I allready have one!!! Trouble is, it's stuck to my Visa card, It don't half cost me alot each month.
is this the sign of the beast???.
I allready have one!!! Trouble is, it's stuck to my Visa card, It don't half cost me alot each month.
you guys and gals have to read this...it's hillarious!.
just wondered how many people this this is all true.
feel free to really think about this one and provide proof and examples.
When doing Bible study, I have found that by reading, and comparing other translations, you do get a better picture of what may be the real flavor of what the writer was trying to convey.
If you dont have other Bibles available, go to the public library and check it for yourself. I have found the NWT to be a very good/accurate Bible translation.
When you think of it, the writings in the Bible are very old, and do we today fully understand all the nuances of ancient language?
If you consider the Bible important in your life. you then should really test it for yourself.
i stumbled upon a post made in dec 5, 2001 10:13, by hawkaw, where there are supposed to be two scanned images on this subject from awake!
- august 22, 1967.. the links to those pictures are now dead, but i would really appreciate if someone here could tell me what was said in them?
Is this scan from this Awake? this is not on the CD Rom.
brain size: g67 8/22 27
prime time.
i'll give you my prime time.
i'm saving my prime time for you.
Hi MrMoe
Pink Floyd "Divsion Bell" face just looks like an Elder in my gong, weird eh? but not 2 just 1
Great pics tho
july 2002 question box : " what should we bear in mind when using cellular telephones and electronic pagers?
this in my mind is the ultimate question in the sense that it really shows how rediculessly micro-managed we were in this religion.
disect this one for a moment.
Should we use calculators???
*** g76 9/8 25 Should a Pocket Calculator Be in Your Pocket? *** What Disadvantages?
As might be expected, an electronic calculator is not all advantages. There are disadvantages, and it is wise for you to consider them. For one thing, having a calculator is going to involve some money, time and attention. How much would you use it? In your case the few occasions when you would really be helped by having a calculator might not justify the cost, even with the recent low prices. Do you want to put money into something that you may not need, or that may be just a toy for a few days?
Also, it will take you some time to learn how to use a calculator. You will have to think about repairs if it breaks. And what about getting batteries for it periodically if it is of the type that requires such? Good questions to consider.
Another thing, how might having an electronic calculator affect your present ability to do mathematics? One man from got into the habit of using his even for simple addition or multiplication of a few small numbers. Later he observed: When I had to figure something out without my calculator, I found I was much slower than before. It was harder to do simple calculations, things I had learned as a child and formerly could do easily. Hence, he decided to use his electronic calculator only when he faced long, tedious mathematics, such as adding columns of figures, when working out many percentages or averages, or when speed and accuracy were vital.
Can I still use my electrickery toothbrus?
i'm relatively new here and wondered if any ex-elders (or indeed anyone who knows) could tell me what's so secret about the "shepherd the flock" book.. what is in that book that they don't want ordinary publishers to see?.
i haven't met an elder yet that can give me a good answer as to why it's kept so quiet.. any help would be gratefully received.
Talk about secrets, when I was the Account Servant its was even secret/confidential for the to allow me to even see letters address to the Elders even when they had instructions dealing with running the congregation accounts. I had to go over and see another brother in a local congregation just to make sure I was doing things right! This elder was so thick he tried his best to explain how I should do the accounts, but he used to get it so wrong.
I also looked after the subscriptions and I kept the letters of instruction on how to deal with subs, but once, I showed the on how to deal with subs correctly, what did he do? Tried to confiscate them from me, I used to pull my hair out at all of this stupid stuff, no wonder I feel as I do now.
I can understand why the WT is in this big mess the Elder can not handle things right, I feel its all down to pride, and power!!!
draffenville congregation of jehovahs witnesses.
judicial committee elders of:.
murray congregation of jehovahs witnesses.
For Bill to have his DFd overturned, he will have to show repentance, for example take down his web site Silent Lambs. And stop exposing the WT. Its dead simple Bill needs to do works that befit repentance!!
Acts 26:20I went bringing the message that they should repent and turn to God by doing works that befit repentance.
But I feel Bill wont do this, but just carry on and try to help all those victims of abuse, and in doing so expose the WT.
I must also note quite a lot of the R & F pubs are upset, and have had abuse both on the doors and in public places, I know of Magazine calls being cancelled by upset householders due to the Panorama expose!
would someone be kind enough to post the complete text of the scripture where jesus says 'to the extent that you...the least of these, my children...'.
Hope this helps
Matthew 25:41-46
41 Then he will say, in turn, to those on his left, Be on YOUR way from me, YOU who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels. 42 For I became hungry, but YOU gave me nothing to eat, and I got thirsty, but YOU gave me nothing to drink. 43 I was a stranger, but YOU did not receive me hospitably; naked, but YOU did not clothe me; sick and in prison, but YOU did not look after me. 44 Then they also will answer with the words, Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you? 45 Then he will answer them with the words, Truly I say to YOU , To the extent that YOU did not do it to one of these least ones, YOU did not do it to me. 46 And these will depart into everlasting cutting-off, but the righteous ones into everlasting life.
.... attempted theft by way of stealing someone's bank account.
i would never post anyone's personal email.
but if you send me unsolicited email like this, all bets are off: if anyone ever receievs any email like this, forward it to your email provider's abuse department.
I'm the son of Mr Toony Blairee Prime Miister of Great Britain, my father as just received 10,000,000 from a friend who owns a patent for a Navy Engine. He as asked me to help hide this gift by clearing it through other Bank Accounts, I ask you all if you would kindly consider using your own Bank Accounts, I/we will donate a certain percentage of course to you for your help.
Please send your Bank Details: