Great post tornintwo. Although I've noticed lately that you may not be as torn as you once were. :)
JoinedPosts by TheListener
Neglect of Adolescents by the WTBTS - Excellent Article
by Tornintwo ini have been thinking a lot about the lack of support, judgement and criticism of teenagers in the organisation.
i am dealing with the fallout of these policies with my two adolescents...i found this excellent article this morning which is worth a read for anyone interested in this topic - see the links below but first i also wanted to add my own bugbear, forgive the rant: .
a key factor which isn't mentioned in the article is the 'bad association' rule and it's extended application.
My brother-in-law just graduated PSS
by Frazzled UBM inso i was scrolling down facebook and i saw that my brother-in-law was getting lots of likes and congrats (including sadly from my wife) for graduating pss.
initially i thought peter pan (he is incredibly immature for a 23 year old) had gone against character and completed some sort of educational or vocational course until i found that pss stood for pioneer service school.
i was tempted to comment how sad this was but instead commented that "no matter how much you do they will always make you feel like it is not enough".
I'd freak out if my wife were giving my hard earned money away to support a pioneer. You're a better man than I am. -
AUSTRALIA – Artemis Legal launches inquiry into group and class action lawsuits against Jehovah’s Witnesses
by jwleaks injehovah's witnesses - group action lawyers fighting for justice | artemis legal .
artemis legal | watchtower claims.
13 october 2015 .
I thought this thread was interesting just because of the fact that law firms are seeing potential in suing the society. Whether that happens now or a couple years from now it will happen and hopefully it will cost the society a ton of money and help the victims who truly need it. -
You have a $100,000,000 budget to do a global campaign against the WTBS worldwide. How would you spend it?
by JWchange inwhat if by inheritance, winning the lottery or any other way, you suddenly got your hands on $150m after tax.
you maybe would spend a third of this giving your extended family financial security for life.
you maybe would buy a boat and a few investment properties.
I agree with JWchange that the GB aren't in it for the money. And if they did accept the money they would just be written off by the typical JW and a new GB would take their place and preach about the evils of money.
I say link up with an existing group that is trying to get the tax free status removed and an information campaign directed to dubs in the wealthiest countries to really put a dent in their donation arrangement.
My mom passed away yesterday....
by minimus inthank you all for your sincere encouragement during these last few weeks.
finally, she is at peace.
i was with her , holding her hand when she died.
I'm sorry for your loss Minimus. I'm glad you could be there. My condolences. -
Rumor that SP OVER 50 are being put back in the system.
by notjustyet injust read this over on jwr that a few members have heard that sp that were being told that they were being cut at the first of the year are now being put back in the system.
the speculation is that they would have a harder time finding employment than those under 50.. anyone else able to confirm this?.
its probably a good thing as the wtbts will lose that money, these older ones will still be able to make it and the wtbts have shown their hand as far as this is what they would have liked to have happen.
I agree Kate unless we see something in writing stating they made a u-turn in their decision I bet they didn't. However, the u-turn story or rumor may be the way some publishers are dealing with the cognitive dissonance.
I had a melt down with my Father over my Mom and Sister not coming to my daughter's Birthday Party.
by adjusted knowledge inlast year my daughter had her first birthday and all my wife's family and friends were there.
my family didn't attend.
my mother and sister still believe in the jw teachings even though they are both considered inactive.
It's not the gifts and attention that make holidays/birthdays special for long term childhood memories but I think it's the socializing with other kids both at the event and the before and after discussions. Not celebrating those milestones or holidays tends to separate witness kids from the majority of their classmates and that lack of social integration can have a negative affect later one.
I am sure not everyone is affected the same way or at all. All I knew with my kids was that life is tough enough without me adding additional stress into the mix.
I had a melt down with my Father over my Mom and Sister not coming to my daughter's Birthday Party.
by adjusted knowledge inlast year my daughter had her first birthday and all my wife's family and friends were there.
my family didn't attend.
my mother and sister still believe in the jw teachings even though they are both considered inactive.
My kids didn't follow their mother. Thank God!
A lot of unbelieving husbands have to work their butts off to make sure their kids have as close to a regular childhood as possible all while arguing with their wife about religious doctrines.
Adjusted knowledge, I give you a lot of credit for looking out for your kids. I know the giantic effort it takes to not only have to do everything related to unapproved celebrations but also to deal with a spouse at the same time.
vent: Got into it this morning with my wife agian. younger son wants to go to a B-day, i said he could...she turned cult.
by goingthruthemotions inyep, he told her that he wants to go a friends b-day...keep in mind it's not until december.
well anyway i told her i didn't mind if he did and i would take him.
yep, enter cult mode.....i hate this freaking cult.
I really wish you the best of luck. I am so glad you are taking a stand and allowing your son to experience a birthday party. Hopefully he will go to many more and even have his own.
I did the same with my kids. You will be responsible for all planning, gift buying and wrapping and transportation. It's worth it! The bond you have with your son will grow stronger as you do these unapproved things and mom isn't around. my wife and I argued the first couple birthday parties but eventually she softened and although for the most part she has nothing to do with it she has given our kids a ride or two when I was sick. I even think there was time when she had to pick up the gift at the store for us for a bday party.
A new member
by Kurteousmaximus inhi... i am new and after nearly 20 years after being disassociated at 15 i would like to make contact with others who have similar difficulties.
my mother was disfellowshipped shortly after my rebellion and had all ties with both her mother and brother cut and that remains the case.. just really hacked off with not being able to put things in the proper place in my life after all these years.
for the record i don't know if i believe in god but am searching for some peace as i seem to self destruct on a regular basis.. any ideas anyone?.
Welcome Kurteous! Glad you joined and posted. This can be a great place to get support, advice and sometimes feedback we need but don't always want. I hope you have a good relationship with your mom, you said she was df'd but not if you two are close.
You asked for ideas. I say start by sorting out your feelings by reading threads about what is going on in some other's lives which may help give you some perspective and maybe even get a counselor (in the real world) to help with the self destruction you mentioned.
glad you posted and can't wait to hear more about your life and why you left at such a young age. God for you not wasting your entire life in the borg.