JoinedPosts by TheListener
Local Elders whip the Congregation into a frenzy about donating to the Organization
by James Jack inbecause of the may broadcast about how funds are down, our elders have been in their talks "encouraging" or pressuring everyone to donate more to the world wide work.. it freaks me out how we already give them a set amount of $600 a month, plus what is contributed by the congregation(usually $400 to $500 a month).
heck, our local congregation bank account even got below $500 for the first time this past may since i have been doing the accounts(4 years now).
for june, we raised a whopping $2400 to send into the branch.. the most amazing part, is that only a select few contribute on a regular basis every month.
Congregations I attended barely made their bills and never contributed enough to the WTS to cover the literature they requested. Every visit the COs would make sure we knew we weren't pulling out weight. -
Advice Needed - JW Grandparents
by What Now? inmy family has been out (inactive no meeting attendance or field service) for just over two years..
weve made many changes in our lives, including with our personal appearances (tattoos, piercings etc) that are a pretty obvious sign that we arent going back any time soon.
our families went through a period of time about a year ago when they made a lot of threats that if we left the truth, they wouldnt even be able to share a meal with us, they would stay loyal to jehovah etc.
My kids are bored stIff when they attend any witness function. They used to go regularly but as they got a bit older they've stopped all meetings and only go to one day of the DC/RC so mom can show them off to her witness friends. The oldest knows it's a cult but the others just find it boring and irrelevant and they've told me the videos are really simplistic and waaaaay over acted and preachy.
I do not bad mouth my wifes choice of religion but I ensure the kids have both sides of the matter and I've let them choose for themselves how much dub activity they will have - which is virtually none. But the dub robot fear is always in the back of my mind.
Advice Needed - JW Grandparents
by What Now? inmy family has been out (inactive no meeting attendance or field service) for just over two years..
weve made many changes in our lives, including with our personal appearances (tattoos, piercings etc) that are a pretty obvious sign that we arent going back any time soon.
our families went through a period of time about a year ago when they made a lot of threats that if we left the truth, they wouldnt even be able to share a meal with us, they would stay loyal to jehovah etc.
Oh and when my kids were very young I discussed with thwm that they don't call me or mom or their grandparents by our first names, so we should not use the name jehovah so much, if at all because we want to show even more respect to God. -
Advice Needed - JW Grandparents
by What Now? inmy family has been out (inactive no meeting attendance or field service) for just over two years..
weve made many changes in our lives, including with our personal appearances (tattoos, piercings etc) that are a pretty obvious sign that we arent going back any time soon.
our families went through a period of time about a year ago when they made a lot of threats that if we left the truth, they wouldnt even be able to share a meal with us, they would stay loyal to jehovah etc.
Thanks for sharing. I have a similar situation except my wife and in-laws have tried to indoctrinate the kids whenever they get the chance. Fortunately my kids are stubborn and somewhat cynical. Whenever they have attended a special assembly day or DC day with my wife I always worry that they will suddenly become dub robots. It hasn't happened yet. I also give them the real reasons I ddn't play sports or go to school dances, or go to college, etc. I make sure they understand the control that the dubs exert on members. But, I don't make things up or try to make it sound worse than it is and I usually provide the dub reasosning and why I think it is wrong.
I have made posts about this in the past because I don't want to do too much and cause them to rebel against me and join the dubs to please mom but I don't want them listening to dub logic and buying into it either.
I think with you and your husband on the same page you should be ok. Show them lots of love and teach them to think for themselves and to reason on issues. It is hard enough for a fully dub family to keep their kids in so you're probably going to be ok.
Looking Back In Retrospect To 1975...
by titch ingreetings, folks: so, it's been 40 years since 1975. and, if you were actively involved with the witnesses back then, the mindset of many was, that by early autumn of 1975, it would mark the anniversary of 6000 years of human existence.
and, the hope was then, that it would mark the start of the 1000-year of christ, from the heavenly realm.
but, looking back now, 40 years ago, in june of 1975, only 3 more months remained until early autumn.
There is a WT article that discusses the whole 'how many years after Adam was Eve created' thing. It's in print and as far as I know has never been revisited or new lighted. I don't have the library so I can't search for the reference. -
Getting it out of my system, a VERY long introduction/outpouring..
by adimmedlight inwarning, novel ahead:.
after a few months of lurking on this site, i've decided to take the plunge...i don't really care so much about introducing myself, but somehow there is some relief in the thought of getting my little story out there, just getting it out of my system.
i am the oldest of 5 kids.
Welcome adimmedlight. I am really glad you posted your story. It always helps to share your burdens with those who cam relate. You are still young and have a full life ahead of you. I wish you the best.
What instructions came with the new brochure?
by dubstepped inlike the title says, i'm wondering if anyone here knows what instructions came with the new brochure about returning to jehovah.
did each person get a certain number at the convention?
are they to be handed out at will, up to each publisher's individual discretion?
Oh great...dubs are not known for their discretion. I can expect tons of these things to come flinging at me. -
I Don't Get It!
by John Aquila inthere are literally about thirty young single very good looking sisters in this one kingdom hall under the age of 30. that is just one kingdom hall.
in the circuit there are literally hundreds of young beautiful jw girls under 30 who are single and anxious to get married.
about two years ago, this one single good looking brother who is about 30 years old and who is an elder married this plain looking sister who is 59 years old.
Maybe the brothers aren't sure the younger sisters are spiritual enough but the older sisters have proven themselves. And the older sisters have jobs, as you said, which means they can support the younger brothers pioneering with the younger sisters in the car groups. This way they get a cushy life, sex hungry wife and the ability to flirt with the young pioneer sisters all day - all approved by god.
Of course, this is just generalizing.
Looking Back In Retrospect To 1975...
by titch ingreetings, folks: so, it's been 40 years since 1975. and, if you were actively involved with the witnesses back then, the mindset of many was, that by early autumn of 1975, it would mark the anniversary of 6000 years of human existence.
and, the hope was then, that it would mark the start of the 1000-year of christ, from the heavenly realm.
but, looking back now, 40 years ago, in june of 1975, only 3 more months remained until early autumn.
The WTS literature strongly hinted that 1975 was it and hyped people up. It was that hyping along with the talks that really pushed it over the edge. The talks were much more direct. As with most dub things once it is decided that spiritual people do this or that and believe this or that then it's a sign of spiritual weakness to not believe.
I think the literature started the fire of 1975 and the talks fanned the flames. Individual publishers took away the thoughts that the WTS wanted them to and pushed their activity to new heights. All while headquarters enjoyed unprecedented growth, for a time.
Looking Back In Retrospect To 1975...
by titch ingreetings, folks: so, it's been 40 years since 1975. and, if you were actively involved with the witnesses back then, the mindset of many was, that by early autumn of 1975, it would mark the anniversary of 6000 years of human existence.
and, the hope was then, that it would mark the start of the 1000-year of christ, from the heavenly realm.
but, looking back now, 40 years ago, in june of 1975, only 3 more months remained until early autumn.
Some members of my extended family bought into 1975 completely. They held off buying things, quit jobs and pioneered and fully expected 1975 to be the end.
My parents didn't buy into it. They said if we weren't doing enough for Jehovah already that we probably couldn't make up for it in the short time before 1975. We just kept up our normal routine and life and 1975 came and went.
I remember being present at many "discussions" between my parents and other family members who disagreed with their view of 1975. The splits 1975 caused in our large family still exist in some form to this day. Although I am sure no one would agree that 1975 had anything to do with any of it.
I was on the young side and didn't fully appreciate how hyped the WTS made 1975 until years later when I did my own research. I have since even convinced my wife that 1975 was a bigger deal than the WTS admits to now; but she's probably forgotten that conversation.