Viviane - "You've yet to show me this law you speak of. All your work is ahead of you"
The Law is the conscience that All Men have.
Do you view this as an imaginary concept?
i am a theist & this is my version of god.. instead of using the term god, i'll use "unseen presence".. this unseen presence, is perfect in every way.
this presence is so perfect it can seem a bit boring.this perfection can be seen in the laws of science, for example gravity.. it does not sometimes work, depending on the mood of some one in the sky, it always works, perfectly.
gravity does not get angry and decide to stop working, and cause the death of innumerable living beings, it just works, through thick or thin, it is reliable.. what allows this unseen presence to remain perfect, is the fact that it does not act based on emotion, or strategy or regret.. it acts based on law, mathematical law.. this unseen presence is not partial to jews or muslims or jw's it is completely impartial at all times, to everything that exists.
i am a theist & this is my version of god.. instead of using the term god, i'll use "unseen presence".. this unseen presence, is perfect in every way.
this presence is so perfect it can seem a bit boring.this perfection can be seen in the laws of science, for example gravity.. it does not sometimes work, depending on the mood of some one in the sky, it always works, perfectly.
gravity does not get angry and decide to stop working, and cause the death of innumerable living beings, it just works, through thick or thin, it is reliable.. what allows this unseen presence to remain perfect, is the fact that it does not act based on emotion, or strategy or regret.. it acts based on law, mathematical law.. this unseen presence is not partial to jews or muslims or jw's it is completely impartial at all times, to everything that exists.
i am a theist & this is my version of god.. instead of using the term god, i'll use "unseen presence".. this unseen presence, is perfect in every way.
this presence is so perfect it can seem a bit boring.this perfection can be seen in the laws of science, for example gravity.. it does not sometimes work, depending on the mood of some one in the sky, it always works, perfectly.
gravity does not get angry and decide to stop working, and cause the death of innumerable living beings, it just works, through thick or thin, it is reliable.. what allows this unseen presence to remain perfect, is the fact that it does not act based on emotion, or strategy or regret.. it acts based on law, mathematical law.. this unseen presence is not partial to jews or muslims or jw's it is completely impartial at all times, to everything that exists.
i am a theist & this is my version of god.. instead of using the term god, i'll use "unseen presence".. this unseen presence, is perfect in every way.
this presence is so perfect it can seem a bit boring.this perfection can be seen in the laws of science, for example gravity.. it does not sometimes work, depending on the mood of some one in the sky, it always works, perfectly.
gravity does not get angry and decide to stop working, and cause the death of innumerable living beings, it just works, through thick or thin, it is reliable.. what allows this unseen presence to remain perfect, is the fact that it does not act based on emotion, or strategy or regret.. it acts based on law, mathematical law.. this unseen presence is not partial to jews or muslims or jw's it is completely impartial at all times, to everything that exists.
OneEyedJoe - What you said is true to an certain extent.
I don't Believe in God, because I fear being punished for not Believing. I believe in "God" because I do not see the rational in Order coming from Disorder.
i'm more concerned with discovering solutions, to Unite this community, and get past the "My camp" Vs. "Your Camp" mentality.
i am a theist & this is my version of god.. instead of using the term god, i'll use "unseen presence".. this unseen presence, is perfect in every way.
this presence is so perfect it can seem a bit boring.this perfection can be seen in the laws of science, for example gravity.. it does not sometimes work, depending on the mood of some one in the sky, it always works, perfectly.
gravity does not get angry and decide to stop working, and cause the death of innumerable living beings, it just works, through thick or thin, it is reliable.. what allows this unseen presence to remain perfect, is the fact that it does not act based on emotion, or strategy or regret.. it acts based on law, mathematical law.. this unseen presence is not partial to jews or muslims or jw's it is completely impartial at all times, to everything that exists.
Viviane - You are correct, there are times when we must hurt others, in order to protect ourselves and the ones we love.
Is this because the Law is Flawed, or is it Because the adherence to the Law is Flawed?
Also it was not my intention to advocate "not learning more, you're essentially advocating allowing bad things to continue happening." I'm advocating people to stop concerning themselves with Religion, and start concerning themselves with Morals.
i am a theist & this is my version of god.. instead of using the term god, i'll use "unseen presence".. this unseen presence, is perfect in every way.
this presence is so perfect it can seem a bit boring.this perfection can be seen in the laws of science, for example gravity.. it does not sometimes work, depending on the mood of some one in the sky, it always works, perfectly.
gravity does not get angry and decide to stop working, and cause the death of innumerable living beings, it just works, through thick or thin, it is reliable.. what allows this unseen presence to remain perfect, is the fact that it does not act based on emotion, or strategy or regret.. it acts based on law, mathematical law.. this unseen presence is not partial to jews or muslims or jw's it is completely impartial at all times, to everything that exists.
Cappytan - How do you feel, when you Hurt another Person?
The only way that you can make the assertion that People can hurt other people, without feeling Bad is if you Literally were able to See inside their Mind.
I may Kill someone with a Blank Expression on my face, but in order for you to know how it makes me feel, you must be inside my Head.
Show me a Man that can Hurt Another Man, without any Remorse EVER and I will show you a Man that cannot Love EVER.
i am a theist & this is my version of god.. instead of using the term god, i'll use "unseen presence".. this unseen presence, is perfect in every way.
this presence is so perfect it can seem a bit boring.this perfection can be seen in the laws of science, for example gravity.. it does not sometimes work, depending on the mood of some one in the sky, it always works, perfectly.
gravity does not get angry and decide to stop working, and cause the death of innumerable living beings, it just works, through thick or thin, it is reliable.. what allows this unseen presence to remain perfect, is the fact that it does not act based on emotion, or strategy or regret.. it acts based on law, mathematical law.. this unseen presence is not partial to jews or muslims or jw's it is completely impartial at all times, to everything that exists.
Viviane - You're correct, I'll revise "Unseen Presence" to "Unknown Presence", so as to not imply that it can be seen.
I'm using Math in my Response, because Math is the only "Thing" that is Absolutely Perfect. If you are not familiar with "Philosophy of mathematics" already, I would encourage you to read up on it (If you wish) It's quite interesting and Mysterious.
Math is either All that Exists, and it has a Mind of it's own, essentially making it God. Or it was created, and whoever created it is more Mysterious and unknowable. Perfection as is seen in Mathematics does not come from Random Chaos.
In regards to Evolution.. Are you saying, that Cooperation is not needed for Species to evolve? Please see -
i am a theist & this is my version of god.. instead of using the term god, i'll use "unseen presence".. this unseen presence, is perfect in every way.
this presence is so perfect it can seem a bit boring.this perfection can be seen in the laws of science, for example gravity.. it does not sometimes work, depending on the mood of some one in the sky, it always works, perfectly.
gravity does not get angry and decide to stop working, and cause the death of innumerable living beings, it just works, through thick or thin, it is reliable.. what allows this unseen presence to remain perfect, is the fact that it does not act based on emotion, or strategy or regret.. it acts based on law, mathematical law.. this unseen presence is not partial to jews or muslims or jw's it is completely impartial at all times, to everything that exists.
redvip2000 - I'll elaborate on this question. "how is that useful to general discussion of god's existence?"
If God exists, and he is Perfect, he would not be found in an imperfect Book (Such as the Bible)
If God exists, and he has not made himself manifest personally, perhaps he does not want Humans to discuss his Existence.
If God exists, and he does not want humans to discuss his Existence, Perhaps instead of arguing his Existence, or his Identity.. We should look around us, and work with what is in front of us. We should stop worrying about God, and we should start worrying about each other.
When we hurt another person, we feel bad. - We shouldn't hurt people.
When we lie to another person, we feel wrong - We Shouldn't Lie.
When we overindulge in mostly anything, we feel bad - We should practice moderation.
When we impose our Beliefs on another person, that person doesn't like being around us - We shouldn't impose our view on others.
All that we need to know, we already know.. We just need to Slow Down, and quiet our minds.
i am a theist & this is my version of god.. instead of using the term god, i'll use "unseen presence".. this unseen presence, is perfect in every way.
this presence is so perfect it can seem a bit boring.this perfection can be seen in the laws of science, for example gravity.. it does not sometimes work, depending on the mood of some one in the sky, it always works, perfectly.
gravity does not get angry and decide to stop working, and cause the death of innumerable living beings, it just works, through thick or thin, it is reliable.. what allows this unseen presence to remain perfect, is the fact that it does not act based on emotion, or strategy or regret.. it acts based on law, mathematical law.. this unseen presence is not partial to jews or muslims or jw's it is completely impartial at all times, to everything that exists.
i am a theist & this is my version of god.. instead of using the term god, i'll use "unseen presence".. this unseen presence, is perfect in every way.
this presence is so perfect it can seem a bit boring.this perfection can be seen in the laws of science, for example gravity.. it does not sometimes work, depending on the mood of some one in the sky, it always works, perfectly.
gravity does not get angry and decide to stop working, and cause the death of innumerable living beings, it just works, through thick or thin, it is reliable.. what allows this unseen presence to remain perfect, is the fact that it does not act based on emotion, or strategy or regret.. it acts based on law, mathematical law.. this unseen presence is not partial to jews or muslims or jw's it is completely impartial at all times, to everything that exists.
prologos - I agree personally, with the Deist version as well.. It's just difficult to explain, the only thing that i can think of saying is .. That which propelled the Big Bang, and that which proceeds the eventual collapse of the Universe. (Perhaps Matter and Antimatter ?? IDK)
Viviane - I'll answer your question with a question.. What evidence is there for Math? What is it made of? What manifestations does Math create?
Everything that is know to exist, is a result of the Unseen Presence.
The original commandment is not seen, it is Known by All.. It is Hardwired in our DNA. It is Evolution. Do all that you can do for yourself, while not hurting anyone else, and you are faithful to the command. Work together when ever possible, and only compete when absolute necessary.
redvip - None of the attributes that I describe are things that a Man made God would have.
You are correct, since this Presence is Everything, I can call a Rock or a Fish "God".
Not only is that Good feeling you get when you Drink Beer God.. You are God, so the more you immerse yourself in the experience, the more you will feel this presence. Live life like you Deserve to live - Great.