The Most Annoying thing is when i ask a witness a question and they give me as a response some metaphor about corn and farmers and black sheep......i completly lose it. I dont understand why they cant see that there are so many questions they need to answer and so many things that dont fit.....are they elders drugging them or something?????. i dont even know what to write or say anymore!!!!!!!!....If these people believe only god can judge then why so quick to judge me.....oh yeah thats right i am the work of the devil i was put here to mislead their child. Doesnt this sound like something out of a best seller....not real life. with the recent disaster in Asia can they say that god punished all those innocent people who died just to mock us and show mankind what will happen UNLESS WE CONVERT....because thats what their all about the destruction of this earth and the paradise for believers in the future. ok then i'm gonna start my own religion, which will be offcourse the 'true' religion...i'm gonna make up a bunch of songs and get a little community hall going......better yet i'm going to read the bible and work out how i'm going to use it to benefit me and destroy the life of anyone who steps in the way of my perfect little dream. I know i sound like i really hate them.....i dont, i dont think i've ever hated anyone.....i'm not that kind of person< i've just got alot of anger. so i go on thinking that one person can make a difference. I believe all religions have their darksides nothing is would be all really boring and stupid if it was. but unlike every other religion this one has personally made it their new years resolution to see me vanish......unless i decide to convert and adopt their ways....haha i think i know an ultimatum when i see one and this is a lose lose situation.....
Happy New Year Everyone!!!!! Be Safe