I wonder how the rank and file would respond to a split or coup?
I guess it depends on who the elder sheeple would follow; the circuit overseers that they see and know - but don't know as well as they could because they've been rotated for decades so there is only so much closeness that can exist OR the GB in Brooklyn.
Perhaps, which may be the point of previous posters, the GBs response to a feeling of losing control and sheeple apathy has been to become more visible and therefore more able to withstand a coup?
In times past most rank and file barely knew the names of the GB and a DO or CO or even a local elder body could get a little rogue before someone above stepped in to handle it. Now? The GB are ever present and I don't think a lower level management type could go very rogue without the sheeple questioning and wanting to know how the GB feels about it.
It would be so fun to watch from the sidelines though.