JoinedPosts by TheListener
Happy Thanksgiving!
by Oubliette inhappy thanksgiving everyone!
i know that we are an international group here and that thanksgiving is an american holiday (and not even all of us in the us celebrate it), but i thought it would be nice to have a thread dedicated to sharing the many things we have to be thankful for: .
i am thankful for: .
Happy Thanksgiving!!! -
I just found out that my youngest brother committed suicide
by SnakesInTheTower inmy middle brother called me a couple of hours ago.
our youngest brother, josh, who was 38, was found by his friends in his apartment.
he hung himself.
I am really sorry to hear this. You will definitely be in my thoughts. I hope reading this thread and all the love and concern that we have for you on the forum helps just a tiny bit in your processing the grief. -
What is the monthly stipend that the bethelites receive every month?
by StephaneLaliberte inwhat is the monthly stipend that the bethelites receive every month?
does any one has an actual number?
For mileage reimbursement you had to keep a log book. -
Comment during the WT
by OneFingerSalute inso ofs got to comment again this morning and thought the comment might bring a smile to someone.the second half question on par.
15 was, "we cannot actually see jesus, sohow can we look intently at him?".
ofs commented, "of course, we cannot literally see jesus as peter did.
You really said that? Love it! -
I'm a cynical, sarcastic and curmudgeonly old bastard most of the time.
by nicolaou inbut as i move into my early 50's i find i'm more and more comfortable in my thick, leathery hide.. please get it into your thick skull's that i don't insult or make snarky comments with the intent of hurting anyone's feelings.
that being said, if your precious feelings are hurt it's probably your fault for being a prissy, over sensitive drama queen who can't defend his argument.. i do actually love you all, it's just that most of the time you spineless pussies really get on my nerves!.
good god i feel better for that!
F off Nic
Just kidding. I totally get what you're saying, and defend your grumpy way of saying it. hahahaha
83,000 theocratic facilites?
by average joe ina bethelite was telling me that there are 83,000 theocratic facilities world wide.
he compared that to 35,000 mcdonalds and 21,000 starbucks roughly to show the size of the theocratic organization.
i am not sure where the 83,000 comes from what would he be counting?
Yes, you JWs are a business just like McDonalds and Starbucks and a property company even more so. -
Firpo Carr's Homepage
by slimboyfat inanyone notice this before?.
for those who don't know - who is firpo carr?.
Wow! He is Awesome!
just kidding
Brother Tim Horton, the new service overseer
by dropoffyourkeylee instopped in tim horton's ( a donut shop) at 10:00 a m today and there were no less than 12 jws in there from three different car groups.
it took about 25-30 minutes for them all to get their orders and get on their way.
that's almost 6 hours of service time in the glorious 'ministry'.
Yay! I'm not alone in this thought. It really bothers me when my wife tells me about some cool new gadget, house, vacation, <insert your choice here> that some local witness has and is excited about.
It's not that people don't deserve good things or to enjoy themselves if they are able. It's the witnesses dogmatic view of the world and its impending doom - but, wait until you see this cool new car.
Their perception really is that they are 'in the know' and somehow better than the rest of the world because of what they know and how they are trying to help everyone else learn. When in fact they pretty much do what everyone else does most of the week except not do some holidays and other BS which is meaningless and get a few hours in service. (((unfortunately as many here can attest we know this because it was us at one time, which makes it doubly frustrating)))
Now you don't even have to go to the Kingdom Hall - ALL meetings to be recorded & available on (if you have a password)
by sir82 inlatest boe letter:.
october 22, 2015. to all bodies of eldersre: use of jw stream.
dear brothers:we are writing to inform you that arrangements are being made for video recordings ofcongregation meetings, circuit assemblies, and conventions to be uploaded to jw stream (accessibleat in various languages.
Ugh. Now when my wife misses a meeting she can still get her indoctrination. I hate this cult. -
Brother Tim Horton, the new service overseer
by dropoffyourkeylee instopped in tim horton's ( a donut shop) at 10:00 a m today and there were no less than 12 jws in there from three different car groups.
it took about 25-30 minutes for them all to get their orders and get on their way.
that's almost 6 hours of service time in the glorious 'ministry'.
Maybe this deserves its own thread but what always gets me is that dubs feel the end is coming NOW....NOW...wait NOW...
But, they live their lives, at least those in my area, as if they don't believe it so much. Coffee breaks? Serioulsy? The people that don't accept your message are going to die and you're having a coffee break?
Lots of dubs have newer cars and newer homes or nice apartments and going on vacations. Why are they doing those things if the end is imminent and they are responsible for telling everyone what God is going to do?
That is why I truly believe that most witnesses believe that they will survive armageddon just because they listen to the GB and don't do holidays/blood/other stuff.
Or maybe it's just me.