She speaks as though he is still alive at the time of the interview so I guess it is pretty old. If a mother were to speak truthfully now, she could not say that . The screw gets tighter all the time.
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
Michael Jackson's mom on his disassociation
by neat blue dog infrom an interview with ebony magazine:.
in 1987, he left the jehovah's witnesses.
there was strong opposition to his "thriller" video on the part of some witnesses.
Governing Body needs qualified ''early to mid-twenty year old elders''
by RULES & REGULATIONS in has posted a letter titled, ''announcements and reminders january 2022.''.
the governing body are always changing bible procedures.
I seem to remember an old Watchtower article on eldership focussing on a verse that said to “ select wise, discreet and experienced men”..... How can you be , in your early twenties.?
That announcement referred to “ exceptional ministerial servants “. How do they judge exception? By pioneer hours ? We know that means nothing...
Current Elder and Sub CO Arrested
by James Jack in
known his wife her whole life.
they have served both in mississippi and minnesota..
Yes , it is an offence for which you can be d/f’d…
Of course the whole judicial system of the JW is different from the world in that nothing carries an automatic penalty. It is there to root out the unrepentant. However this guy would have an awful lot of explaining to do ………
Great Idea for PIMO! (Zoom Meetings)
by Iamallcool in
So what’s the idea? To have a “bot” log in automatically to zoom meetings to pretend you are there?
It is easy enough to log in but turn off your camera, not allow them to un mute you and turn off the sound. With that done you can sit there and read the Sunday paper if you wish ….
Anthony Morris wants to help inactive ones return to Jehovah
by RULES & REGULATIONS injw broadcasting.
news and announcements.
2021 governing body update #10. .
They have made these comments before , even charged elders with contacting the inactive.
I am still waiting, nobody ever called me. The local congregation know me well enough, I used to attend often and chat and exchange banter with the elders . They have never shown any interest in getting me back so I won’t hold my breath now.
Geehovah this and Geehovah that.
by Foolednomore insome jw's used geehovah like a worn out sunday dish rag.
and so as those with a trade or talent.
in my hall my family owned an auto repair shop.
It has often struck me that JWs use the divine name in an overly loose fashion. They presume to be on first name terms with The Almighty.
In Britain we have a Queen. I know that her name is Elizabeth. If I were to meet her would I grasp her hand and say “hello Elizabeth “ .... No way, you would have to be respectful and use he proper title.
If that be true of a mortal woman how much more the God of the Universe? We have gone from Jews who were afraid to utter the “ineffable name “ to dubs who use it like he was their mate whom they meet in the pub!
What's the deal with Cheese and Apple Danishes at conventions.
by pistolpete inthis was before my time, but there was this post that had 308 comments testifying that the best thing of being a jehovah witness back in the day was the convention's meals.
is this true?.
one quote out of 308;.
Hmmm... as for assembly food, in the U.K. we used to always grumble about it. When I was young we used to queue to stand in a tent to have food plopped into compartmental Trays . A careless server meant that you had some gravy in your desert .. and for the tables were made for an adult to stand next to and eat , so if you were a kid your meal was level with your nose !
Over the years the service improved but the food didn’t. We still grumbled but then they took it away and we had nothing bar what we could take. Then we kept saying how we wanted the hot food back !
JW’s and Charity Organizations
by longgone ini was wondering if anyone is aware of the jw’s in general being involved financially and/or as volunteers in charity organizations?
i was a born in jw for 56 years and left in 2016. as far as i remember there was never any encouragement to help in the community in any way.
including soup kitchens, tutoring at schools, united way, etc.
When I was a Cong. Secretary back in the day I used to run the Gift Aid scheme whereby the cong claimed back the income tax contributors had paid on their donations. Every year we received a cheque from The Government. Thank you.
Nowadays I think it has to be done through Bethel, if it still exists. Our only claim to being a charity was being a recognised religion,but that was enough to have the British tax payer subsidise the work.
Nowadays the Society makes much of their relief work after disasters but that is for their own , through the congregations, not for the community...
Counseling for Ex JW
by Iamallcool ini have been thinking that it would be very nice if the us government would be willing to fund ex jw counseling services all over the united states.
i understand that many counselors do not really understand ex jw issues but we can educate them if we have additional funds, etc…if someone here is willing to write a letter to their local representative about it, that would be great!
You have to have been in it to understand the subtle pressures that it applies. The belief the “ Jehovah will be displeased with me if I ........ “ is very difficult to break . The argument that “ Now you are going against the Holy Spirit “ when you think contrary to the Society is a hard to fight against in the early days of waking up .
An outsider doesn’t usually grasp all that .
Watchtower online religion.
by asp59 inshould we refer watchtower as to a online religion now?
i mean we could discuss if they ever return to kingdom hall's in the future.
if most of them haven't been sold.
The dubs want to go back to meetings… I hear rumours that it will happen here (UK) soon and then I hear denials by others. Whatever, I do believe that it is under constant review but no decision yet ..
It will happen though, and a return to “the Ministry “