This publication “Enjjoy Life Forever “ is not really a book , it is the interactive study material that they now use for new students. It seems laughably simple and short on detailed information but asks the student the kind of questions that can only be answered the Watchtower way. It includes videos. I guess that fills the time.
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
Current Meeting Attendees
by blondie indoes anyone know what publication is being studied at the midweek meetings.
i used to know but it has flown out of my brain.
it is treating some of past issues that were once taught by the wts or have seen material that questions it.
Hello from the UK
by KIMSILVIO ini am still on my holiday around the uk and currently am in the midlands if anyone is around i’d love to catch up - hope you are all well xx.
“I'm used to southerners so my standards are pretty low🤷♀️“
Come On , I am a Southerner (UK) and I think our reputation is undeserved. I have been pleasantly surprised lately by the kindness of our neighbours.
We are who we are, many prefer to keep to ourselves but offers of assistance are there often enough.
To the original poster on holiday, I would say that the visitor experience is different than living here . There are many beautiful places to visit, just take a brolly
All I can say is thank god for streaming tv since the normal media is cancelled and replaced by insincere tributes and rehashed film of Royal tours .
Perhaps it was my dub upbringing that made me disinterested in the Royal Family. I sympathise with anybody that has lost a mother/grandmother, but she meant nothing to me.
Latest jw broadcast referring to allegations of protecting pedophiles
by jonahstourguide inhi folks.. i put this in abuse as i thought it relevant.. a physically in mentally out friend that considers our friendship greater than religion told me that on the latest broadcast steven lett alluded to satans voice being behind people that claim the organisation protects pedophiles.. my friend then went on to say they must be in damage control.. he added, but that is correct, they are hiding their internal records.
is not that construed as protecting the accused?.
if i get the inclination i may post a snippet of what was actually said.. sadly my friend is trying to protect his family relationships and so goes along with the charade.. his situation weighs on me but, as many of you here know, it can be a difficult road to travel.. jtg.
Had a look at this. We are ,apparently. the innocent dupes of the great ventriloquist Satan who is putting words in our mouth as he did the serpent in Eden. If we have loved ones still in, they can view us as well meaning, but they should reject out of hand what we say.
Lett said the media is biased and slants the stories against them . It is corrupt and only interested in profit. I gather that includes the most respected news sources.
This really smacks of fear.
refusing to go in service with someone
by enoughisenough indid you ever refuse to go in service with someone?
i did.... i went to the kh to meet for service and 3 brothers were there.
i told the brother taking the lead, that when he made up the car groups to take note i had a plan of my own -the 3 brothers could go together and i would do my own thing.
When I used to lead the FS groups , it was always difficult if people had “plans to work together “, especially if Sis. Fruitful had brought along all her kids…
I did have one Bro. that people did not like working with. I used to get phone calls after the Service with people saying “please don’t put me with him again “ . He was an awkward so and so who said and did his own thing so perhaps they argued? He was o k with me though.
I was more relaxed about men and women working together. I tried to treat people as grown ups.
Did the Watchtower Society ban Vaccinations and Organ Transplants?
by Vanderhoven7 inan avid wts supporter writes:.
re: vaccinations: vaccinations have never been banned.
if they were, then no representative of the wts would have been allowed to travel overseas when vaccines were compulsory around 1920 when vaccines was regularly in the news, there was both positive and negative information printed in the golden age (forerunner of the awake) but not from the staff writers, but from out side sources of article by medical doctors at the time and others that responded to those articles.. re: organ transplants: organ transplants were never forbidden by the society.
All of us in at the time believed that organ transplants were forbidden. There may not be a quote that states a d/f penalty but it was well understood. You are in no doubt with comments like this
Wt 1967 p 702/704
“. Those who submit to such operations are thus living off the flesh of another human. That is cannibalistic. However, in allowing man to eat animal flesh Jehovah God did not grant permission for humans to try to perpetuate their lives by cannibalistically taking into their bodies human flesh, whether chewed or in the form of whole organs or body parts taken from others.”
The full article, a QFR, is worth reading on Watchtower on line, if you have an interest.
Why do JWs love bomb?
by Smiles in💣.
we know what mentally-in jws believe they are doing when they "love one another"... and many of us here formerly participated in that culty love bombing behavior.. why?.
Why do they love-bomb?
a) they are genuinely pleased to see a new one coming along
b) they see it as a Christian duty to be seen as showing love
c) they can count their time talking to you.
Did becoming a JW influence you to give up something you enjoyed ?
by smiddy3 inwhen i was a teenager a younger fellow workmate was involved in the sport of judo.i got interested and went along to a number of sessions and took to it like a sponge to water ,and as a sport i was happy participating in.. not that much longer another workmate was getting re-activated in the religion of jw`s.
which i had never heard o before and then got interested in that .. conflict : was judo a sport that was compatible with j.w beliefs?
sadly i decided it was not and stopped any further involvement.. to this day i resent that decision i made back then .and i`m 82 years old now.. it was a sport i was comfortable doing and i enjoyed it.and i gave it up because of the religion .who knows what i may have achieved had i continued with it.
I grew up within it .. but luckily I did not have controlling JW cloned parents. During the sixty’s I heard all the counsel on rock music but I decided to ignore it. I have always loved the music, rock, soul , Blues and all. I just decided that the doctrinal stuff was legit from God, but counsel on music and girl’s hemlines etc was just from the men... well intentioned but Uninformed ..
I did not tell them at the Hall, though!
10 years on and I’m still indoctrinated
by joe134cd inthis experience highlights the level of my indoctrination, after 10 years of been a pomo.
a few months back my gf was hinting to me about what we could do for my birthday.
to be honest i just had no idea, that i even had a birthday.
I can’t be bothered with a birthday….. it all seems childish to me. Why would a grown man need to be the centre of attention, blow out candles on a cake and receive presents he could have bought himself if he wanted one?
When I was at work I woke up from the Watchtower and took pleasure in telling my workmates how wrong it all was and how wrong I had been. I still never let on about my birthday though….. did not want it.
Canada : Baby of Jehovah's Witness parents may receive blood transfusions
by yalbmert99 incanada, province of québec : baby of jehovah's witness parents may receive blood transfusions.
in french, use google translate for english.
I have been told that nowadays, if a court gives consent , the Society does not require them to fight it … let’s hope the kid does o k , with or without blood. .