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Young Girl Exposes Jehovah's Witnesses at school video goes VIRAL last 2 days 273,000 views
by Watchtower-Free inoriginal thread here.
I wish I wasn't so anonymous because I would love to send this to the Ellen D. show or Dr. Phil. -
How are the JW's reacting to the new USA gay marriage laws?
by purrpurr inpersonally i think this is wonderful.
i have nothing against gay people and wish them only the best.. but of course i'm in a minority of one, the jw's around me are posting away on fb the most homophobic vitriol imaginable.
a lot of them are even saying that it's the start to armageddon!!.
Their opinions are in direct conflict with the fact that homosexual sexual activity was not grounds for a scriptural divorce until the late 70s/early 80s. (citation needed). -
Strange Moment During The 2015 Regional Convention
by JW_Rogue inhi, i'm new here but hadn't seen this mentioned anywhere yet.
during the "imitate jesus" rc there was a strange moment where they played a video of a brother trying to explain the 1914 teaching.
the brother quickly goes through all the scriptural "proofs" and the householder is dumbfounded.
I have a different understanding of this clip. But, I wasn't as the RC and didn't see the audience reaction to it.
I got the feeling that dubs felt that they know their bibles so well and are so educated that they forget how "dumb" bible students are. It was funny to them in a smug pretentious way. 'haha we can easily rattle off complex numerology and deep scriptural references that most have not even figured out, we are sooooo smart'
Small details...
by Garrett ina witness friend wanted to meet up recently and talk.
since this person was a close friend and who i thought had a level head, i'd go ahead and speak with him.
our conversation actually helped me figure a few things out not only for myself but also about the witnesses.. so we're talking and i'm telling him my experience and the doctrines that i disagreed with as well as the scandals that made me disgusted with the organization.
Remember that jw memories only extend as far back as the actual witness themself. An old teaching that was changed long before someone joined but hasn't changed during their membership - hasn't changed in their opinion.
Then, when you do convince a dub that changes happen all the time and not much is firmly fixed, they are proud of that and see it as a good thing.
No winning with a dub.
sort of like this argument from my wife: I say world is terrible and bad- she says four horseman and end times signs armageddon right around the corner; I say world is better and safer - she says peace and security therefore armageddon right around the corner.
Normalcy bias keeps JWs from leaving
by zimunzucz ini have been frustrated by the inability of most jws to escape their bondage to the kh, despite repeated exposure to negative information about their religion and belief system.
perhaps it's due in part to something called normalcy bias- a definition i have found is:.
normalcy bias is part of human nature and, to some extent, we are all guilty of participating in it.
When "faith" is involved it is easy to push all logic aside. -
Children and University
by disillusioned 2 injust wanted to share some good news.
my daughter has just got her first job as a school teacher, she starts in september.
another daughter will be starting university in september, and one of my sons also.
Fantastic!! I am so glad to hear this positive story. -
Where are the Young Elders?
by James Jack ini was appointed as an elder when i turned 30, 25 years ago.
which was the norm back then.. now, i very rarely here of a young man becoming an elder.
in our town we have 2 english congregations.
I went to memorial with wife and I'm certain that none of the elders at the multi-hall memorial was under 40. Almost all of them were guys I remember from when I was still active, a couple were new move ins but still older. -
Small details...
by Garrett ina witness friend wanted to meet up recently and talk.
since this person was a close friend and who i thought had a level head, i'd go ahead and speak with him.
our conversation actually helped me figure a few things out not only for myself but also about the witnesses.. so we're talking and i'm telling him my experience and the doctrines that i disagreed with as well as the scandals that made me disgusted with the organization.
I've heard doubters called nitpickers. Apparently as long as you call God by the name Jehovah, don't believe in hell, believe the number going to heaven is limited, believe in personally preaching in some form and the soul isn't separate and isn't eternal - nothing else matters.
If the GB touches any of those issues it would be a catastrophy for them. (with the exception of maybe the 144k being literal; I could see them saying it's a small number in comparison to the great crowd but probably not literal).
My field service group leader wants to meet me
by Powermetal4ever inhe kind of invited me to a barbecue or something, and asked if my parents wanted to come along as well.
it felt really awkard, i mean i am 20++.
i was sceptic, so he told me he would send me a sms about an other fitting day instead.i probably didnt look too happy about that either, so he told me that maybe he could invite some other in the group.
If you go and you have a few beers make sure you don't start opening up about your feelings too much. -
when you were a JW what did you do with your fortune cookie?? LOL
by James Mixon insomeone who is not familiar with jw none sense would think, are you.
serious, a fortune cookie.
is there a scripture that say you will be destroyed when.
We always read them and still do.