If it is less than a common cold , why are there around 8000 people detained in hospital with it in the U.K. ?
As an immunity suppressed person I am not going to a K.Hall for love nor money.
this is a new video posted by the exjw critical thinkers jt & lady cee:.
i had a hunch that wt was going to do so, but this is happening quite soon.
If it is less than a common cold , why are there around 8000 people detained in hospital with it in the U.K. ?
As an immunity suppressed person I am not going to a K.Hall for love nor money.
investing in unethical enterprises.
in the ocean, big fish swallow the little fish while the big fish are swallowed by the even bigger fish.. below is an example of this principle.. .
a fellow named mccann donated 50k shares of rand cam engine corp. to the watchtower society.. rand cam engine corp. manufactures aircraft engines for commercial, recreational, and military clients.
This from Snopes
” For the record, Disney has not purchased Pornhub.”…….
” This was not a genuine news article, as The Beaverton is a well-known entertainment site that publishes "news satire and parody." A disclaimer on the website reads as follows: "The Beaverton is a news satire and parody publication. All articles contained within this website and on its social media accounts, however similar to real events, are fictitious. When public figures or actual businesses are mentioned by name, the corresponding story details are invented. In all other cases, any resemblance to actual persons, businesses or events is entirely coincidental."
great find jonas!!!.
Re . the Rand Cam question, I have a letter from the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, dated in 2002 , in answer to my enquiry.
They categorically denied holding any shares in the company. They said the stock listing was “erroneous “ and was being corrected . Apparently two brothers originally owned the company and made an agreement to give them some of the profits, the firm changed hands and mistakes occurred. They denied ever receiving any money from this .
That letter was posted on line here at the time.
great find jonas!!!.
Well, well well
I am glad that others have explained this . It goes to show that we must always be careful and willing to listen to others..
this is a new video posted by the exjw critical thinkers jt & lady cee:.
i had a hunch that wt was going to do so, but this is happening quite soon.
“Who knows if they put on Zoom and do something else while they are ( supposedly ) listening to the meeting?“
That’s what we do, and my wife is still a believer, she just finds the modern meetings boring… Suits me !
That guy in the video is an entertaining presenter, I thought it was well done. I cannot see zoom ending though .
great find jonas!!!.
The claims seem to be legit. You can clearly see the Norwegian spelling of Jehovah’s name there .
This resonates with me because the last JC that I did before I came off Eldership was a lad who had committed the terrible sin of buying a lottery scratch card . We read the riot act and threatened to D/f him , thankfully we only reproved him .
What hypocrites these people are !
great find jonas!!!.
I find this shocking! Here is a screenshot of part of the register of foundations , from the Norwegian Gambling Authority website . If anyone can translate, that would be great
don't complain if you get kicked out of bethel after 23 years (it's really a blessing to be assigned back to the field) and don't complain if they sell your kingdom hall even if you have just invested your time and energy renovating it.. so encouraging?.
Back to Zaina’s experience....”But she says: “I never allowed myself to doubt the organization or Jehovah’s love.”.
She never allowed herself, that shows that doubt was there but she refused to entertain the thought. We have all done that , had long-standing recurring doubt that you don’t allow yourself to indulge in. One day though you do allow yourself to think the unthinkable...... and that is when your faith collapses.
my brother told us that sr. so and so ,was disfellowshipped.
now ,she is in her late 60's.
i just had a feeling it was for apostasy.
Good for her ! Shows it is never too late to change , kick the traces and start anew .
the state university where we live has cultural festivals educating the public about art, food and music of the minorities in the community.
it is also an opportunity for some to generate a little income selling their wares and food.
the jws have successfully put up a booth right in the campus building and used it to actively proselytize and distribute literature.
I had not heard of the Hmong people, so I googled it . I know now, thank You.
Any excuse to get a an foothold, eh? What is that spinning wheel , with the logo “spin to win” .... The JW stance that I know forbids the calling on good luck or the spirit of competition... No standards these days.