The 2021 “shepherding The Flock” book chapter 13
”The deliberate viewing of pornography is a sin. (Matt. 5:28, 29) It can result in an addiction to sex, perverted desires, and seri- ous marital problems. (Prov. 6:27; lvs pp. 121-123 pars. 9-12) How- ever, not all cases require handling by a judicial committee.—See 12:1-2; w12 3/15 pp. 30-31; w06 7/15 p. 31.
3. An entrenched practice of viewing, perhaps over a considerable period of time, abhorrent forms of pornography would be consid- ered gross uncleanness with greediness and needs to be handled judicially “
[Edit .. Aborrent forms included child porn .. ] Blues.