Thanks for sharing. I have a similar situation except my wife and in-laws have tried to indoctrinate the kids whenever they get the chance. Fortunately my kids are stubborn and somewhat cynical. Whenever they have attended a special assembly day or DC day with my wife I always worry that they will suddenly become dub robots. It hasn't happened yet. I also give them the real reasons I ddn't play sports or go to school dances, or go to college, etc. I make sure they understand the control that the dubs exert on members. But, I don't make things up or try to make it sound worse than it is and I usually provide the dub reasosning and why I think it is wrong.
I have made posts about this in the past because I don't want to do too much and cause them to rebel against me and join the dubs to please mom but I don't want them listening to dub logic and buying into it either.
I think with you and your husband on the same page you should be ok. Show them lots of love and teach them to think for themselves and to reason on issues. It is hard enough for a fully dub family to keep their kids in so you're probably going to be ok.