You've got a radical leftist organization and Sy Hersh who is notorious for grotesque exaggeration and outright falsehood. I'd say that establishes a level of credibility worth a bucket of warm spit. Of course for the lefties the accusation is proof enough.
JoinedPosts by Fangorn
BREAKING!: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attac
by What-A-Coincidence in
in the video here, taped at the campus progress journalism conference earlier this month, the pulitzer-prize winning journalist seymour hersh reveals how the neocons convened around dick cheney and brainstormed ways to kick off world war iv, as they fondly call their pet project to take out the muslims and foment a contrived clash of civilizations.
I Had Lunch With Michelle Obama Today
by Justitia Themis inshe is an amazon...i'm guessing 5' 11" with big hips.
her speech was ok, but she says "um" a lot.
our table was very close, which translates into we paid $500.00, instead of $200.00, per plate for our cold chicken salad.
You have my sympathy. I'd find it real difficult not to throw up in her august presence.
E-Watchman and JW Reform
by insearchoftruth ini have read some very interesting and thought provoking articles on the subject sites.
having never been a jw, what is the feeling of a 'run of the mill' witness towards these sites sympathetic towards the general doctrines of the wts, but calling for some major reforms?.
E-Watchman is a nutcase who has been dogging ex/anti Witness sites for years. A very short period of observation will tell almost anyone that he doesn't deal from a full deck. Not sure about the JWReform oufit, probably just an intermediate stage in leaving.
Is it Feasible to File a Lawsuit against WBTS
by KW13 infor the damage that they've done to me as an individual, discouraged from taking school seriously, to forget the idea of college as it wouldnt and certainly never dream of working in this system, afterall the new order will be here by then.... the impact this religion has had on me has left me with some things that i will never get rid of, they are that deeply buried in me and i'm not saying i'm not coping or that i'm really unhappy but life in some areas is just damaged.
everything from me personally to my relationship with my mum.. i being foolish or would i be doing the right thing?
i am not saying i want money, more recognition of what happened you know?.
You can file all you want, it just won't go anywhere.
My wife is gonna look at apostate info
by 10p ini never thought we'd be here.
after a long discussion last night, my wife now wants to know the 'other side of the story'.
what made me leave.
To be frank I'd stay away from the web sites for a while. They don't have much credibility with many people because you can find about anything on the internet, and the Organization has spend so much time bashing it. There have been a number of recommendation for Crisis of Conscience and I heartily agree. Something about a book carries more weight. CoC is very measured and not a polemic, fairly well documented and unlikely to scare her off or offend her.
Jerry Bergman on JWs destroying library books
by Dogpatch inthe number of my books in academic libraries.
i have authored several scholarly books and monographs about the jehovahs witnesses.
my books and articles on the watchtower and related topics are found in hundreds of university, college and other libraries, and have also been translated into 12 languages.
"I'm extremely loyal to Bergman, right or wrong. If Jerry's right I'm with him. If he's wrong, I'm still with him," Wow! enough said. I bet you were a wonderful Witness, you certainly have the right attitude.
Greg Stafford rejects Watchower and start a new religion
by TJ Curioso inchristian witnesses of jah .
come now the christian witnesses of jah.
that is why it must be our purpose to not serve jah or jesus by pleasing men.
To be fair, Stafford doesn't feel that way about the use of the name in the Greek scriptures. He discusses the subject in some depth in what I seem to remember as his second book. We exchanged a couple of e-mails on the subject before the book came out.
The Tower ate many Baby Boomers
by Alex Delta ini do some thinking every once and a great while and had a little brain storm which to most of you is just a cloudy sky.
looking back into history i put one and two together and see that the baby boomers came to be after the 4 first false prophecies of the tower which were in 1914, 1915, 1925 and 1945. after all this jazz happens they have a huge fall out and change and twist their doctrine to set up their next sales pitch, and wouldn't you know it, who's there for the towers perfect meal, baby boomers, the tower chew's away and gets pretty full for they're plenty of them, those ingredient were perfect.
these people grew up with wars, tons of protest's, scandals you name it there was plenty of things happening to them, add a little this and a dash of that and that's what the tower loves to feed on the feared.
I think you've got it exactly right, and a lot of those boomers have had enough and taken a hike lately.
Brant Jones Letters to and From the Watchtower- 2005-06
by uninformed inthanks to scully, i have figured out where to put these letters so all that would like to access them and read them can do so.--just click on the link below.. don't expect a lot from the letters, as i am a brick mason and not the brightest bulb on the (new) christmas tree.. in my correspondence with the wt, i exerted all my effort to keep the discussion on just the un, even though i did have misgivings on other matters.
i thought if i was able to keep the discussion on just the un that it would prove to be more difficult for them to disfellowship me, as it was their conduct that i was opposing, conduct that violated their own teachings.. it worked to some extent, as they had to trump up charges on us that we started our own religion because we had the memorial celebration in 2006 with our family rather than at the kingdumb hall.
it was a real pleasure to be disfellowshipped for their sin.
Brant has always been a 'straight from the shoulder' kind of guy. One of the things I like about him.
USA - Who to vote for President = Woman {Hilary} or Blackman {Obama} -cool!
by Witness 007 in.
and thank god george bushes term will soon be over and he did'nt start armagedon......{dumb texan accent} "now what does this button do..." blaaaam..
What a choice! Am I going to pick a hard left black guy that will put the nation at risk and wreck the economy or am I going to pick a hard left woman that will put the nation at risk and wreck the economy. It'll be Jimmy Carter in black face or a skirt, pretty much even I'd say.