Make sure you take lots of fiber for you mental
i wanna hear the word that made you either physically nauseous or burst out in uncontrolable laughter.
please demonstrate it in a sentence as well.
mine was 'enthused' (my fingers were shaking as i typed).
Make sure you take lots of fiber for you mental
what ever happened to Shelby Wilson of Southern CA?
if you could choose your very own addition to the 10 commandments, what would it be?
Thou shall not argue with your mother until you are at least over the age of 16.
i wanna hear the word that made you either physically nauseous or burst out in uncontrolable laughter.
please demonstrate it in a sentence as well.
mine was 'enthused' (my fingers were shaking as i typed).
as in debased music. what does that mean music that is off base?!?!
has anyone here ever gone to a witness school.
you know the school jw's set up to keep their kids separate from the world.
you would have the daily text every morning and of course a kingdom song had to be sung.. i'd love to hear your experiences.
Looks like the link above is for a home school situation
" SET ASIDE USUAL HOURS FOR ACADEMICS, WHILE BEING FLEXIBLE. Often, the first year is the hardest, because some expect home schooling to be exactly like public school. This is not the case, just relax, and enjoy having your children close to you during these difficult times we are living in!"
To ashtonCA, I agree with you about the kind of kids who went there. It was either for really mis behaved kids or kids whose parents wanted them to really sheltered. I used to get beat up when I was in 4th grade by a girl in high school. man she had some issues.
has anyone here ever gone to a witness school.
you know the school jw's set up to keep their kids separate from the world.
you would have the daily text every morning and of course a kingdom song had to be sung.. i'd love to hear your experiences.
I feel sorry for those kids
i wanna hear the word that made you either physically nauseous or burst out in uncontrolable laughter.
please demonstrate it in a sentence as well.
mine was 'enthused' (my fingers were shaking as i typed).
"let your conscience be your guide"
Yeah right which meant If I wouldn't do it you better not do it
has anyone here ever gone to a witness school.
you know the school jw's set up to keep their kids separate from the world.
you would have the daily text every morning and of course a kingdom song had to be sung.. i'd love to hear your experiences.
Oh Didn't know about one in San Jose. this one was in Santa Ana (southern) CA, it was called are you ready for this ......" New World Educational Center"
It folded a few years after I left. Not enough students stuck around I guess
has anyone here ever gone to a witness school.
you know the school jw's set up to keep their kids separate from the world.
you would have the daily text every morning and of course a kingdom song had to be sung.. i'd love to hear your experiences.
lol I don't know about GED part I got out just before junior high school. I used to come home everyday crying from being bullied. so my parents let me go to public school what a relief. But this school was in CA. I heard about one in Colorado also.
i wanna hear the word that made you either physically nauseous or burst out in uncontrolable laughter.
please demonstrate it in a sentence as well.
mine was 'enthused' (my fingers were shaking as i typed).