Just checking. It should be interesting to watch what happens.
Knowing my office someone or the other will bust wickerman out anyways,,, then it will be blamed on me and his ex wife...Thelma and Loise ya' know. We get blamed for everything...
for the sake of being legally correct... today i was told a person i work with is a jw.
there is a man at work who is not...he is apostate too.
really off the deep end though...conciders himelf a warlock and trys to cast spell, shapeshift and be a jedi.
Just checking. It should be interesting to watch what happens.
Knowing my office someone or the other will bust wickerman out anyways,,, then it will be blamed on me and his ex wife...Thelma and Loise ya' know. We get blamed for everything...
for the sake of being legally correct... today i was told a person i work with is a jw.
there is a man at work who is not...he is apostate too.
really off the deep end though...conciders himelf a warlock and trys to cast spell, shapeshift and be a jedi.
Thank you for all that advice, but I really would not step in and bust up the show. I just stated I felt saddly for him. Is it wrong to say "Holy Spirit...my bumm!' And elders meetings...EEEEEEWWWWW
Judicial Committee meeting. Jehovah's Holy Spirit? is always at work, dontcha know...
that was sarcasm right?
for the sake of being legally correct... today i was told a person i work with is a jw.
there is a man at work who is not...he is apostate too.
really off the deep end though...conciders himelf a warlock and trys to cast spell, shapeshift and be a jedi.
ok, just paged through the B section to find Brownboy.....He sounds just as kooky as the can of pee....No I am not working with him. See I am so ashamed that I actually bought the paridise on earth thing. The 144,000 and all that BULL. I cannot believe that I let anyone take away my freedom of choice and thought process. I feel sorry for the lil JW guy because he is so brainwashed,. I do not think the other direction is correct also. In fact they are just alike in my humble opinion.
for the sake of being legally correct... today i was told a person i work with is a jw.
there is a man at work who is not...he is apostate too.
really off the deep end though...conciders himelf a warlock and trys to cast spell, shapeshift and be a jedi.
I don't know who that is. Why? Did I say something that kills the thread? Dont understand? explain..
for the sake of being legally correct... today i was told a person i work with is a jw.
there is a man at work who is not...he is apostate too.
really off the deep end though...conciders himelf a warlock and trys to cast spell, shapeshift and be a jedi.
I tried to look into wiccan also, but I got so mad at several people I know,,,,,
so they are walking down the street and they are Jane, Timmy, and Spot..then the next day they are witches and druid priest. It was so phoney. I really liked the ideas of living at peace with the earth, but when I read some of the spells "for instance: one was to pee in a can and you put two pennies in and some broken glass or something like that...Pass a gas bubbly and after babbling to someone or another, in the form of a spell, bury it in the back yard, and all evil will stay from the family.
my thought was sure, all will stay away with a wierdo like that cruising around the back yard with a can of pee and pennies.
for the sake of being legally correct... today i was told a person i work with is a jw.
there is a man at work who is not...he is apostate too.
really off the deep end though...conciders himelf a warlock and trys to cast spell, shapeshift and be a jedi.
anyhoo my point was, aside from feeling sorry for the young chap...I have never seen anyone so wacked (especially in a sober state) and how come people always have to look up to someone. I like to hear viewpoints here, but it is refreshing to hear people with normal views on religion be it good bad or indifferent.
Do any of you really think you can shape shift and want to start a cult following (aside from the lurkers and elders, ministerial servants) who poke around here?
If anyone else tries to teleport into my head while I sleep to give me the key to creating a REAL light Saber...I am going to explode!
for the sake of being legally correct... today i was told a person i work with is a jw.
there is a man at work who is not...he is apostate too.
really off the deep end though...conciders himelf a warlock and trys to cast spell, shapeshift and be a jedi.
yes but she does not post. she was sitting next to arrowstar, rabbit, and I and then out front with 6of9 and zman.
for the sake of being legally correct... today i was told a person i work with is a jw.
there is a man at work who is not...he is apostate too.
really off the deep end though...conciders himelf a warlock and trys to cast spell, shapeshift and be a jedi.
You met her too Kay Kay! She nailed it on the head...
for the sake of being legally correct... today i was told a person i work with is a jw.
there is a man at work who is not...he is apostate too.
really off the deep end though...conciders himelf a warlock and trys to cast spell, shapeshift and be a jedi.
Valis: OH YEAH GEEK ALERT! yeah... therefore that is why I am no longer his wife...or working like hell to get done with that.
Someone...(you met her) Valis...at the aposty fest... wrote this about him.. to him, then cussed herself because she forgot roughly 5-10 more of these crazy things. She was especially mad about forgetting the dark side!
in regards to kiddos:
I'm trying to help them with social skills by being around other/diverse cultures and make some positive life changes......appearances are that you are trying to get them to emmulate you. A 36 year old man, working on his 4th marriage who fancies himself a warlock/palmistry/numerology/practitioner of black magic/novelist/martial artist/lycanthropist/self worshipping individual who doesn't know where he stops and his ideal of Gene Simmons begins. lol
At any rate, I really feel sorry for the poor lil JW boy...Not just because he is so open to brainwashing, but also because it is going to be the worst of the worst kind of mindF%^*&^%*....
for the sake of being legally correct... today i was told a person i work with is a jw.
there is a man at work who is not...he is apostate too.
really off the deep end though...conciders himelf a warlock and trys to cast spell, shapeshift and be a jedi.
I am thinking, "who is converting who?"