JoinedPosts by LAWHFol
A Google Search Trick to Quickly Search All Old Watchtower Publications - Like WT Library Online
by LAWHFol ingoogle has a feature called "advanced search" you can find more info here
if you want to find all occurrences of one word or multiple words, use this google advanced search.. go to
in the google search bar place your search word or words between quotes like this "anti type".
Linking to cult site w/o increasing their search engine position
by rebel8 ini just found out about donotlink and thought it might be of interest to others here.
we are always talking about j w dot org and i am worried it's helping them.
is that true?.
A Google Search Trick to Quickly Search All Old Watchtower Publications - Like WT Library Online
by LAWHFol ingoogle has a feature called "advanced search" you can find more info here
if you want to find all occurrences of one word or multiple words, use this google advanced search.. go to
in the google search bar place your search word or words between quotes like this "anti type".
Message me if You need Help with any other Google Advanced Search techniques for your Cult Research Activities. Another very useful search is
"Search Term" filetype:PDF
This will find File formats such as PDF,CSV,XLS It's useful for finding financial Info or Internal Attachments, that weren't intended to be found.
A Google Search Trick to Quickly Search All Old Watchtower Publications - Like WT Library Online
by LAWHFol ingoogle has a feature called "advanced search" you can find more info here
if you want to find all occurrences of one word or multiple words, use this google advanced search.. go to
in the google search bar place your search word or words between quotes like this "anti type".
Google has a Feature Called "Advanced Search" You Can find more info here
If you want to Find all Occurrences of one word or multiple words, use this Google Advanced Search.
- Go to
- In the Google Search Bar place your Search word or words between Quotes Like this "Anti Type"
- after the Words Enter Type this >
- Your Full Search Text will be like this : "Anti Type"
- Hit Enter and Google will Return all Magazines or Books published by the WT in the early years that have the phrase "Anti Type" in them. This particular search results in 45 Results. This allows you to find the exact article and Page of any Search Term! It's extremely helpful for finding what you're looking for fast,
- Some other fun Searches :
- "Mentally Diseased" site:wol.jw,org
- "Watchtower Bible"
- "governing body" "Evil"
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If you found out TTATT at 80 and spent your entire life at Bethel, what would you do?
by John Aquila inwould you do a ray franz deal and write a book or keep quiet and live out the rest of your life in bethel?.
would you keep reading the watchtower magazine?.
"Make a list of people you want to meet in the New System!" (New September Watchtower)
by FusionTheism inwatchtower september 2015 study edition, "stand firm in the faith," paragraphs 16 and 17:.
following jesus example, we must read the bible daily, study it, and meditate on what we learn.
along with general bible study, dig into topics about which you may have questions.. you can imitate jesus by meditating on the wonderful promises jehovah has made to you.
Rutherford's Hitler Letter - An Alternate History
by cappytan inif you're unaware of the letter tinged with anti-semitism and offering tacit approval that rutherford wrote to hitler, see this article on jwfacts.. so, we all know the witnesses were persecuted quite a bit during the war years.
i personally had family that was in jail with brother schroder in the 40's for the crime of "peddling.
i'm an agnostic fader, however i still think the mob violence against the witnesses was deplorable.
The Content of Rutherford's Letter was Very Similar to Portions of Henry Ford's Antisemitic publications one titled the "Dearborn Independent"
Hitler Said of Ford's works "You can tell Herr Ford that I am a great admirer of his,... I shall do my best to put his theories into practice in Germany. … I regard Henry Ford as my inspiration.”
It is Possible, That Rutherford had read “Mein Kampf,” published in 1925, read the Above Quotes, and decided that the Best Tactic to Win the Favor of the Fuhrer would be to Publish material in the same style as Ford.
Rutherford was First and Foremost a business Man, he knew that in order to Maintain the Organization's considerable holdings In Germany he needed to do something drastic.
List of New Light statements in 2015
by FusionTheism inmarch 15 2015 study watchtower:.
* the parables are all "simplified" now.. * doing away with most type / antitype interpretations (except for prophecies).. * the governing body was appointed in 1919 but will not receive their reward of expanded authority until the great tribulation.. * the evil slave is not a class of people, it's a hypothetical warning for each individual anointed one.. ---------.
may 15 2015 study watchtower:.
HI FusionTheism,
I've read your recent posts, and I appreciate the Fact that you are doing your best to act with Tolerance towards the Organization.
I also appreciate the fact that you are Focusing on Scriptural / Doctrinal topics, and not Personalities or actions within, the Organization.
I'm curious, have you spent Much Time, critically examining ALL Watchtower Doctrine? Have you studied Past writings of Russell, to Understand the Full Extent of the Shift, that the WT Has Made?
For Individuals, who choose Theism, It can be a challenge, to have Proper Theocratic Conversations on this Forum. There are many people that have lost a lot, to the hands of the Men of the Watchtower, and rightly so, these individuals feel Anger towards all things Organization, these Individuals, Jump on Anything & Everything that they perceive as Negative, and rarely will Individuals like this Relent, or see any Good coming from the Watchtower.
As for my self, I do appreciate Certain Aspects of the Organization, such as their Strong Stance for Monotheism, their teachings, concerning the Importance of Neutrality, their generally correct teachings on Proper Morality.
The org made the right move, distancing itself from Types / Anti-types, however once you Critically, and Thoroughly Analyze the Watchtower's Current Doctrines, you come to Realize, that Small Adjustments to their Past Made UP Doctrines, are Different but Meaningless, The changes are simply Lies replacing past Lies , or well Concocted stories, created with the intention of escaping Scrutiny over Past Lies.
If you are concerned with understanding The Extent of the Organization's False Teachings, let me know. I can show you many Large & Extremely significant False Doctrines, that you have Most Likely never considered, or read of.
The Organization has even Changed many Scriptures in Key Areas, in order to Support their Lies.
One Example - Revelation 5:10 and you made them to be a kingdom,and priests to our God,and they are to rule as kings over the earth.”
The Word Translated as "Over the earth" is gēs, and should be translated as "Upon|On The Earth" as it is Translated in Revelation 5:13 (NWT) "And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth." - Why the Change?
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Attention JW lurkers: May JW TV broadcast demonstrates the GB's utter contempt for you (and all non-elite JWs)
by sir82 inin may's "we will never solicit for money, but now we're going to solicit you for the next hour" broadcast, we kept hearing about all the "facts" that the gb would like for us to know.. hmm...what facts did they leave out?.
-- $millions have been spent in out-of-court settlements of child abuse cases.
-- $untold amounts are being spent on legal defense of wt policies related to child abuse.
Should I Make My Wife Watch the May Broadcast?
by TTATTelder infor some background, i am still in.
still an elder.
very much awake.
TTATT - If you watch it with her, perhaps you could somehow, bring up the Child Abuse Lawsuits. At 9:44 in the Video, the weirdo says that Contribution Funds, are not Misappropriated (Definition - "to put to a wrong use.") I wonder if your wife feels that Millions of Dollars in Contributions, supposedly Given to Jehovah, are put to a good use, paying Legal Fees, for the actions of Pedophiles. - Perhaps finish the topic, with "Would Jesus pay for this?"