Amen RunningMan.
Posts by Daunt
Hell - is it a biblical teaching after all?
by Hellrider ini`m rereading the nt now, for the first time in years.
and yeah yeah, i know the jw-view and the politically correct view (which, oddly, are in agreement, for once) that there is no such thing as hell, you know, the fiery place somewhere deep down, where satan and the demons torture the souls of the wicked.
i find the gospels intriguing, because here, jesus himself is talking about hell quite a lot:
creationism in the us of a
by googlemagoogle injust read in the newspaper that some 54% of americans favor creationism and diss darwin.
i know, never trust a stat you haven't faked yourself, but... is creationism (especially yec) really that wide spread in the us?
Many people feel that religion and control through religion is the only way for anybody to have some form of morality. Many times, individuals do not think outside of themselves and their immediate God-thought buddies. Individuals around the world have created religions and morality that do not coincide many times with other religious doctrines. Many of these are totally distinct from each other, they had minimal influence with another religion's views. If one religious person or group claims that without God in the minds of man, there is no morality, this is forgetting all of the instances of religious thought that had o influence fom that one religious person or group.
This independence from each other, to me, sorta signifies the human aspect of this and not the divine aspect of it. An individual has to deny all evidence of sociological, psychological, and many times biological to assume that human morality can only come from a set religious doctrine. And many times, individuals do deny it, leading that person down a road of ignorance from all of these fields of science. Unless the doctrine has conclusively understood and addressed these human sciences in detail (which I doubt any have) it is damaging to view that as the only source of morality. I'm not saying anybody hear sees it as this way, but the thought of religion being the main or only proponent of human understanding and morality is just not right.
ID has too much religious implication to be taught anywhere near the level of evolution. And the total lack of understanding of scientific integrity that the ID proponents express and the adament efforts of their campaign leads me to feel that there is some suspicion about it. -
creationism in the us of a
by googlemagoogle injust read in the newspaper that some 54% of americans favor creationism and diss darwin.
i know, never trust a stat you haven't faked yourself, but... is creationism (especially yec) really that wide spread in the us?
I feel that it's laughable to assume that since there is no all powerful creator that all of our actions are purposeful, without consequence, and that we do not have natural "morality". The natural love of a mother to her child (with the help of a few chemicals) will greatly decrease the possibility of a worldwide dumping of babies into trashcans (Which in itself, is not always a "I have no love for this baby" situation). That is just one example as how we are naturally built to deal with life in this world. There are an endless amount of other examples that drastically shape our morality and our surroundings. It doesn't matter if every person believed in God or every person didn't these natural occurences will still surround us (God figures are even born from this human natural morality, if you do not feel that Your God falls under this category, just look at the thousands of other Gods man has created).
I still wonder why we are so behind in many aspects of education and in the sciences. The American Dream may be a culprit.
I feel that the ID movement is just further attempts to undermind grade school education and now it seems, college education. -
Hell - is it a biblical teaching after all?
by Hellrider ini`m rereading the nt now, for the first time in years.
and yeah yeah, i know the jw-view and the politically correct view (which, oddly, are in agreement, for once) that there is no such thing as hell, you know, the fiery place somewhere deep down, where satan and the demons torture the souls of the wicked.
i find the gospels intriguing, because here, jesus himself is talking about hell quite a lot:
If God was full of love he wouldn't create a situation that would obviously end in one situation. Who actually thinks Adam and Eve and all of the millions of children would not be tempted to eat the fruit when God created an assortment of evil angelic creatures to confuse them. Not to mention the incredible ignorance Adam and Eve must have had, no instances of anything bad ever happening in their whole lives. Would be impossible to even understand death let alone the tree that will give it to them either.
Anyways, I haven't read the bible without JW filtering in a while, but I feel the same way as Runningman in this. Contradiction and subjectivity confused as absolute truth is prevalent in the bible. If a person pulls out one scripture supporting one interpretation there are many scriptures that can be used to refute that. I doubt we can get a concrete answer out of this. But by all means try, this thread is interesting. -
Hell - is it a biblical teaching after all?
by Hellrider ini`m rereading the nt now, for the first time in years.
and yeah yeah, i know the jw-view and the politically correct view (which, oddly, are in agreement, for once) that there is no such thing as hell, you know, the fiery place somewhere deep down, where satan and the demons torture the souls of the wicked.
i find the gospels intriguing, because here, jesus himself is talking about hell quite a lot:
Turbulent times hard to deal with.
by Daunt ini have to go to the district assembly or convention or whatever its called this weekend.
it's just crippling to my naturally good mood to think about the multiple hours of bullcrap i will have to endure.
do you guys have any tips or experiences to help me pass the boredom without getting into too much trouble?
Ya Jgnat. That's the one my mom found, I was writing all the outrageous things that they said in the meeting, and during the time I was writing they were in their "The world" bashing mood and my mom claimed it was out of context. Was funny.
Turbulent times hard to deal with.
by Daunt ini have to go to the district assembly or convention or whatever its called this weekend.
it's just crippling to my naturally good mood to think about the multiple hours of bullcrap i will have to endure.
do you guys have any tips or experiences to help me pass the boredom without getting into too much trouble?
ya I'm in this on my own. I never really had a JW friend that I could talk to about things I enjoy all too much so I'm going to be pretty by myself through this whole thing. And yes my parents are going to hover like a helicopter. All these tips sound good and I'll try to see if I can do a few of em. But it mostly seems like ima have to force myself to zone out. Which can be tough because some speakers try to act inspirational and say words all loud and crap.
Turbulent times hard to deal with.
by Daunt ini have to go to the district assembly or convention or whatever its called this weekend.
it's just crippling to my naturally good mood to think about the multiple hours of bullcrap i will have to endure.
do you guys have any tips or experiences to help me pass the boredom without getting into too much trouble?
Oh man I would so love to play that game with a few other people. HA I've always wanted to say bullshit out loud in a meeting for years. Seems like a perfect match.
Turbulent times hard to deal with.
by Daunt ini have to go to the district assembly or convention or whatever its called this weekend.
it's just crippling to my naturally good mood to think about the multiple hours of bullcrap i will have to endure.
do you guys have any tips or experiences to help me pass the boredom without getting into too much trouble?
Ya I doubt I could get away with not going, or playing sick. Tried that last assembly and my mom started crying and talking about the devil and stuff. So I suppose I'll have to go.
And I have been doing what you said about the logical fallacies and what not for the longest but my mom caught on and read one of my notebooks and started talking about the way I'm living isn't the right way to live and she talked about how she has seen other people go down this path and it never ended up good. So she cut that out.
That herb and mushroom seem to be the next best idea, and the most plausible. I know, I'm bad. -
I look down upon anybody who looks for absolute truth through emotion and other types of unreasonable ways. And my disgust for them rises when they try to push this "truth" upon me. Whether it's atheism to muslim. Just seems to happen with the religious folks more often.