Boring and cheesey. They are trying too hard to appear normal while still using so much loaded language and pressure.
Oh, and it's waaaaay to long.
so, the new releases are on the website, anyone seen the new video release?
what were your thoughts of this rehashed drama from a few conventions ago?
Boring and cheesey. They are trying too hard to appear normal while still using so much loaded language and pressure.
Oh, and it's waaaaay to long.
my name is alex.
i have been a reader/lurker of this site for over a year now.
first time i am posting.
i don't know if i have shared this with everyone, but there seems to be a new theocratic term, at least in my circuit.. the term is "final push.
" wtf does it mean?
well, an eldub said that the gb are "all in" with warwick and they might spend all their money on the project.
for those of you who left family and friends and had to start over from scratch just to get out of the organization, was it worth it?.
before i explain why, i've never really given anyone a background on myself, even though i've been a member here for 2 1/2 years.
so i'll try and make this quick.. i was raised a jw my whole life.
i know many jw's in the seattle area and eastside.
sorry to hear the sad news. I also went to the KH for the memorial of a dear friend and loved one. I was really disappointed that 90%-95% or more of the memorial talk was about the new system and how to become a strong servant of Jehovah and 5%-10% about the actual person we all cared so much about.
my local cong just donated all money (4k +) on deposit with you know who to, you know who.
"since the society forgave all kingdom hall loans the boe felt it only appropriate to forgive the society of our loan to them.
" is exactly how it was presented to the r&f.
original thread here.
original thread here.