JoinedPosts by TheListener
Normalcy bias keeps JWs from leaving
by zimunzucz ini have been frustrated by the inability of most jws to escape their bondage to the kh, despite repeated exposure to negative information about their religion and belief system.
perhaps it's due in part to something called normalcy bias- a definition i have found is:.
normalcy bias is part of human nature and, to some extent, we are all guilty of participating in it.
When "faith" is involved it is easy to push all logic aside. -
Children and University
by disillusioned 2 injust wanted to share some good news.
my daughter has just got her first job as a school teacher, she starts in september.
another daughter will be starting university in september, and one of my sons also.
Fantastic!! I am so glad to hear this positive story. -
Where are the Young Elders?
by James Jack ini was appointed as an elder when i turned 30, 25 years ago.
which was the norm back then.. now, i very rarely here of a young man becoming an elder.
in our town we have 2 english congregations.
I went to memorial with wife and I'm certain that none of the elders at the multi-hall memorial was under 40. Almost all of them were guys I remember from when I was still active, a couple were new move ins but still older. -
Small details...
by Garrett ina witness friend wanted to meet up recently and talk.
since this person was a close friend and who i thought had a level head, i'd go ahead and speak with him.
our conversation actually helped me figure a few things out not only for myself but also about the witnesses.. so we're talking and i'm telling him my experience and the doctrines that i disagreed with as well as the scandals that made me disgusted with the organization.
I've heard doubters called nitpickers. Apparently as long as you call God by the name Jehovah, don't believe in hell, believe the number going to heaven is limited, believe in personally preaching in some form and the soul isn't separate and isn't eternal - nothing else matters.
If the GB touches any of those issues it would be a catastrophy for them. (with the exception of maybe the 144k being literal; I could see them saying it's a small number in comparison to the great crowd but probably not literal).
My field service group leader wants to meet me
by Powermetal4ever inhe kind of invited me to a barbecue or something, and asked if my parents wanted to come along as well.
it felt really awkard, i mean i am 20++.
i was sceptic, so he told me he would send me a sms about an other fitting day instead.i probably didnt look too happy about that either, so he told me that maybe he could invite some other in the group.
If you go and you have a few beers make sure you don't start opening up about your feelings too much. -
when you were a JW what did you do with your fortune cookie?? LOL
by James Mixon insomeone who is not familiar with jw none sense would think, are you.
serious, a fortune cookie.
is there a scripture that say you will be destroyed when.
We always read them and still do. -
Lorenz Reibling gives interview about real estate
by OrphanCrow inthis interview was posted april 16, 2015 on youtube.
lorenz reibling's replies to the reporter in argentina are in english.. lorenz reibling is intimately connected to the watchtower society and, according to some sources, is a jw himself..
so who is lorenz reibling?
Is it possible that the JW interest in blood management is a byproduct of their blood ban and not the other way around? It sounds much less sinister if they're investing and funding research to help their members versus creating religious dogma for profit.
Is it possible to find the timelines to see which came first, investments or blood ban?
Does The Governing Body Have Enemies At Bethel?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini would think that a lot of resentment is building up for these for these guys at bethel even though it may not be discussed openly for fear of being abused by the gb in some way.. any way looking at their personality and the extreme phoniness of rubber mouth/face lett, and am#3, and the chicken shit coward leosch who won't even show up in court when subpoena'd to defend his faith or policies, and i'm sure they have many more undesirable traits that repel people instead of attract and that has to work its toll on relationships they have at bethel.. and this shunning thing i'm sure must really erk some at god's house and while they may not be free to voice their discontent i feel it must be building because these guys are complete nincompoops when it come to reality and the only way they know how to give direction is with fear and guilt which i'm sure is rubbing a lot of people the wrong way.. and let not forget the issues that are raise when they stole all the congregations savings and the pledge drive for more cash, ban on higher education, lawsuit pay out and etc.... what is this doing to the relation ship they have with legal and accounting i see trouble brewing right thier in the spiritual pair of dice..
As a bethelite I never felt the GB or heavies had more money to spend on regular stuff than the rest of us did. But, it was totally obvious that the higher ups received more gifts from dubs around the world. Not always cash gifts but suits, jewelry, trips and stuff like that. Trips was a big one. Rich dubs letting COs, DOs and bethel heavies use their beach houses and condos or flying them somewhere great for vacation was fairly common (a lot of bethelites in my day seemed to be gifted frequent flyer miles). I didn't feel this was wrong back then and I still don't. If some dubs have money and want to use it that way I have no problem with it. I'd rather they give the money to an individual than the organization anyway. -
John 21:23 a new argument for JW's regarding false prophecy promoted being OK
by ILoveTTATT2 ini want as many minds put into this as possible.. there is a new argument among the extreme jw apologists, saying that even the disciples promoted mistakes.
they base themselves on john 21:23. keep in mind, i am not a believer but i want the answer from a believer's standpoint, please.. .
Didn't all this occur before the outpouring of the holy spirit? If so, they weren't spirit directed yet; as the WTS claims to be. -
Tsongas Center Lowell MA, Sunday Session of the Regional Convention 2015
by oppostate inwe're breaking up the regional convention event by going each of the days to a different weekend session.. the tsongas center lowell ma was a bit hard to find, we got lost and got there after the first song and prayer (just in time for the first talk)!
we ran into so many from our home congregation who aren't even assigned to this rc!.
i think it's quite common for publishers now to break up the convention weekend and attend at times when their congregation isn't assigned.. some families (3) were attending this particular convention so as to meet up with family members who are in another part of the region.
Yes, I've heard of more than usual breaking up the 3 days and going to different conventions. I've never heard that before this year.