I have not seen that quake reported over here , yet, so it was a surprise……
I hope someone told Flipper that he was asked about and remembered on here .
I wish everybody well.
I have not seen that quake reported over here , yet, so it was a surprise……
I hope someone told Flipper that he was asked about and remembered on here .
I wish everybody well.
do you think the watchtower will ban commenting at the meetings one day?
if you are pimo, you might want to try to make some comments to make others think about the “truth”!
No , the Q and A discussion is a basic of their meetings. When I was a a Watchtower conductor I used to welcome the interesting answers, I’ld purposely call on those who would add something to the meeting. That is the way we did it in the old days and those who were my mentors knew how to do it and still end on time.
The ones I have seen in recent years seem scared of answers not from the paragraph, I don’t think they have the confidence to know if they are right or wrong.
If they decide to punish someone they will pointedly ignore their hand, letting them know they are in the doghouse.
2017 - wt: the gb is neither inspired or infallible and can err in doctrine and organisational matters... clearly gb have received biblical information about things that been done wrong.
not from god directly, but letters received at headquarters.
if important new light about biblical matters have come to the gb attention, why are they not telling the congregations about that information?
By “They” I mean the GB, their Helpers all the Bethel Heavies at locations around the World....the ones that really understand what the Org. is all about.
I believe they are so indoctrinated, so institutionalised that they cannot see beyond their conviction that they are part of God’s Organisation. Anything could change, literally everything, but “ It’s the Truth isn’t it” will always be believed. The same goes for a fair number of the r and f dubs who have given it their lives.
your opinion, please, on the above video.
1. before jesus, humans were judged either by the law (jews and converts) or by natural law (noahide law).
Jackson said (as I recall) “Up to know we have believed that the practicing of good or vile things occurs after their resurrection in the New World “
Er.. No.. in all my years of believing, up the end of the 1990s, I was taught that it was about what they had done in their first life. Those who had practiced vile things would find it harder, perhaps too difficult to change and be righteous. For those ones it would turn out to be a res. of judgment because after a time to give them opportunities they would be “removed” ie. zapped from on high by Jesus,
Now perhaps in recent years they had changed it and I missed it , but that is what I , and I am sure others always understood..
Mind you, it is all a nonsense anyway.. it saddens me to think of the time I spent believing this stuff and the years I lived in hope of seeing dear old Mother again. Oh well, onwards with eyes open now
would someone in the know please clarify for me some alleged comments given from the governing body at the recent/yet to be streamed for the rank and file annual meeting?.
it is my understanding that samuel herd basically tells the rank and file that old light is new light and the new light of july, 2013 is now old light.
to be specific, herd states that the official stance on whether or not the annointed remaining on earth, to include the governing body, will all be in heaven prior to armageddon.. at this same annual meeting tony morris iii tells those in attendance that stephen letts' statement that "we're living in the final part of the last days, undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days!
Anthony Morris, As I recall, talked about the popular view in the 1970s that kids would never grow up in this system. He omitted to mention that this had been printed in the literature, instead poured scorn on those that said it.
His theme was on keeping going no matter what or how long they have been doing.
I did not see it as disputing that the end was near.
I wish I could find the thread that discussed it but I cannot.
ivy hill congregation of jehovah's witnesses is currently suing the pa department of human services.
it requests "a declaration that its elders are entitled to" clergy privilege, or, in the alternative,.
to the extent that the clergyman privilege is determined to exclude its elders on the basis that they are "members of [a] religious organization[] in which members other than the leader thereof are deemed clergymen or ministers," the court declare the statute to be unconstitutional.
I agree with the last post…. This would have come from HQ…
they want clergy privilege?
First question should be “ Does your organisation have a clergyman class?”
Answer ..No.
end of.
i am new to this and recently converted, so please forgive my ignorance.. i am trying not to sin and don't understand something.
it says in leviticus that you cannot consume blood, so no blood transfusions.
i understand this.
Try again fora link to ajwrb
i am new to this and recently converted, so please forgive my ignorance.. i am trying not to sin and don't understand something.
it says in leviticus that you cannot consume blood, so no blood transfusions.
i understand this.
All the years that I was in, we used to say that provided the meat had come from a commercial abattoir then it would have been bled , thus complying with God’s law .It is the venous blood that matters not the residue in the fibres of the meat.
Food is not usually a problem, it is the application of that rule to medical transfusion of blood that causes an issue. I would recommend the website ajwrb.com
if you read there you will know more about the issue than most Witnesses.
the wt study for this week is all about disfellowshipping.
in an early paragraph it said "think how heartbroken jehovah must have been when members of his own angelic family turned their back on him!".
however when you think about it, when this happened according to the wt teaching, jehovah still engaged with satan in the heavens (book of job) and had conversations with him about what was going on in the earth.. so why do the wt org practice shunning when jehovah god obviously didn't?.
I am indebted to Paul Grundy’s site JW Facts for the information that Disfellowshipping , as we know it, only came in 1952… just 5 years after they published the above quote.
So for over 70 years they existed without it .
it was when the governing body started to disfellow-ship jehovah`s witnesses from taking blood transfusions in an effort to save their lives .. resulting in many hundreds if not thousands of needless deaths of men women and children who by this coercion died from this doctrine.. and to this day they still go unpunished .
Ultimate responsibility does, it is true , rest with successive GBodies who have interpreted the Scriptures in the way they have and over stated medical risks - but at the end of the day it is the individual who decides what to do with himself.
Dubs are conditioned to view blood as a toxic treatment which will not only bring down the wrath of God but probably infect them with something nasty , to boot.
The one’s I know would as soon put human s##t in their bodies than accept blood .