Jackson said (as I recall) “Up to know we have believed that the practicing of good or vile things occurs after their resurrection in the New World “
Er.. No.. in all my years of believing, up the end of the 1990s, I was taught that it was about what they had done in their first life. Those who had practiced vile things would find it harder, perhaps too difficult to change and be righteous. For those ones it would turn out to be a res. of judgment because after a time to give them opportunities they would be “removed” ie. zapped from on high by Jesus,
Now perhaps in recent years they had changed it and I missed it , but that is what I , and I am sure others always understood..
Mind you, it is all a nonsense anyway.. it saddens me to think of the time I spent believing this stuff and the years I lived in hope of seeing dear old Mother again. Oh well, onwards with eyes open now