . This speaker was definitely going off the book and over the top.
Perhaps we can see why they are putting so much on video ,where they have control.
my wife has been off the rails lately.
she is not really a loving mom or wife.
she is upset that me and the boys don't believe the same crap as her.
Truth.b.known said
”I believe one of the points she bring out in her research is that the human mind has evolved to believe things that are not true if they are beneficial to us.”
So True.. I always like the quote from Demosthenes which was something like “ it is extremely easy to convince a man of something he want to believe “
The WTS is at fault here . Rather than teach properly giving a grounding in Scripture and reasoning, they opt for a quick picture of a paradise earth , material luxury which can be yours if you only join us , spread the word and be good. Lovely!
If anyone comes up with awkward questions they are opposers , “not of our sort” agents of the Devil...
At least the old ones had a Bible knowledge and could hold their own, even if the conclusions were wrong.
hope link works.
I am with FF Ghost on this. I dont hear the guy say what the thread said he said.
They will go back , they have to keep the r and f busy . Some will be pleased to others not.... but the work will go on as it has for well over 100 years. " Until the cities crash in ruins" or until there is nobody left to do it.