prologos - I agree personally, with the Deist version as well.. It's just difficult to explain, the only thing that i can think of saying is .. That which propelled the Big Bang, and that which proceeds the eventual collapse of the Universe. (Perhaps Matter and Antimatter ?? IDK)
Viviane - I'll answer your question with a question.. What evidence is there for Math? What is it made of? What manifestations does Math create?
Everything that is know to exist, is a result of the Unseen Presence.
The original commandment is not seen, it is Known by All.. It is Hardwired in our DNA. It is Evolution. Do all that you can do for yourself, while not hurting anyone else, and you are faithful to the command. Work together when ever possible, and only compete when absolute necessary.
redvip - None of the attributes that I describe are things that a Man made God would have.
You are correct, since this Presence is Everything, I can call a Rock or a Fish "God".
Not only is that Good feeling you get when you Drink Beer God.. You are God, so the more you immerse yourself in the experience, the more you will feel this presence. Live life like you Deserve to live - Great.