JoinedPosts by TheListener
Was it worth it?
by John Aquila infor those of you who left family and friends and had to start over from scratch just to get out of the organization, was it worth it?.
10000000% yes -
Well....the wife and I are going back to the Kingdom Hall.
by jimbob inbefore i explain why, i've never really given anyone a background on myself, even though i've been a member here for 2 1/2 years.
so i'll try and make this quick.. i was raised a jw my whole life.
i know many jw's in the seattle area and eastside.
sorry to hear the sad news. I also went to the KH for the memorial of a dear friend and loved one. I was really disappointed that 90%-95% or more of the memorial talk was about the new system and how to become a strong servant of Jehovah and 5%-10% about the actual person we all cared so much about.
It Is Official, Just as Predicted on this Site... Local Cong Donates all Monies on Deposit with You Know Who!
by RichardHaley inmy local cong just donated all money (4k +) on deposit with you know who to, you know who.
"since the society forgave all kingdom hall loans the boe felt it only appropriate to forgive the society of our loan to them.
" is exactly how it was presented to the r&f.
Morpheus, I'm not sure the org has the resources to centralize all the billing for so many kingdom halls local bills? I'm not sure.. Plus, why would the society want to pay for the local bills from their funds when they can get the contributions from the local congregations and have the local hall pay their own bills on top of it. That lets the society keep more of their money. -
Young Girl Exposes Jehovah's Witnesses at school video goes VIRAL last 2 days 273,000 views
by Watchtower-Free inoriginal thread here.
Wannabefree, thanks for posting that second link. Fantastic young lady!!! -
2015 Convention Releases
by wifibandit in
Will they play the true love video at the convention or at the kingdom halls during the school and service meeting? Or are dubs just supposed to download it and watch it at home? -
Young Girl Exposes Jehovah's Witnesses at school video goes VIRAL last 2 days 273,000 views
by Watchtower-Free inoriginal thread here.
We must get this video to Ellen Degeneres. -
Brave high school student exposes abuse and corruption within Jehovahs witnesses
by Watchtower-Free in
We must get this to Ellen Degeneres. This seems like just the kind of person she'd love to have on her show! -
help catagorize my wife: I truely believe she suffers from cognitive dissonance and other things this stupid cult causes.
by goingthruthemotions ini find it hard sometimes to get a good idea has to how to communicate with my wife when it come to this stupid cult.. she is born in and stopped attending for many years and got baptized later in life.
i truely believe she suffers from cognitive dissonance and other things this stupid cult causes.. here is a breakdown of what i gather to be where she is mentally.. * she calls the borg her faith.
here are actions that she does that go against her thoughts:.
I love my wife and want her to be happy - and free. I can't stand seeing her in mental anguish that she can't do enough to satisfy Jehovah and his organization. I can't stand knowing that she has to deal with the thought of her family dying at armageddon. I hate the fact that she and I can't or won't talk about certain taboo subjects because they may bring up too much emotional pain or touch on a subject that will unleash a torrent of emotion that's difficult to control and can cause lasting damage to a relationship. I am sad and hurt that we can't go to a marriage counselor to help us work through these problems because she has refused to go - since they can't make me do what I need to do - go back to the organization.
Young Girl Exposes Jehovah's Witnesses at school video goes VIRAL last 2 days 273,000 views
by Watchtower-Free inoriginal thread here.
Someone who is good with words needs to reply to that poster that says she is lying about stuff. She is brave and should be applauded. We need to defend her on the article discussion; that will also tell the newspaper that this is a topic that deserves more investigation. -
help catagorize my wife: I truely believe she suffers from cognitive dissonance and other things this stupid cult causes.
by goingthruthemotions ini find it hard sometimes to get a good idea has to how to communicate with my wife when it come to this stupid cult.. she is born in and stopped attending for many years and got baptized later in life.
i truely believe she suffers from cognitive dissonance and other things this stupid cult causes.. here is a breakdown of what i gather to be where she is mentally.. * she calls the borg her faith.
here are actions that she does that go against her thoughts:.
Great thread. I'm in the same boat.
My wife misses tons of meetings and rarely goes in servus. Then all of a sudden she's active and trying to go regularly. It's like a clock pendulum swinging back n forth.
Sometimes my wife will just not get ready for the meeting and we will watch tv or hang out. I never question her about it.
We celebrate non religious holidays and do other no no things for witnesses but I know her heart is still in the witnesses and she believes everything they say.
But, how can she believe everything if she is so weak in the truth and does things that would clearly get her in serious trouble with the elders?
I have Steve Hassan's book, maybe two of them. I will get them out and re-read them because I need to develop an action plan.
My problem is that when she swings toward witness activity I get frustrated and it shows. Then I lose credibility with her. I need to be more even emotionally supportive no matter what she chooses. That is hard to do, at least for me it seems to be.