Viviane : A while back you wrote a post, which discussed "Quality Thinking". Let us please abide by the statements in your post, to come to a conclusion in this thread.
I said that the Universe is Orderly - You said that the Universe is not Orderly.
I said that the Universe is Inherently Good - You said that the Universe is not Inherently Good.
The Definition of Inherent is "existing in someone or something as a permanent and inseparable element, quality, or attribute"
It is my assertion that If someone is More organized than unorganized, it is Fair to Say that the Person is organized.
If as a Result of being Organized, the Person becomes organized a to a Greater Extent ,it can be said that the person is Improving in his Organization.
If this Person lives forever, and he without relent, becomes more organized, it can be said that this person is Inherently organized. Or organization is an inseparable quality of who he is.
Using this Analogy, consider the quality of Evolution.
Does Life go from Better to Worse, or does Life go From Worse to Better?
If you agree that Life goes from Worse to Better, is it not appropriate to say that Evolution is Inherently Good?
If Evolution is Inherently Good, and Evolution is the Force that compels the Universe to grow, would not the Universe also be Inherently Good?