I wanted to comment on other's posts but I seem to be in a seriously selfish mood and can only think about my own problems and issues.
Leaving the Witnesses was the best thing I could have done. Living with a Witness spouse and kids doesn't make it easy.
But, I hope that my experience can help someone else who may be going through similar things or about to start the journey.
I always knew as I began the fade that I needed to love and support my wife throughout the process. I mentally understood it but I don't think I actually came through and did it. I knew that her foundation in life was the WTS with her family and husband a part of it. When I began to doubt and research she felt her foundation shifting and cracking. She responded accordingly. I KNEW that I had to provide a new foundation for her to step onto. In the beginning before my fade was inevitable and even old news I had my chance to provide her a new foundation that she could be safe and sound with. I didn't.
A complaint my wife has always had with me is that I am not caring or considerate enough. I don't actually believe this is true, but it is her perception. I needed to work with that and make positive changes that she could see and grab onto. I didn't do that. I remained the same person out of the truth as I was in the truth. For some spouses that's enough; it's great even to see their once witness spouse leave the truth but remain a decent human being. It goes against a lot of what they are taught. For my wife, though, it wasn't enough. I truly feel that in order for her see what I see in the truth she would need to be much more comfortable with me as a person.
It sounds odd because if something is illogical or wrong it shouldn't matter who presents it. Wrong is wrong. But, when someone is committed or tied emotionally to a belief system they need emotions to bring them out. Actually, an old poster from this board (Winston Smith) once said that a person will leave the truth through the same door they came in. I believe on that account I failed my wife. I knew what to do and didn't do it. Her tie is emotional not logical; I appealed to logic but failed to appeal to her emotions.
I love my wife. She loves me. We are frustrated with each other and the anger from that frustration lurks just beneath the surface. I don't know if it's possible to reset and try all over to provide her with the emotional foundation that she needs or if her view of me is just too damaged. I have been posting here for a long time but haven't been active with posting much in recent years. I think I fell under the illusion that just loving my wife was enough and that time alone would bring about her eventual fade from the truth. I don't think that will work. The seeds I planted landed on good soil but didn't take route because I failed to provide the needed nurishment. It's time for me to begin again. I am going to strive to appeal to her want/desire for an emotional foundation with me included to help her see the light of the truth.
Why not leave well enough alone? Because, I know my wife very well and she is not truly happy. She suffers from all the typical ailments that most witnesses have. She feels the stress on our marriage because of religious differences. AND my children; I do not wish my children to grow up as witnesses. I would also like them to grow up in a religiously unified home - if possible. I have no illusion that this will be easy. If it was easy I would probably have done it long ago. I am not even sure it will work. I have the right basis though. I do love my wife and want only the best for her. I am not trying to fool her or trick her. I want her to see in my actions how I feel in my heart. Yes, I get frustrated and angry inside (which does show on the outside) when she involves the kids in Witness things or gets overly Witnessy herself. It is my sincere hope that by better managing my emotions, showing my wife how I feel inside more consistently and regularly in ways that she sees, feels and understands that she will gain respect for me and once again see me as part of her foundation.