I cannot fault your summary Vander..... the sad thing is that if I showed it to my family they would agree and say “yes, that’s right, why can’t you see it’s the truth?”
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
List of Critical WTS Teachings
by Vanderhoven7 ini sent a list of statements about current wts teachings to a friend who is being carefully recruited by a seasoned witness.. hi em..... just a quick summary of what all “good” jehovah's witnesses believe...even though some of these things witnesses are not always willing to be transparent about.
this is your crash course.
i have quotations for every item listed if you want or need them.. witnesses believes that:.
JWD oldtimers
by Gorb inhi friends,.
are here still some oldtimers from the earlier jwd time?
gorby .
Still alive and kicking.......
good to hear from you Gordy. I remember you well
Ah, Jonah. 3 day air supply explained ?Whale sharks gulp down air to float vertically while feeding
by waton inhere from new scientist magazine: .
whale sharks gulp down air to float vertically while feeding.
life 12 may 2021by christa lesté-lasserre.
Interesting info, I love marine studies, but I fail to see the connection to the JW world.
Correct me if I am wrong but I have read no article claiming that a whale shark swallowed Jonah. Mind you , a few years back the WTS did make a convention video af the Jonah book. In that they inserted a still photo of a whale shark at the point when he went down , I laughed out loud , knowing that these critters are filter feeders and despite having a large mouth, could not swallow a man if they tried.
Significant Changes Happening - Even Though Many May Not Realize
by JWTom ini posted this item a few weeks ago (link below) with a compilation of items that could happen as the organization unravels - even though many (including myself) may find it unlikely, improbable or simply too much of a change to believe.. https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5165806634663936/drastic-upcoming-changes-accelerated-pandemic.
as an active pimo though, i came up with the list in the above post simply from the standpoint that very significant changes have been occurring on an ongoing basis and sometimes i think even very active witnesses do not realize it.
a few major items that have been ongoing or were singular events listed below.
Awake magazine. .?
Where did the rumour come from. It is easy to check online . Truth is it has been reduced to next to nothing but it still appears 3 times a year ,undated. It is more a series of brochures now , only half the number of pgeas each time too.
Remember how it felt before you woke up. Living forever in a Righteous World.
by pistolpete ini woke up early in life.
it’s not because i was smarter than my brothers and sisters.
in fact, reflecting back, i actually don’t know why i didn’t embrace the watchtower teachings?
Waking up ,for me, was a fairly quick process once it happened - around 40 years after I was child-baptized.
I was thinking about "the truth" and as usual questions arose about why certain things made no sense. For the first time I dared to ask myself "Suppose it is just not true?"
That was it. Everything crumbled in that moment. I sat for a while in a state of shock after such an epiphanal moment. I then felt disappointment. I was not going to live in paradise. There was no New World and I would never see my dead mother again. Anger too at having wasted three quarters of my life.
Was I a victim? Yes although I know we all have choices but the knowledge was not available then.
I believe it was Ray Franz who wrote that "we are victims of victims" . I believe that to be true. Every Witness from the top down has followed those who went before him and believed what he was taught
Do JW women expect LESS from their man than Non-jw women?
by pistolpete innon-jw women usually expect their man to have some type of social status.
whether it's education, money, fame, etc.. these days, feminism also plays a role in a future, marriage.
(the man is not the head, maybe the women is the head).
Cannot speak for women but being a JW husband makes you expect more of your wife than normal people do.
A JW wife is expected to be submissive, have a " quiet and mild spirit " and yet be zealous in preaching and develop all the housewifely skills .... The ideal of Proverbs 31 is held to be a minimum requirement. Phew!
I found that once I stopped following the JW thinking , our marriage improved because I was not expecting so much of my wife. I began to appreciate her as she was not what I thought she should be..
If not the WT/JW relgion where else are 'we' to go? Why not atheistic/scientific philosophical naturalism?
by Disillusioned JW insometimes jws wonder if the wt/jw is not the truth, 'then where else are we to go?
' i say 'why not atheistic/scientific philosophical naturalism and why not a secular philosophy which teaches a way of life?
' what do you folks say?.
The "Where else can we go" attitude stems from the belief the JW ism is the truth, the only truth and that all other ideas are foolish or evil.
In fact, once one has opened your mind to the idea that it may not be true, the whole world of alternative ideas become yours to examine. It is just a question of shattering that cloak of inviincibilty that surrounds the WTS in a dubby mind. It is scary at first, your certainties have gone, but it is so rewarding in the end.
It's Saturday already.... Reasons To Be Cheerful. ....Ian Dury
What Do You Want To Talk About Regarding Jehovah’s Witnesses?
by minimus inwe do talk a lot about how this site doesn’t center on all things jw.
so what would you like to discuss?.
the floor is yours..
Anybody else catch the May broadcast where Kenneth Cook describes in some detail the prophecy of the King of the North and South and why they believe that is now Russia as the King of the North ?
It is placing themselves at the centre of world events....
Jws failure to protect their vulnerable follower
by Fadeaway1962 inhttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9545969/amp/jehovahs-witnesses-criticised-failing-stop-devout-followers-plan-stab-wife-49-times.html .
elder should face some kind of criminal prosecution..
Shocking story. Poor woman.... Her husband an obvious mental case. I wonder how that elder felt when he learned what had happened? I’d bet that he never believed that he would really do it.
If he did know she was really in danger, the blood is on his head too.