What a great thread. I started a thread a couple weeks ago where I asked the question whether the time may be right for a charismatic leader to take control of the organization. Whether that new leader is a GB helper, GB member or someone unknown.
(the thread wasn't too popular and I hesitate to resurrect it)
I can only state what I know from my wife, a few associates I maintain from my bethel days and extended family:
-they don't contribute for literature anymore because it's mostly electronic
-they used to donate for literature and local KH expenses. Now it's local KH expenses that they donate to. They seem to equate worldwide work donations with literature donations. Maybe that's why donations are drying up.
-the technology is a two edged sword. They are proud to use it and feel advanced, but the older ones and those not tech savvy are constantly having issues. they are always looking for a better app to use for studying and synching multiple devices. they also get frustrated about running out of memory for the material they've studied on their device.
-When more than a couple dubs are together in a group it's all positive. Positive they are right, positive the end is coming immediately. The various changes in the teachings and the world news all prove to them that the end is nigh.
-When I'm alone with one of them, only the ones I know pretty well, they will admit to feeling tired, stressed and hopeful (not convinced) that the end is coming soon or that it must come soon because they can't hold on much longer and Jehovah wouldn't let that happen to his people.
These are just regular average dubs from different economic backgrounds and areas of the the USA.
The rank and file seem to confuse changes and revisions with a heightened expectation of the end. I don't know how it will affect the majority of witnesses when it doesn't come.