Garneal, my wife could not tell you what the current WTS teaching is on most subjects other than trinity, blood, hellfire, heaven and the end is soon soon soon, but she believes everything and attends regularly.
We have come to an unspoken agreement where we basically don't discuss witness stuff in our home. I can't imagine what stress trying to do a regular reading of the bible together would cause.
I have found that in the past when I have made what I think is a great point with her and that maybe just maybe she agreed, it only lasted until the conversation was over and then she forgets all of it and continues on as if no discussion happened.
Good luck with your bible reading but don't hold out too much hope that it will magically help her see TTATT. The 'wait on Jehovah' or 'we'll understand it in the new system' is their ultimate fallback no matter what they hear or learn.