Welcome gypsyvine. Glad you decided to post and get some advice and comments. There are a lot of people on the forum that have been through something similar and from time to time new posters like yourself will come here to get advice.
My 2 cents; I believe that his mother, if she is a JW, is hoping that by treating you with kindness, love and respect you will eventually convert. They will treat you great as long as there is a chance that you will convert one day. I'm surprised that his mother has anything to do with her son since he's disfellowshipped, that's a no no.
If he gets reinstated, which isn't automatic, it takes time and effort and a good deal of humility in the face of disgusting shunning by everyone at his kingdom hall, he will then be a regular JW in good standing. Which means he must believe the teachings of the Watchtower Society (JW organization name). That means he believe that almost all non-JWs will die very soon at Armageddon and that a career or education in this system of things is meaningless and useless.
If you already know how he feels about these things now, that's good, if not try to find out to see if he is really in the JW mindset. If he is, then you are in for a rough ride emotionally.
Have you had him read items which disagree with his beliefs? Would he be willing to read something like JWFacts.com? That would be a sure way to gauge his attachment to the JW organization.
I wish you the best of luck and hope everything works out for you.