Some members of my extended family bought into 1975 completely. They held off buying things, quit jobs and pioneered and fully expected 1975 to be the end.
My parents didn't buy into it. They said if we weren't doing enough for Jehovah already that we probably couldn't make up for it in the short time before 1975. We just kept up our normal routine and life and 1975 came and went.
I remember being present at many "discussions" between my parents and other family members who disagreed with their view of 1975. The splits 1975 caused in our large family still exist in some form to this day. Although I am sure no one would agree that 1975 had anything to do with any of it.
I was on the young side and didn't fully appreciate how hyped the WTS made 1975 until years later when I did my own research. I have since even convinced my wife that 1975 was a bigger deal than the WTS admits to now; but she's probably forgotten that conversation.