My husband watches the ANDY COHEN show where he interviews the real housewives. anyway I don't much attention to it, but my hubby called me in when they showed the snippet of the wt masturbation video and how enthusiastic it was. They showed the part where he spanish man was really getting into it. OMG I can't believe that the video made it to cable TV. this is hilarious.
Posts by loosie
The deaf video made an apperance on the ANDY COHEN show
by loosie inmy husband watches the andy cohen show where he interviews the real housewives.
anyway i don't much attention to it, but my hubby called me in when they showed the snippet of the wt masturbation video and how enthusiastic it was.
they showed the part where he spanish man was really getting into it.
Request a Free Bible Study
by Darth Rutherford ini couldn't help but think... what if we all start requesting free bible studies?
except, of course, send them on wild goose chases?
send them on bogus trips around the territory?.
I actually requested about 5 free bible studies from their website. I used addresses of furneral homes and cemetaries. Next time I plan on using the address of the catholic church here in town. Nothing like having jw's waste gas money when its $4 a gallon.
Why do they make me feel this way????
by loosie ini finally got in contact with the overseer from my mom's congregation in ca, (i am in ks).
i wanted to let him know how to contact me in case she becomes ill or worse.
he called me back after i left a message for him.
I love that ringtone Blindnomore. I would have set as every JW phone number if I had their numbers anymore.
Snare, I had to call him. My mother doesn't speak to any of her children. My aunt isnt in regular contact with her. and my mother moved to a different county, so I am not familiar with any of her friends or neighbors and I live 4 states away from her.
so who is telling the truth
by loosie inso i finally made contact with my mothers overseer in ca.
i told him that i was considered that she fainted and fell while in service back in april.
this is what my aunt who still talks to my mother was told by my mother.
Mom doesn't have any money. My sister and I are only concerned with her health not her money or lack of. If I call mom there will be drama and she will think we are just waiting for her to die. I talked to her once before about her health and got this result, so I have no reason to think things would be any different this time.
so who is telling the truth
by loosie inso i finally made contact with my mothers overseer in ca.
i told him that i was considered that she fainted and fell while in service back in april.
this is what my aunt who still talks to my mother was told by my mother.
so I finally made contact with my mothers overseer in CA. I told him that I was considered that she fainted and fell while in service back in April. THis is what my Aunt who still talks to my mother was told by my mother. The overseer said that he had spoken to my mom and she said that she did not faill while out in service. In fact she hasn't fallen in 3 years.
So who is telling the facts here?
corvette slashed tires - conversation killer.
by loosie ini have contact some old friends from my past to see what they are up too now.
two of the ones that are in asked me if i would ever go back to the i tell them the time when my hubby and i tried to go back about 9 years ago while we were in the kh the tires to our corvette were slashed ( $350.00 a tire) then they stop talking to me after i tell them that.
i never said that i thought the jw's did it, i just said that this is what happened.
wow refreid that is the first time I heard of someone else who thinks they did it.
Why do they make me feel this way????
by loosie ini finally got in contact with the overseer from my mom's congregation in ca, (i am in ks).
i wanted to let him know how to contact me in case she becomes ill or worse.
he called me back after i left a message for him.
thank you guys. You guys are are great. and special thanks to Zid for that visual especially when you know most elders are not good looking or in shape. lol
Why do they make me feel this way????
by loosie ini finally got in contact with the overseer from my mom's congregation in ca, (i am in ks).
i wanted to let him know how to contact me in case she becomes ill or worse.
he called me back after i left a message for him.
LOL @ Skully. Next time I will do that.
My first convention in 20+ years - observations
by jws inwell, got this brochure inviting me to a district convention to the public talk.
oddly, the time for the public talk was nowhere on the invite, instead they had a location and the start/end times for all 3 days.
A green songbook....he will never get a date with a green songbook.
Riverside CA Citrus congregation
by loosie indoes anyone here know of this congregation?
i tried to call tonight right after their meeting but i didn't get any answer.
i need to contact the po.
Thanks for your help. I finally got a hold of him.